MILTON PUWLk LiRAR1 iviLihe -iii IIL \J2)ana2lbraîîQhamioî R E AL E ST AT E S POR T S See what's on Jr. Sox advance to the market inside COBA championship C O M M O N 1 T Y Region offers parenting help ww.nitoncanatanchampion.comMfrn71 - Fire chief resiagns GRHAHAM PAINt / CANADIAN CHAMPION HIT AND RUN: The A-Teams Andrea 'Bubbs' Lewis beits out a hit during this past weekend's i2th annual Leslie Wells Charity Slo-Ptch Tournament. The three-day tournament raised close ta $40000 for various local charities. The A-Team is one of the local fouriding teams in the tourney See more coverage in Sports. By Melanie Hennessey CANADIAN CHAMPION STAFF After two-and-a-half years at the helm of the Milton Fire Department, Fire Chief Larry Brassard bas tendered his resignation. The chief confirmed yesterday that hels leaving for a position with another fire department, but couldn't reveal any further details at this point. His last day as a Town employée will be August 24. He told the Champion he bas enjoyed bis two-and-a-half years in Bail hearing postponed The bail bearing of a Milton man charged in connection with a double fatality bas been remanded to next Tuesday Ferguson Drive resident lngram Rahim Bakhsh, 28, made an appearance Friday moming at Ontario Court of justice on Steeles Avenue for wbat was supposed to be a bail hearing. Tbe bear- ing, bowever, was remanded for rea- sons covered under a publication ban. It was tbe third time being remanded. Bakhsh bas been charged with two counts each of impaired driving caus- ing death and dangerous driving caus- ing death, as well as one count of refus- ing to provide a brcatb sample. le was led into the prisoners box, handcuffed in front, wearing carpenter jeans and a wrinkled, striped button- down shirt. He looked despondent and weary and kept bis head down for most Of tbe court appearance. The charges Bakhsb faces are in con- nection witb the July 19 deaths of an elderly husband and wife from Rockwood wbo were waiting for a GO train to pass when their vehicle was struck from bebind and pushed into the patb of the oncoming train. Bakhsb is currently in custody at Maplehurst Correctional Centre. Milton, noting thse department is filled with caning and confident peo- pie. "For me, ia bas been an honour to, serve with the men and women of thse Milton Fire Department." Lm-ry Brassard Brassard's colleagues at Town Hall will also be sad to, see him go. "Were sorry to lose a good man. Hes sucis an outstanding fire chief," Town CAO Mario Belvedere said. "Hes been a pleasure to, work with. ltes gomng to be a challenge to replace bim." So wbat stands out in BrassardIs mind about bis time on the Milton Fire Department? "Throughout thse whole two-and-a- half years, it (the department) bas been continually improving and enbancing ils own capabilities," he emphasized. The recruitment process for a new chief is expected to be discussed during a see NEW on page M Inad Today's Champion OPINION A6 BUSINESS A7 CHAMPION couNTRYA12 DATELINE A13 CLASSIFIED A18 wwniltoncanadiancharnpion.comn GORRUD'S AUTO rloo,-, ' " - m 1 -- ý -7wý-e . . . . - - . . - . 1 1 . - 0- ffl . h ý% qq, oh VIVà Xs