AM t- -ThoGaien p~Champion Tueedày, Aûgtîrst4, 200r i X IfPARTNERS IN PLA4NNING II FINANCIAL SERVICEÎS LTD. Fna ialPannng *Rtttrrsnt Pinnon OGIC's toi: (305> 171-0120 Fax: (905) 876-2934 420 Main Street East, Suite 203, Lou Mulligan Milion, Ontario L9T iP9 Mwcpe,cvu,=tpc Question: Wbat ls invome splitttng Answer: fus: about everfssd) wauss Io pas fess as Thte prshfemis ias (lie gos enmensu atlSr oser> hsds sso pas tnsre' t1fiersarc ses ra ienrgies asas!- ablee hai seillifeip înn Igally rssfssi fs:'he ax son spasInsssnss' p! ilitg sralc' gies arc ofsctsssed oreIsteamssssnof tax 1at las tobcpasson stossrrn: earnied srsreccved s iikw ti aoudo cshlngbt(Flýol es. butsilan afsss appis flcîueen par'nt, and s fsisfrs' Seonusal RRSPs arc a frn sf dsfss'rs'dmtnsem' p1iissng t s:: alissvhe ifsgis er as paver Io dereasitse as feN pas ufs:! s'incrcasirsg h o [sur tasavr asscis fsrretrns niThesresdrestâts (an se a fsggs'r as te!ursd nu anddIsssvs taxatiosn later Rgistered Edui-xi sn Savtugs Plans 'ifsr spporrssssis ts sspliss nsssiss'i chsfdrett If 'os' knssss hat ssssrs fisdren us!! nsesf mretsitani sGrades'12 s'dss satison, fie REsp aifowssssou losss sasassd uses: ouin a Oas sfsas rarissfs'ras asssn 5Io ots hids tans, laer 'sours hisf sîit saks'asfs'atssags s'! ssr,:nal exemionssasndIsssvr as raie'ssss ota noss:If sf:s 01sf' isss'sisssss aý,n h: iakn atss'rîflow as\rais . fssss!is cni s el i srsd,fsss s::s s: depondense on lbans to fnaissesshesrssssst Smalî Bsine5ss deductionis arc asa iahIciso hsisnesssssvner'. ors asîstrahIs seages pasd to famsfv memhcs ffavsrg svonit sporsc sans! sfiirsn beip out means shas volt s an pas them fsr îfsesr usrk [lsstsisicans[es as i[orh, huss ness oune r and liwoni, u: as payable fsr fie sposîsosrs bsid finleines and wîndfaflss(art ais:: offsr sppsrssnssss'o plussns,srss ifs:' snhenissr/ssuner is stheIssocr susmce sareransithe omsne sv ofI)sras frontosiser famtiy asseis ains growrh oril s: s:saahlei s: sh' ris i fiIII( usrh ohr famrfs asscss sthe sssîls"[,:: shesrsss :sîrsip disstinction asd s an hecssms asabie vs he hsg[ssr ns'ssrcrsssg sposs Nesi Monîfîs ispiv ii sssns splisnsng or ,ir Wauî ssu redusete inteantnsf tax voiupa ! r mo rs tufsormatison aboth mstimizatissu srategies ssrttass iarnrs slistPlaning as('1si3-f71-02 er emake you feel et home" J Carpet è Vinyl x Ceramios n Hardwood * Paint -Wallcoverings Show oom RESIDENTIAL & COMMERCIAL Geraldine 845 Ma. St. E. MIN«.. s.178.4280 Hesketh What Cor can offéeo Whether you he a new home owner or have an otvrer place we think that you con henefit trom a visîl iv> our store. Keeping UP 10 the minute on choices can he difficult hut we certainly try & do wetI in tryîng lvi accusmmodaîe. We have a great showroom with the latest in designs & cotour range 10 soit your decor. Wood floors'? Yes, we have oak but have you seen hickoîry avaîlahte in 4 cotours, and up 10 4" wide. Engineered hardwood is very resitient and il's nol a taminate, il's real hardwood! There are lots of styles, even dîstressed rustie beechwood, and il lu great for the hasement. Moving on 10 our ceramics- we have been bold we have one of the mont extensive displays for miles around. Pureelain metallie or 24x24 floor represenling limestone beautiful decors 10 look aI also. We have a hage. yes huge selecton of remnants, every suze from 3' 10 UP 10 25' lis spmuce up a room. Bring along your colors. We value what you have 10 say and wilh our expertise in flooring whether il be carpel 10 lansînate and with our design knsswfedge you can be Cousi totis. Paint no prohfemn with a tosp nanse ike Pratt & Lamb-leri and a seleclivîn oi wallpaper bootks. We thînk it's worth a vil. And the most important asset only one storre Io coîruplete mos! of your decoralîng schemes wilh excellent instalfers who have been duîîng il for a long ime. joe wit) be happy 10 come clver, measure and give you a quote. -'SHOPPERS Open Io midnight,7 days a week Carng qares 265 Main St. E. RA NVIR 905-878-4492RA Let's talk about anxiety. O'sal]ihssssi t t itsr Issos andsthaC s i istsses'stissaba hsis, Slr :tanthslp ri saiit a :ss1, hair,," nis:ssr liss'sndssicIssi ssi) act aipprsopriais% Sits", an v'seýrs rs'sie nsgastso s'ssIsip: f et ssss:. ss and:sissrs as: iiso s ',reîsssiolar-lrs'.: is', ftsss i s'sh s'ttr1iss'Irc,,Iti 55ittjzl iiiissà i, ii t: s::'tsinto' s:,: tssi h 'h i': , sfi s , olý ak i Ils sis,,in]trisssslssss' s:ri,:lis .î'st b :555,555't i i ,tsssesss lli, dlr r- m ihai - t , t fI,,n r a nd jqaI fhs's.sor a u ':t [ rs't imt'siiss s::s:i'rtt'ir:at:ai.:sss' rý sspomsssssi tssssis':,! tss tai) :' osst-sphsss:cI and in'ssiri:ai iOr:s.: is aiminttss 1r'omsiisai Strmpntss i hitssesc1 :1,tiJssi, i r tsssoigv:t-cs.'tas if br5:55 [s s i5~s:55 5,hi, iots :fiards r eKtso p'i,' habi, ssss:i,e iiotssandsospair, (Il i e 55:':l: It Questions? Just vour Ilealthwuich Pharmacist! iAsk!nhe rofessional Marilyn J. Samuels, LLAB o Lawyer 11084 Fifth LUne, Milton Ph. 905-854-4942 Fax: 905-854-5211 Marilyn J. Samuels Q: 1 arn geUxxg mamTed to nameone who haa children from a previexus mamrage. What are my responuibilihieu towarda herc hildren? A: Wbcu a persitu manries sîsmessue who bas eilîdren front a prenions relatioitusbt at persitu hessmes the step parent tsi Ibose eilîdren. F'roti a purely lega! perspecieit sthie actual rclaîiousbîp that denelssps hetuecu sfic step parent aud the sîep childeen nshtch wîll ulismatels deicrusîno hsw the la s esvs thse step parent's ngbts aud obhligatis. Tbere s u unstated assumptisin tisaitishe man is nîluntarîly accepting the rîphî.s ando'igsatiossthai gis alîsup sîfsh eiu a faitier lu ber childecu Thesc righis atds!biglatiossdis us:!hîsseser replace the rîphîs aud soligationus if the hiolsicial faîber. hut are su addition li Il a sîep parent divosrcs te ibe ltîial parent oîf tise cbîldreu. ibe csio us!! enamine tise relaîrosuflp Mhetuihe step parent and tise stop eflldrou us doterussue ubat isu gssng rîphîs and obhligations enisi Ifthibout determiues that the man hegan playîug tise role of faîber tirtise chistdren. the cosurt mi!!imipose parental rigbts and sohligationus upvîu ibat man. This is referrerd 10 as steppîng intotise shises oîf the parent, or ils Latin eqoîvaleut. inlu Ite parentis. As surfs the man may end up uîîb tbe saine rngbs and ohblgations as th isehslogîcal faîber in ternsf support and acress. îise relationsbap hetueeu thse man and tise utman's hidren may continue, creaîing hotis a cbîld supportobvîlgation and the right tus spendti ure mils tiem. Ans cbîld support payahle hy a sîep-parent ns not rednced junt hecause addttiiinal supporto s receesed or payahle hy anotiser parent fssrtho sane vbîfd. Bîsîfslaibers" uould pas' full cbîld support. Taylor Nursry ~ 7429 Fîfth Line, Milton (igisi ai ifse vasiend of Main Si. Àm - 905-876-4100 Ph I Lawon (,an 1 plant now to get some colour into my garden for autumnn? Nî su'as sgissutitrne to plant laie bloitmung perennuals and shruhs as me!! as vines, sbmhbs ans! trees wiîb cilonrfu! fat! francs or bernies. YvuI gei îo enjoy lisentfisc years lus cousef Here are some sugges- tions front Laudscape Ontario. Autumn Flowering Perennials-Cbrysanîbemnums,' Asters, Daisies. Flowecuug Kale and Sedumt are always fa!! fanourites foc cotîsur but there are liîeral!y dozeus of oîber eboices in pereunials. You eau even essîsur coordunate your fa!! garden lu shades of yellows, orange and bronze or piuks and ced:, mauves, lilacs ans! blues .. Mauy perenuals, lîke Coreopsîs. Gallardia andi Phlox, seil flouer from summer rigbî ibrougb lu fient frosî. Vines -Boston Ivy and Vîrgtnia Creeper iwbucb also heurs a beavy erop ut blacuer ients! are figflly eîloured lu faf!. Bittersweet Vine fias an orange busk Ibat sopens lu ceneat hrigbî orange andi ced fruit. ShMuIS-Thece are sevocal siscufs usat flouer un the faf! monîfis. ituefuding Blueheard. Butterfly Bush. PeeGee Hydrangea and Wiîcb Haie!. Many miore put on an autumu show milfi an abondance of colîsurful bernies. Yvsu eau efoose froînt Ciiralhercy ..Snowhecry, Cotneaster, Ficoîborti. Hi:!!>. Wiîttecberry, Cranherry and Redîcaf Risse. Stuiîl ersfiasse [casesaor sfrIui tisaichange colour. lite Bumttug Bush, Dssgusoif. Sumac, Sniikctroo. Sersicebcrry and mtore. 'TMnes-Wflat wo ufd (attdian au! urnîs ho fîko mthout ssur isaples. saks atsd anfi trcs' Wc flancetisse and ittan ti>sofrs thut mako excefIent,..sud aslisurfuf. issutdatusîtipfauîsngs fior yssur yasrd. Plant uswso su ntrocs flanc a chance tsi goicstabfîshed beote sirterri At Taylior Nursery. %oo van advîsc ysou woihueuoplants uI! ssocl bestin un vu garden sttiug. takîîuious accourt th fe ssii!, the sun ospsssuro and theo surcssiidt plants. ABSOLIJTELY! Pre- planning your funeral is one of the, most caring things you can do for Wyour family. Pre-arrangement plans reflect your expressed wishes regarding funeral arrangements. Upon death there are seemingly endless numbers of details that need attention by your family. You can provide for them by making your selections in advance and save your loved ones fr-om having to make dificult decisions at a stressfùl and emotional time, Simplify your life by taking care of everything in advance. You can be assured that you and your loved ones will experience "peace of mind" knowing that your wishes have been recorded. Please call us at 905-878-4452 to set up an appolntment at the funerýal home or in the comfort of your own home to discuss your xishes with one of our funeral director professionalfi. Get answers to al of your questionsi, learn about varlous options available and create a detailed record of your sishes. 1 If you have any questions these professionals can answer, please write to: c/o The Canadian Champion 555 Industrial Drive Milton, Ontario L9T 3E1 or Fax to: 878-4943