ji fromn TRIO on page Ag shtorts anîd a (-le\,\ ag lie\,as (il i ing a loyola C oiolla wihi dealer plates. The gas station was ecquipped with digital video suîrveil- lance, which police are analyzing. Teens charged in vehicle break-mns Vhree Milton icens wcre arrested and charged iin connuc- tion wtth a rash of- vchicle break-ins thai îook place last Suniclay Police said that ai about 3 amn., a fcw suspects were observed hreaking into a vehicle on Syer Drive. In total, seven vehicles were broken into ini the area of Marcellus Avenue and Syer Drive. Two I 8-year-old males and a I 7-year-old maIe have eacbi been charged with îheft under $5,000 and possession of stolen property Windows damaged More than p dozen vehicle wvindows were smashed this week and lasi by unknown suspects. Two vehicles parked on Laurier Avenue had their win- dows smasbed or cracked overnighî Monday. One car was a 2003 Chrysler, while the other was a 2000 Chevrolet Cavalier. The total damage is pegged at $1,500. The rear windshields of six vehicles were smashed with what appears to be a pellet gun overnight uesday on Porter HWay Police said residents on the street were awakened ai about 4:30 a.m. by the sound of shattering glass. At least une resi- dent saw a white maIe, about 16 years old, ride away on a mountain bike. He had a skinny build and dark hair. The estimated value of the damage is $500 to each vehicle. aour rear windshields were smashed in the area of Morley and oulson avenues lasi week, causing $500 damage to each vehicle. And the windshield of a van parked on Ontario Street was broken overnight August 1, wiith damage pegged ai $500. Rash of vehicles targeted Four vehicles were brokei n mb carlier tiîs week. Overnight Sunday, a 2003 Chevrolet Cavalier parked on Hearst Boulevard was ransacked by unknowni suspects who took a wallet, iPod, CDs and two cell phones. The prupcrîy' is valued ai $500. Dvernighî Monday, two cars parkcd ai a Meighcn Way driveway were broken into, with wallets, cash and cel phones stolen - a total value of $245. And Tuesday beîween midnîghî and 10:30 a.m., a vehîcle parked on Robarts Dnive was targeîed and a Sirius satellite radio and Nextar satellite navigation system were stolen, along with the antennas and power supply: The stolen items were valued ai $ 1,000. Trailer stolen A trailer was stolen [rom the parking lot of Memonial Arena on Thompson Road South overnight August 1. Police said the landscaping box trailer was stolen [rom the east side of the arena by unknown suspects. [he trailer, which is valued at $2,500, is described as four feet by eighî [eci, grey made of galvanized metal wvith a wood floor and mesh backing. Homemade weapon causes damage What appeared to be a Molotov cocktail was hurled ai a van parked in a driveway on Riverplace Crescent early last Friday morning. Police said unknown suspects threw a wîne hotule at the van, causing a couple of dents in the door. Found with the boule was a burni rag dipped in Varsol. -he damage is estimnated ai a few hundred dollars. Suspicious ire Police wcre called to a Mill Strcet home to investigate a suspictous ire last week. li incident occurred somietime beîwccn 8:30 p.m. Augusi 2 and 10:30 an. last Fridlay Evidence of thee [uc was discovered a short time later - t \vas no longer burning - \&hcliematches and a plastic bottle containing gas wcrc lucai- cd. I hie damnage is cstinîated ai $200. Motor stolen ,\n outhuard motor was stolen rom the hack of a huai stored iii a Moflat baclsyarcl on No. 20 Sideroad. police said unknown suspects unscrewed the motor rom the huai sometîme betweenjuly 24 andjuly 31. its described as a Mercury 9.9 four sîroke motor and is valued ai $1,800. * The huai wasn'î damaged. Construction part stolen A thefi took place ovemnigbt Tuesday in the area of Main and Martin Sîrects. arva. I. Copper stolen C opper cables were swîped Iroin the Hydre, One tranîs- formner statiotnîontu [wer Base Line sonietime beiweetî last Friday and Tuesday. Police said unktîown suspects coi the fence iii gain access and theti cut copper cables lrom breakers as well as taking scrap copper valuccl ai a total of $300. Bus shelter damaged -l'lie glass of a bus shelter was sînaslied overnighit SaturdayIThe shelter is located ai I hompson Road and Childs Drive. Police saicl the damage is estimatcd ai $1,000. Windows sinashed Windows ol a local business were damaged overnightJuly 31. The incident occurred ai Auto lune on Thompson Road North. Three windows were shut wîîh a pellet or BB gun, causing $500 in damage, police said. Rash of vehicles broken into, vandalized Lost: 67 pounds and 67 inches Quote: "The Herbai Magic program final/y gave me the means to lose the weight lVve alWays wanted to lose. 1 have tried other diets but they always falled. Herbai Magic is a lifestyle change that works. It is hard to put into words how much losing weight has changed my life, but the biggest change 1 have experienced is gaining self-confidence. It has also improved my personal and pro fessional lives. The best part about losing weight with Herbai Magic is how healthy 1 now feel. It is also great to hear people comment on how good 1 look. " The Canadian Champion, Fniday, August 10, 2007 - Al19 Two ballots this fail In preparation for the provide-wide referendum on hQ tloril rel i bi] faî 1tl(Iou Oitarto lh ic-ln tlt.Isu Thle initiative, dubbed'Understanding the Question', , designcd to ensure Ontario residenîs are aware the refei- endum is îaking place and [ccl adequately informed to tiake a decision when it comes time to mark their ballots, on October 10 - the same day as the provincial electioi i Voters will receive two ballots, wiîh une to eleet theit nlexi MPP and the other being a referendumn ballot w choJîse wheîher to continue wiîh the current 'first-pasi- the-posi' electoral sysîem or adopt a mixed-member pro- portional systemn. The latter refers tu a methud where rcs, idents would have îwo votes in future electons - une loi a local MPP and une for a political parîy The Understanding the Question campaign bas sever- aI elements, including a websiîe, îoll-free information line, adverîising campaign and direct mail information program. For more details visit www.yourbigquestion.ca or cal 1-888-668-8683. Wi à-M