B4- The Canadian Champion, Friday, August 10, 2007- I Profile 0f AKiller Insurance Rate Some insurance rates can kili vou. nther-rc %my ilo i. sw Kiter insurance rates are elusive, and hard ta find. Many good drivers are hetd hostage by high insurance rates. It doesnt have to be this way. Poticing of these killer insurance rates is the responsibifîty af your government. They post rate comparison .warnings" aterfing you ta how easity you coutd be in danger of grossty overpaying for insurance.g To stay safe you need ta compare what you're paying righf naw, ta the best rates avaitabte in the insurance industry. lnsuranceHattine.com does this for you for free. It instantty compares over 30 insurance company rates ta find yau the lowest. Resurc: inacia SrviesCommission of Ontario Rate Comparison These 416 different rates are based on onty one profite of a married couple A 40 yeau otd mate drivîng a Dodge Ram, and a 39 year aid femnate, driving a Oodge Neon. Neither driver has any tickets or accidents. ldol IKéV) IL8VI IM4Y] IN6A) INSWI IP3EI IP7KI Look at this gavernment camparisan, taken fram www.fsca.gav.an.ca as showing $1,000's af dollars difference between insurance campany rates for this upstanding married couple with a ctean driving record!!! If yau dont dare ta compare, yaU'tl neyer knaw if yau have a "Kiter Insurance Rate" or if yau're being kitted by what youïre paying. fsurallc.Hotune.com f lnds MNs rabe fordr»ives Tickets, accidents, your age, the car you drive, your postal code, and many other factors can make you prey ta high rates. In tact every year your profite changes. You get otder, your car gets atder. Further insurance companies can change their rates up ta 4 times a year! You also need ta know that insurance companies "profite" their rates differently. I've seen drivers with tickets and an accident pay tower rates than gaod drivers with clean records, onty because they've protected themnsetves by doing their own rate comparison. Be the huilter, flot the hunted. Go to IflsuranceHotl<iin -- . - LE)AÉ OA I,,,,9AA2I1A 001t.11111-n-O 1- 1 yd A 9W A M-A1-,1" -il 99 3à5 uü6 27Î4 2-j3 7- 2463 29U j7'i4 -2116 332l ý116 -28JI;88 34-,3 2491 2858 11 (1 D 4 ,1831 4 1 9 1 8 1 7 -.201 3684 2956 2883 ,3ý4 1 345ý 3104 2àoi ?.87 1128 31 Yý28 55JO 3,03 3997 moi 4ý4U Î-3 uk- ù6ù 3o29 iÜ5 ----3ÏÏ5 28B6 j767 10639 2703 - 3-9(16- m5b 4569 4308 38,3Y 783à 5017 3732 3880 6302 3651 1 ROB 4é,48 4,317 'i eB 5119 17 !ý ý,m7 1 ý ý "9 and fina a killer insurance rat -e. Insurance brokers iflterested in Participating, go ta Insu ranceH-ottine.comn and ctick on the top bar entitied brokers. 211, 208() 2812 n io - 6DM i Y5-ý 2Ï69 j394 l953 2à4- 26À-8 3ûd5 2293 2511 2149 294v M 1 2400 1391 ý140 2',17 ýé,ýý 1 ij 12 ý4ý7 mw, ;1678 ;?661 lý92 15b 2414 49 "'47 2ý? 7 2163 2544 ;'76 l .30à 2-o4(i P62 260 2216 2 1 2,ý mn ý48-, 3207 21 /9 2B , ý2,A ,'41,2 192, 18lé, 2111 41-1 4 4 40 7 5494 3431 U9ý -ïi 4M4 2 -7 329ý - - 4001 4088 644/ 4214 3411 '3ý,3B 48 ,3ý,l 1 1.826 ýZW, 48(il "97 3el 1 o 1141 J547 441ý, 41, 8 4; 42 1 '3169 ý mo 381, 389 f 301 1 4145 8U5 A47 3500 3023 31'i2 3U9 3 108 ýil 39 3483 4Gk3l 2956 1634 4 587 A 123 3bO!, lelffl 21 1 3 29t)8 3 4 N19 3624 2189 2509 3b2Y 29 1 !, ,loig ,'Y 1 ', 2914 30 t 5 2602 ?89ý 3646_ U78- 4à6 1973 2-9l 4 351 l M09 14 3U35 3365 195 1 ,"15 2 2896 381 1 JU!,ý 29t), 3296 ,814 242, 2()F)fi 1 YYA -ý,3'/U 254 1 2778 5670 281() 2811 2843 294;1 U26 2il 1 1 iÏ46 2566 2067 2769 2627 2463 :34 11 2180 1416 -1140 3222 1948 3H37 Il 16!, 2365 i94 i90 235b 21H4 171 1 2874 u