PLO1UBLIC Liq Weekend Edition N EW S MOE denies 'bump-up' bid S POR T S Whitlock shines at National Masters A & E Breaking his way WWW.fImncafaianchmpion.com1 1 ww.k Itfweslpc #A,"REM{ 3 q :v el Golf clubhouse gutti Arson suspected By Krissie Rutherford SPECIAL TO THE CHAMPION Police believe tbe ire that gutted tbe Oakvilie Executive Golf Course clubhouse - wbicb is on the Milton/Oakville border - early Tuesday momting may bave been set on purpose. liicsday aftemoon, Hal ton Rcgîonal Police issued a news release stating evîdence at tbe scene of the Fourtb Line clubhouse -suggest- ed tbat the ire was not accidentai in nature." Police and the Ontario Pire Marsbal's Office began tbeir criminal investigation Tuesday siting tbrougb rubble looking for dlues tbat may shed ight on wbat started tbe blazc. The ire began at about 2 arn. Tuesday Firefîgbters from the Milton Fire Department arrived first on the scene, fol- lowcd by' Oakville [îrefigliters. Milton Capt. Mark Cross saîd lie arrived to [md tbe clubbouse "fully învoived. There were flames 30 feet in the air." Sînce the building was unýafe to enter, it was sîmply a i-atter of pouning water on the blaze, C ross said. He added its bard to -say how long it took until the fire was out. "Everytbing goes in slow motion." Despite the desiroycd clubhouse and police tape closing off tbe surrounding area, golfers were teeing off regularly at tbe 18-hole course, wbich remained open Tuesday Only tbe nine-hole course on tbe site, Angel's View, was closed. "Tbe golf course is running as normal," said owner Harold Meyers. "We're doing everything wc can." ýed by fire Meyers rushed to the sccne early Tuesday morning afier the alan-n company called to teli him a smoke alarm had gone off'. He an-ived to0 hnd his clubhouse engulfed in flames. 111 could see, you know, the sky lit up [rom a distance. My wtfe was driving and 1 just couldn't helieve it. i was shocked," he said. ,,By the tii-e we arrived, the fire depart- ment was already on scene fighting a [ire that was bcyond their control. WVithin a malter of a f ew hours thc clubhouse hiad completcly burnt down." Firefighters [rom both Mil ton and Oakvill e responded to the caîl ai 2.25 arn., said Oakvif le Fire Deputy Chief Brian Durdin. The ire was under control after about an hour, Durdin said, but it wasn't until about 6 arn. tbat ail of tbe bot spots were out. see TRAILER on page Ali5 In0d Today's Champion OPINION A6 CLASSIFIED A25 MEAL ESTATE B9 DATELINE B14 www FULL DISTRIBUTION PARTIAL DISTRIBUTION AlxaanCapet, M&M's, COadian Tire, Pnce ChopprSobffl, Idai 'ile, Suestore. Shoppes Dmg Mart. Sears, Best Buy, Futurssx, Bsiess Depot, Tepe BRlUs, Micheals 1