s. BlO - The Canadian Champion, Friday, August 3, 2007 ý oaies prseawtisve Marketing Vour Home For Ail Its Worth' (f) 827m3434 REALTY SPECIALISTS INC. 3TJNNING 'END UNIT' FREEHOLD Very spacious and brîght to w nhome situated on an o ver si ze d ' p r e m i u m' ï ii corner lot. 3 bedroomn plus den and 2 and 1/2 baths. Eat- in-Kitchen with centre island and walk-out to back yard. Large open concept main floor family room. IF:T Tifl 3 BEDROOM $EMI- DETACHED Great value for this gor- geous 3 bed- room semi. Large upgrad- ed Eat-in- Kitchen with extra cabinets and counter space. Oak staircase plus hard- wood flooring in the living/dining room. Walk-out to a fully fenced back yard plus a 22 by 13 foot deck. LIVED IN MA1TAMY' Village is like brand niew. Neyer been lived in. Mattamys pop- ular Thistle Bay model is 2237 sqft. with 4 bed- rooms and 2 and 1/2 baths. Eat-in-Kitchen with upgraded cabinets and mouldings. Hardwood in the Family room. Formai living and dining rooms. Large master bedroom with ensuite bath featuring PESAMLL4IA.L~ SUNDAY 24 P 87807777 -4 Bd,,2 et. Iu qulStIM M" l s. Mlbd- u om--ý.W» *odqBeautfolly fhoîohed Mattamy Newgate wtth ukoisupdated ktcheo Profesooally patsted decor POW M lkM UMMqaitlcreocent location. This home featureo ie.q i~Ii . geseroas bedrooms plus a lot oerlookteg the ~. l ton g/d toîg ro o m o. V au lted ceilin s ego m cs A E FU EVALUATION OOMENICë PrudentiaI MANCHISI M *4; Brouet omS.fflc 0-78-9100 For Pctures: www.domenicmanchisi.com Om NHOUSE ~e SAT AUGUST 4it1-i3M 6616 WOODWARD, V?#2005 A RARE FIND bs, iom » 81AflM ST Sut1-»1 8a CAMOTTIO.u203 S579,90 TERRIFIC FAMILY HOME Great home on huge lot, updatede eof n/kitcler, w/walkout oa deck, main fluer bm- ly oom fiishd aeut. Just moue in and ente>' For mu.m' n --'- ond*àpmep- "Cdt fl1-877-81749U w m~d mOu 203or Vkl Mset wwwjmmimw ditUm toe.v.w - pidl&- i SAMI MCDADI (905) 270-2000 IndpmeiOrn0 .d . Oumuo.d BDRM R8MT APARTMENT Ti home shows lîeamoel hmeîîiîl u. ure cheîiings onbt el, on upgruded kitche,, wih granie uuuiîerto iupcsladn crmcbiukspkosh, gleuiuug udwuud Oiî 'usihiuSlt Ph-M-ulevel, 214lt,,d cellii heliving mimuîw uu,,din& the s gue's on"Ile/Isu bussua3bdr, bsmî upuorment itonciiddifi-o/ k/ieu O u& apc bIfuikl A micîîuue "MATANT' UILT 5 DM 4 BAT LUXURY HOME This home booste oProx 3,600 sq h of lving luxuryl 'Ster, ury Moel' wîtli up- grede fluor ploni It boosts gleominfi up- groded liord'ooud flri n, oud siinose, 0stuunog uro ,clmth, ie crowr meut jr>' & centre sloud, o min ffr folyrmin ith,gs ifirploceplus 2 miSerbdoos wtiadpeensuite bethl Parkng fer seuen cent ins is on aboluue mutea emo ASOLUTLY STUNNING 5 ODDM, 4 BATH MAT[Ar DUILT BOXE Approu. 3,300sq h t f uu, spou It bosi oni upen curuepilouti, mople lrdced Il, un the main level, ac ourecus ktuhen u/upgreded cab- n efs, un d eA i hg , c b t , o m u u u n î, & bufei 'speury, rugl, ,iuu îutius, a iuulî, muple stuiruuso illut eds tu u surgeus uspper le&telCeesu,41 5 enerouucced>,,r,, includne a muser bbr hcli leatun a5 enuilîe /u,,.,arubue so r'dlde sks & cub Home um~ Sweet Home Whert you visualize a home improvement project it doesn have to mean tearing down walls and erecting a new structure in their wake. often, the most subtie touches, like a new paint colour or a few well placed knikknadcs c add that certain pizazz you're Iooking for. New fabrics, paint styes and mnnovative projcts can al give pu home a ftes look nd'if you feel like adding a new mom or flote er* etrebose -go for iti DMILTON Neyer Loed on 3970 sq ft. Rocklsaven Mudet. 56 F lot, 5 Bdrreo 4 Batiroues Double Car Garage, Hardwood Fluor, Butters pant'y Walk on Faotsy closet, 2nd Fluor Lauodsy Cal or more information. IKIWOEUMMURMM . 11 i kNo nN Sales fie>'esentattve Diet6471' 232-7355U www.pelerbyers.ca "STONECHURCH" 2824 Sq' 4 ied, 35 Battis Sep lining, Living Room 21' * Vaulted Celng, Open Concept Family Room, F/P Eat-In Kitchen, Den, En-Suite jacuzzi & Sepurate Shower $449900, Rigli At Home RltyV8W WWW.Peterbyers.ca toc. H okeroge or cal 647-232-7355. OPEN HOUSE! BAT A"D42-4ffl