26-1 Hav ea àlormatn EE, Nland Yotor Raeion Orh woor more eas p ee woung w i chiîden in a rsation or childcaresetting t 0 Are18 yeaf age or oiler Please complete the job application frund on our website ymcbonaand mit 1 with your resuimaand covarlekWeto SACJels@ymoa£aor mail to: SACCJ08S c/o Rion Edwaids Family YMCA 500 Dnb Lne urnton, OntaroUR 2X2 or c/o Hamniton Doientoien Family '(MCA 79Js StetSouth,Hamilton, Ontario L8P 2Zli 1W MàlmliaSewfoqt*deay quiffle oeilates wJhol'lie dWf« ajntenma YMCA L---------------------j AN OPPORTUNITY TO GROW AND LEARN WITH A PROGRESSIVE ORGANIZATION Local ceramic glftware manufacturer s accepting applications for Fui-Time Permanent Craft Production positions ($11.00/ Hour 10 start, with a contribution- based progression systeni, profit sharing and benefit Pkg.) Skiiis required are strong self-initiative, teamwork, communication, probtem- solvin9, continuotis tearning and manual dextenity. Individuats wilt work to bring out their own, their teams' and the business' potential, through performing many different types oit production and systems work. Some heavy ifting required. 4 DAY WORK WEEK Working hours. Monday-Thursday 6am-4.3Opm 2nd weekT. uesday-Friday 6am-4:3Opm Some ttexibiity Apply with resume Tuesday July 31 to Thursday Augusi 9 botween 7am and 4pm, to: Ail Fired Up! Ltd. 180 NipissingRd #1 Milton, O N L9T 1 R5 Previcus applicants naed n ot apply. The Oakville Golf Club One of Canadas Premier Pivate Clubs Requires: part-TimeIFul-Tim Waitresses Part-TimelFull-Time Bartanders Floor Supervisors P-TIF-T Gof Course Maintenance We are looking for highly motivated and energetic people who wani 10 be part of a positive team and service envirorment. Pieuse vend resu mes ststîng position applied for to: Karen Mater - Food & Bevarage Manager Fax: 905-845-0096 Or email: karenm@oakvitlegoifciub.com No phono Cois-On/y poientiai applican s cibe contacted PACKAGER/LEAD HAND Manufacture seeks an energotic, orgunîzed, detaîl- orented and mechanicaily mînideit persor with some computer skills for sur packaging teum. Re- sponsibilities include. packaging plumbing finfingo. setting up and stockrg packaging tables, printing labels. Permanent position, 4Ohr. week Monday- Fridsy, No ohit. Benef ils. Please forward resuma 1: 0S&B 2200 Speers Rd., Oakviiie, ON L6L 2X8 Fax: 905-827-6375 E-mailt: osb@osb.ca Plume forward resunm to: 905-844-5122 or 1363 Corwall Rd, OakviIle. ON M6 4Z5 or STORE SET-UP CO-ORDINATOR The Nes Group Canada, a national wh*olaater cf magazines & books, bas an immediate FIT pos-S bion i Burington. Reaponsible for sur store sef-up andt flxtring neada. This position req. a wel orge- nized person wftft stronqg communication, intarper- sonal & computer ais. Relable vehiit nacessary Compensation inckides aiefen benefts pkg. Fax Ressu: 1888-323-2420 o-mail: for me oaI w Cpm SALDEWS ASSOCiATE1 S If yuare anoolnng treataittnern hien'sa taut ac madtcevirosenaithave2alpasions hfoutomher 65 tu d CouWernnario, OtrsN L We a ttnw cetin Crissti fagoodrwMs Emsug oaitn:biHearandivPooerCenr. BARSADLE S GROWING Afyo reding fq a uesring rota it fst rere addaitiront Tand Pha ep.s t!no uoe settinge peote and orsalyu esuetho tes app t ucCesurt Ca did nater i tt be1- enrg tic entoCstabie and ejoworkn i fAt peadi qedtyrkp etitoe rqie Please iorward your resume ta Caria@bahrsaddierycom. Love you r job an much as me love ours. Oppnrtusity aas at iBell it nos, eil oo000,0vfor etai team member wth i passion for heino people, Workn for Beil Cea, e rouIl oea part ovlan erergefcte trmthat telivers ihc latestteinoiogy, prodacto and ervces to Caradiams 000V to oaedtý Who ariswe lnsking for? We are crreetiy eekng movateod and roth.e asi ndividualo te fil the fo liwn os oPs.0 -Sales Cosultants iiaw dat1 appty? te appif to oue etai! Ocam: Go te bellwurldcareers.ca we C aple. ou tail 0,0000' ,nee or BOve gonMi riive tOe oi' i tidqdvil aed Fitii an.000000 tiG - la e a dc--9 587 .3 1 elmigMr CMM ls an .pandiri Meaaurement Solutions pro- vider tocafed in Mssssauga. We require an individualto 0pniorifte, coordinate and achedute ait work within ouf dynamic measurement services dapariment. You wiil atiocate resources as weii as perform at administrative procedures. Require- ments inctude great customer communication skitts as watt as pravisus administrative asperi- anca. Quatity and Manufaciuring environmeni experianca woutd bean assai. We provide a cora- petitiva satary and banetits. Ptaasa amai your rasuma ta hLr@gnMz RECEPTIONIST professionat office environmnina Milton. Duties wil inctude greeting visitors, banditsg incoming catils, and perfontsing generat admninistrative duties. Must be fluent in Engtish. Fax Resume f0 Human Resources: 905-878-2817 Medicat Distribution Company in Mitton ix currently seeking an Administrative Assistant for a fuiltime position starting immediatety. Duties inctude supporting the Office Manager, generat office duties, computer experience with various office programs woutd bo as asset. Fax resume to 905-876-1004 Emai: jaliano@on.aibn.com OFIC ADIITAORBOKE ý) dgeý ,Amaging Edge Imaging, a high tech School Pholography company, is looking ta f ili the follawing positions in aur Burlington lab (5 miss to Appleby GO). 0 Data lOrder Entry Assistant 0 Customer Cara Rapresentative 0 Services Photo Lab Assistant 0 Digital Photo Lab Assistant 0 Shippar Raceiver For futher position details vinas our websîte. www.edgeimaging.ca Please email applications ta jobs @edgeimaging.ca or fax to (905) 631-5591 Pemnn -atTîme Fequîred for busy rosi es- tate company evenînga and aternate aeekenda, Must be computer literate. Real vtate experience an asoei, but wilt train suituble candidates. OnIy those oelected for an interview wîll be csntacted. S Appiy 10: Leigh Anse Murdy VA1 Fax 905-338-7589 or Emait: , careers@remaxabostowne.com RE/ MAX Aboutowne Reatty Corp., Brokerage 67 Lakashore Rd. W., Oatrviiie L6K1C9 I Georatown Volkswagen- petitive pay plans, benefits and a greai working environment. Pleasefaresumneto: 905-873-1914 Or emailto1: obgrgowvce I EXPERIENCED STORE MANAGER Fut-Oime sandPart-lime Fox Digital arn canrenfly recruitinu enitfusiustic suies reps, und management trinees tar the Georgetown area to inn our tese. Mot ha etuiar and 2-yearu sates esperence. Pieuse tas masume to: 4164367181 - Ormi:hmanruources@foxwimesu FINO The PerfectFit Wiih A Cameer Ai ff5.1WG AMN JENNY CRAIG! Now Hiring In Burlington Immediate openisgs in the area fer WEIGHT LOSS CONSULTANTS/ SALES & CUSTOMER SERVICE postions. We otfer a tatl rangeaif bene- fits alin sa n and fst paced ennirosment. Paid Training - Advancamant Oppty -Haahh/Ontai Insurance & more! Must hasesaies or customner service eap and be able to mark some nîghts/wknds. For an immediate interview cati: 1-8845-9675 Or appiy ontine: www.jennycraig.greatjob.net Ref Media Code: BBP, Job Code AM01C EQE bMetroland Media Group Ltd. The Milton Canadian Champion, a division of Metroiand Media Group lnc., is seeking an experienced UNSIDE SALES REPRESENTATIVE The quahifled candidate will be a motivated, independent, self-starter with previous tetephone salas experience. You neill possess excellant written and verbal communication skills and be familiar with Microsoft applications. In this rote, you wili be customer focused and will buiid sfrong reiationships with new clients by ensuring that their advartising naeds are met. You neiti be goal-oriented and capable of meeting regular monthly budgets within a deadline focused environment. If you wouid ike f0 work for a leader in the media industry, this opportunity may be the right one for you. We offer a competittve compensation package and benefits as watt as possibitities for future career growth. If lntereste, plisse forward your resumne no later tfaan August 15, 200710o: Wendy McNab, Advee-tslng Dîrector wm ab@lltnçnadWanhmpkaCM We appreciate the interest of ail applicants however on/y those selecteci for an interview wil be contacted. No phone oeis or agendaes please. r 2-lThe Canadien Champion, FridaY August 03, 2007 . mdlH* M Tedual Heip LOOKING FOR AÀ :1j i] Aimal-Lyers ¶CHALLFNGtINfi Pw' ý' lil' Wanted! Rnvto opn ERTR tàfL~ M N P O T N Î ? i enthusiastic indivduals in Burlinglon 10 151k wth iîaüLs.Must rave own iransporfainon andid fols aed ie Il [VIloi üsy l W recVIrtý ok owes aotthe esceptional nutritional a benetit. Cn>mpet . tam med.rpactsc ing tor personable, Th YMCA 0f HInhtten/fltnto1 of benefts of Science Diet/E brand pet foods. Cai Lary a:905-864-1274 I cosm services. Exp. Oakil/Mlo motivated, reiabte j ai-tmepoiton mvdig cesai ~!As part of or team, yoa wiltwork in premiurnpet r0 0-M-1ki l5wdbFulld phonodvduaserfn 1 cbtdn Postiosee idnth ag ensedcr toftre n-ekns ddtoa wedyomnn(training prsvided>. Pes al with a young exctting chW m h gs o.8-12 years. 1 sil. I f yu ove pets and woatd ike an Modernm neil 958600 The succ 1sulcandidates wid ha entJiuMsfitc I exciling part-timre jotbthat offers great pay aeoatd - * i atmospbeueiness. areative, child focuisad and ale te worlc witlin a1 flexible hours, contact us by fax (416) 444-2776 Permanent/ fuitlml eoatr h DOE+ benefils. E111al no I fexbl sheut. espo defrnsiitti n e 1 O~~ akvitte, Burlingion, and Hamilton area Enmii to: to place your ad in -at:ils *wPerviisio of c__________as_____s,________ required for busy Ptumbtng Mart. nflia@cofSco.ca gm ww Fx:954-17 dvloietadministration and wortnng as p1t Must be stitted in tiiing, drywatt, ptumbing 1Yodo r ra. cail 905.878.2341 peaett.eloIIN.HIDiver.sa and carpentry. Must have your own ofteYf col.AeCik aeta. PraetFT Cass DZ Driver (AZ an asset). trnportation and totis. ~j ae t, ~ Sl.eu - Dyshiff, weekends off, medica/ dentat,FaReuet:953-58 I ~If you: pension, profit sharing. ora e to nev: 905-639-106 ____________________________ 1 Mut sunste current drive's ahetract rctiPtrfo neviw 0r697u 1