Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 3 Aug 2007, p. 18

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Al 8 - The Canadian Champion, Fniday, August 3, 2007 a7/ t, O . ,- e - n îr~'t~ i ~ ~ ~flt~ i~qi*io*i~. L/U«~U~ c~OCe4 L'i4<4 Storage Spot Kosl Glass i5 Starage Spt tarttd aff troag and noter Isakoit back- Femanita Cabra scaroit 2 goalsanadi Davidt Thamptan csrod 3 with a beatty in tht lat second hal ging right oser tht goalitas heait. Danielle Muchluk dit a lttof wtrh se tht far ide stapping al tht ahts ahe faced Tlm Hnton's Royal Bue A Designers Touch Grtat gaalteading by lima' Tatiana Pryce anit Thomas Harper Tîma goal crer as Gabe Coalambe. Thomas Harper hait hîs frt real break- amap. Anlali Punia aheei a great husale. Deigatra Tauch goal scarer was Kyle Sambitsa Ttm Hrons YIllw 2 TIm Hrlons Royal BIse 1 Scaners fan Yeiiaw wmetJashua Strotheras ad Jamît Mok. Piaiag a trong game in goal ment Alesa Kiusaîs and Jamît Moank, and thent wss sanit gasi huatte shows by Aiiyah McGtt Bise goal carer mas Roala Tracy andt thent as same trang goaal- teaaditig ram Gabe Colombe anitPtttr Crottas A DesIgners Tooch 2 Hut Chysir 2 Designers Tuch Klt Sambitsa scareit bath goals mhle rother Nchlas Sambiesan papeit great ieerse anit Johaa Daniela kepa Il close ia goal, Ethas Dscîsla anit Zachary Bagent scoreit goals tan Chrysier mhle Dosan Bisson und itertra Nishîmara playeit taataotîc ieterse.Chrysers Rianna Camphell itemanotratei t sot ish ont goaaheaing Don MacRo. S5mb Pares 4 Hunt Chyster 2 An action pachoit gume took place betmten bath teamo, Goal scarers tan State Farm sn tht fiat hait ent Jeff Kernchan mîah 1 unit Ethas Ianp ith 2 unit tan Hast Chrysler Ethan Riz laI the second hait Ivary scoreit s 3rîl goal unit Zachary Bogaut scoreit ton Hunt. Huilas Recyciug 1 Royal LoPage 2 Jessica Amrosnand ni Sammie Tenry ent a tance ta e recýoneit mth ton LePage, each soang a goal tespite Hatar's aesome goatering Dp Zara Vakîl Excellent gaaltening hy LePagen Mchelle Manoaiek helit Hatan ta are goal hy Mlts Henitersnn Congratulatioîns ta LtPage's Ethan Anirtms tan btîng an excellent teani player HunI Chryster t La Rose1 Bth ttams plapeit a realp trang gamt n le tt tan Hunt Chrysier mtre Isabtila Treviaon unit Zachary Sages .Bth pisytro plapeit reaitp mtll aliawing anip t goal scartit by La Rses Brenitas Mameli. Grtat hstit an tht itit by Hats tianaa Campbell, Marîusz Bczkawski, Ethan Di Scialoaunit Corwin PuekesuAuto1 Peler Hodge Transorut1 PHT goaskeeper Damenîc Wistk worlîti hard is tht frt hait nt ailsmîng a shts rn. Panlsitm goalies Michatl Urss unit Curtis Dragt bth taught hain set, uiiawîng sniy osatin. Partiew's Basake Abitasi apeneit tht scaing but saan altr PHT's Ethan Knatt tit tht game t ut -t Peler Hndge 5 Ties Hrlons White 0 Goals by James Prem unit Etha Katt(2) ent fan- tastic as thiat as al as needeit fon thîs in aven Whit. A latt goal by Ethan Kasa ealeit tht actarp. Great goaaeniting an bth ides by Gritin Bail unit Hannah Cain of White anit Adam Ktyra mith a shat sut Royal LePage 3 Applauce Depot S Despte thte effots af Appliance goauies Emma Ledrtm unit Jacques Arriffin Trottier tar Appliance, tht speeitp legs andt trang itesîre af LePages Ethat Anitremscauseit ail 3 goaula ta e scareit bp him. Ecellent attempto maite hy Appliancen Bten McAdtam anit Hapiten Markasîch kept LtPage'o Jessica Ambrassai buap in goal TIes Hrlans :Lime Greeni Wallace Pontiac Bulck Cudlltac 3 Rachel Beetham an tht Walace goaul shameit her ath- ieticîsm andt mas anip heatea once an a hart ohot tram lim PaSsans Brueiten Gaasaiats. limas goalies Jaaquim Rebeloanadi Liam Dabosa stappeit manp abts bt eatntuait tht pressant paît aHf mith Laca Raitlia fiaiing tht back of tht net thrte times Tion HrtonnoWhite 1 Montessort Schnnl Yelluw5 Montessoari scarers wtre Nichatas Strachaa (t), Kupite Pryce (2> unit Nathan St. Germaine (2), Whte's Chanteile Parker dit hea beat scaing tht single goal ton er team. Mackaela Paffersen, Mattea Camaru unit Hannah Cala pttecteit thet im Hortana goal as dit Rpan Taitdi Michael Tataryn tan Montessori Schsal. Lobluwn ns Parkiew Auto Labiama scorers ment Nicolas Patilia ait Athany Pita. Parlitm goales Matlbem Denneny unit Emilua Meiteiros made sanie excellent suons. Luke Myronum ait Coitp Bansma ram Labiama pispeit mol in goal keepung Parkitm AutsoRfftht acan- boasait itîe ther hait mark AuIsten & Noble Insurance Hunt Chrysleri Taylor Chautemsaunit Tristan Hughes tht goastsiig tandem trom Austen & Nobe aitdRusns Camipbell unit Danota Bissas tht goauteaders ram Hunt Chapsier ra hoappisuited torsa great osmt Zachsry Tar scareit tht goalitan Austen & Noble ait Megun Brres replueit tan Hunt Chryslen. Austen & Noble inourance 7 KCK Teamwear 2 Austen & Nobitas Brooklyn Ryder huit tht gsmt ot ber Ilite, scanung ail 7 goals. Amliîe Broandat an Moar of KCK Temmtsr pal n taceptunasi tforts soit maitt namersas rushes mth tht hall. Bth ttams' goalies, Mudelîne Boers, Kttîpa Madigan, Kyle Gsugh unit Japiten Grtene, madte numeraus gretsasees. Austen & Noble lusurance 7 A Denigners Toocb 2 Aslenh' goulues Mthus Deaostanit Taylor Chutenis taneit amap aiumeroun scanîng opportunutues Designers Tooch goaules Koriîs Rota unit Kyle Sumblesan mute niuny gret ases. Austen'n scur- ens meetZscharp Tarraunit Booklyn Ryder mth mul- tiple goals unit Katelpa Bamers mth onte Designers Toach scarers ment Bret Mthesonandi Nichulan Sambleson La Rose Bakery Tim Horion Goalkeepens Puni s Gabe ColoniSe and Aes Luep unit La Rses Jack Kuatîl unit Andrilu Larari pîsotO exceptuanaily melI Lu Rses Shapre Srnîîtn hait ui esctung heakamuy goal and Katue Enaîn deotnnstrun- et great iteenne Pi s Ronun Trurep playet mreut atfence mhuie Peluce Lasurnn enionstrurei sannie gouit hustlîng ftbaihll Lime Green Ties Horion 6 White Tlm Horion 0 White huit same great dinbbliung dont Sp many ut theur piapers. but colta 't senm ta stop Nkola Pacenoîc mho scareit S goals unit JoritanSherman mho scoreit une. Brogyn Pncty pisytit a strang game, mhile James Emery unit Jordan Shtrman stappet eserythinq tht came theur msp n goaul, Storage Spoti Tlm Horion': Lime Gresn Thî s as art-match of tht atrp trst gume ai tht stasan, mhîch resaiteit un a te game. t seems thut s ham tht bath teaso oult est op agaîni Scarers ent Storuge Spth Fernandoa Cabra unit Lime Greens Nicoas ucenavîc. Goules ment David Thampse, Antre tisman und itNcoas ucenasuc Terry Ruwiey Mechusical Inc. 5 Nriibalte Farmo 2 Terpo goulue Jasais Cnipps dît s greut lah n tht tîrt huit Nrthgatt goalteniter Ncole Rosux mas outtandiig. Trrp's KpIe Harris & Tresan banis huit s great game mith 2 goals tacs PTalor Lemaire atarteit Terrps ltait mth tht tîrst goal. Nrthgtt's Zbrshîm Pukîl huit 2 greut goals Ties Horions Redi 2 Ties Horions Yeiiow 0 Reits rystyn Maghal ait Tyler Amurai scareit tht asiy tmo. eiiomP Ailson Beamont unit Coassa Yeung ait Tpler Ara) aitdNchlas Aliep dîta gatat job in set. Specîsl mtntion ta Joh Bernait Julia Cînselu uanit bIens Spehar Oxford Leuruing 4 Muis Wlding à Fabricating 0 Datant goalies Matthem Andtremsaunit Tara-Lpr Dams unitMais goalîta Pasessu Camarata unit Matthem Fraacsco ail piapeit hart. Aiea Anastaisa scaneit tht int goaulftanxfoelandunitrght behînit Aiea, Loke DAititrio came an mith 3 goaulata gise us Tim Horions Forest Green ns. Boston Pizza Orange A mel taught game ram bth ides sam excellent saues tram Greta's Sami DeBraîn and Surah Baehmer as meil as tramt Drunges Treil Laertace ait Noah Spoater Greena oaao goals came tram top scaren GearditîtSpkea. Orage goals came tram Tpreil Laerence unit Katît Knamlen Tim Horions Forest Grees 5 PMG Sky Bite 7 A saper gume tram bth ides mth 5 goaula tram greens GearditîtSpktsunit 7 goaulatramt KPMG's Scott Ramsay. Gaea s Lenan Harrison unit Canep Pan de Sante mernfnin tht goal savîng depant- ment mhie Jarpit Tanner unit Bnîans Pistea ment bardaso beat in net tan bise. Tlm Horions yeitow 3 Tim Htrions White B helloon Lucas Luoder scarei twtmaunitBurke Wison tarned hîs trnt goal oi the peur an a trong corner kick tram Canner Yenig. Athough helit scoreles Alisn autamont husntdunit presenteit Tyler Tate frani ponîng White on the carebourd Whit's Meugan Maxmel undt Krtîn Buley showtS pense- oerunice unit iesîre Tim Horons Nuny 2 Hiîherlietd Prepuratory Schsst *2 Justîie PevsanditAntre Loloonia tonOthe. back of the net tan Pie Hitherieli sputad ntht iant haît Tii n keeperan ul ai bc and Sabrnan Bochkamnki kept Pie Hirnertielia scarîng toau mini- mum, Hithenitlit gouikeepera Mauisonî Harley an0 Joshua Geniier ittU7 Rutfiles 5 ROI Capitat 1 RBELS goalies Ran HîntranditLiani Hiat dît un excellent job, thep ent kept busp bp Ratfina Rpsan P Lsunp, Chrîtapher Mchueinon unit Max Richards mha polei oRf tht 5 goas.n espîte sanie brave nases maite bp Rotfins Msggîe HamîftoanditMtes iteLimu, Apan Hîntan mas stîli abt ta s5caneiit al but tais Pcenoîc unit Aiea Brama goals Snbeys ns. Fis Chutce Protesstonai Strang gostenditîg bp Frst Choices Cannar Cangrave unit Arpan Shurmu Sabepo scarer mus Nick Ghuabsghi und itFrat Choîce'a mas Canrr Coagrose. Excellent goustenditîg by Sabepo PHannias Smith.Putsaning hastie nhamn bp Sabepos Nîchoas Cabral, Tpe Wilson unit Brapiten Wtsstling. as meli us Frot Chices Jack fat unit Mrcus Ktmp Sobeys S5 Tis Horions White 2 Biîssas RmîuhHnnah Apero, Aidan Campbell unit Brapitea Wesaelîng 2) paoîdeit tht ncaring tan Sabep s mhle Kle Rapmonit ait Loka tWells pravîd- eit salît goatening. White scarens ment Brandonn Jeboan saitJcob Hoard. Gensan Tanga salît itetenoîve Pap mss s boan ta tht gosPtening tan- dem af Khumron Bake unit RiepTrtns Hitherfleld Prepatory Scheel 2 Plulemnaker 0 Strosg itetensîse plap bp Hithertieliti Joeph Cagîna unit Maditson Hsrlep ait gssitesiîg bp Sabrysu Dausilaitn Spencer Pakaies kept tht Pistemakea sttack scarelesa. Piatemaker gtaiies Daniel Marchant andt Anirew Court maite same great taxes siiaming Hitherfielit snip ose goal bp Benamin Bteihoandunitestbp Jacob Edmarits KVD 2 Milton Chrysier 2 KVD goastenitera Hsnnah Mimner unit Ishoan Gadhi uliameit anip ast goal each, mhit MCDo Owen Pan Riet Poap ait Shunt Mangatîch wmetquaiipcaps- hie an set. KVODoHupitea Psmaep provîdeit excel- lent iettase, as dît MCDos Ethan Buter lsaan Gadhi scarei twtict tan KVD ait Kpie Drage soreit aice ton MCD, RI11 1 Credil Vlley Sbrine Club 7 Gino: Pizza 4 Shrnr scorens ment Benoît Ruant (2), Clis TheriasfO (t), Dumos Louizas (2), Tistan Rchardsoon (t) ait Tyler Tasa(t), ait sconers fan Gusa's Pizza otre Feuix Grase) (3) and Michael Cashs (t). Shauner gauluts ment Trstas snit Alexandter, unit keepero ton Gîno's Pizza ment Anthony unit Aszib. Great garme! JuIy 241h West Windows anti Doues 3 Credît Valley Orise Club1 Shrner scorea mas Pumas Louizas (t),unit West Wndoms scannas ment Matthem Evans (2) unit Pait Blackburn (t). Shaînen ktepens mers Pumas Louizos ant Marras Mlnasresuc. West Windows & Doors 3 Zakos Pharmacy 4 A dynamite ganie tram Zut n DaioaHeounien munag îng ta net ail 4 nf theun goals. Great itetesse tram Justin unit Matthew Pereira unit Anthuny Ahenumun wheni chllenget Sy PWest Wndows Nîrsalas Mtgliu-Cherry mth 2 goauls unit MuthEauns oinS t goal. Great guatestung tram Pavid Backburn af West Windos s et Wndows keepenssuwent Braundon Martnaunit Nchlus Mtgiin-Lnerv Shaîner Shunta thîn gnie nias rueden Soniers tan keepîng the spirits hîgh Zako Pbarmucy t Nalores Fise 2 Leutîng tht may tan Zu s nias Ornon beoumen wttih6 gouaisunitTony Peîoe unit Michael busselte)dt vuth t tua Goaitenius upport mas rectuotit Ibm Mchael busseltedtt unit Ruas Matthem Scrnng bats ut Natures Fiat goals as Musto wSinathons, asd they eceuvsi ultgoaltentîsg tram Anthony Guisua Koens Iowing 5 * Wsahmrks gosikeepers Armuan Ntemachoalsastn IJoey PePausa playet eatnemeiy oel Keauiso Alto Toem Tiger7 Kizîsz hutai anotstandung 5 goals. Keonso goal- KVD 2 keepta Masos Home tut gatat n set. Goal ocorers tan Washmark ment an smuzisg 5 goals Sp Parias KVOPs retmînitts Emma Laudes unit Victoria Tylte, 4 goals by Julius Kparmsi anud 2 goals bp Perru dtn a mzing job holding Ttam iger ta 7 JaobGraper goals scaret by Rachuel Dabsan (4), Taylor Perkhsm (2), anit Etsa Hans. Muinas Paîs unit Milton Wasbworbs 5 Ruchuel Dahuon wmetamesome ittftnduaG Peani Pizza Hut O iger s set witb KVD'sa anly goals guîng ta Metis Wshmarks hait Jaep DePsîs aitdPait Amas un Pritrhardtunit Megn Pais net keepîag tht shutaut, Pizza Hto ggasikeeer PETER HODGE TRANSPORT 7 MILTON TOYOTA 2 Scarisg for Peter Haitge mus Kranater iJppai, Jap Brooks, Omtn Lîngard, Nick Spencer ait Wil Chuitieigh mith 3 goaulaPiaping amesame itefenat mas Jashua Richards, Caitp Saillie, ait Samuel Gîbsa-Gamache. Terrîtîc goaateniîg bp Nîck Spencer unit Pmen Liagarit. Mlton Tpota pispeit grtat, acsrisg 2 goaulas aitmasa amesame teanit Water Depot ns. Miltos Toyota Game piapeit fint huif mth Wter Depat ieadiîg bp 2, bath goals scaneit bp Michael Meaitez. Great goal teniting bp Thoas Hurten tan Miltas Tapota, Piapers hutitit andt mnkeit hart. Seconit hait, tht gume mas cusceileit tue tai meather conditions. 101jii i " Buttos Pizzu 4 Scooters 2 Botons Dansa Ghsse unitJorita Ennso metetar- lesa in net. Ncole Mchait unit Alicîs Chîata ment bath tsntsstîc goaskeepers tan Scooters. Bostons Amnîta Lallp scarsi twto goaula, mth thteather twa bp Riant Ibrahim, Scooters scarers ment Rachel Dîgîiionuri ansaitFrances McCsll, mith assista an bsth goals tramt Taylor Ra-Kane U-Need Sînrage DOnino's Pizza Samunthu Schalep plupeit tht game in net tan O- Nssit Storuge, mhîle Emma Bîsu unit Samatha Dempsey toak cure ut tht gostsaing i otîr a Dominos Puzas Dominas Pizza patteit s couple of aire goals tramt Ntalie Heggîe unit JenasApers. Jacklyn Murtin plupsit a greut gunie ton Gaminas Pizza [-.liiil l ', i Mitn Cbeyter 7 Boston Pizza1 Chrysien goalkeepens Grant Belunger unit William Daoitsun paupsit trent meli siloningoanlo t goaul np Boton Pizzas ince Lacuosia Boston Pizza s gouikeetuen Mchael Luvoue mute so anitrtstur suoen' Goal scorens ton Chrysien aient, an ncreiu hieS 4goals Sp Zahit Netniorhmala, 2 goaulasp Chut Fugere und1Sp Roa MrDonalit inW Ihok Boston Pizza ns. Sears Goal scorers tan Boston Pizza ment Mitchell Wiznîsk, Alan Suhutea, ait Andaso Bople. Stars goal acarers ment Tressa Chuitieugh ait Crter Talupîa.Strong itetenre af Jacob Bach ait Wîonîuk unitoutstanting goaskttping by ShudmaKhus, Boston Pizza gat txcellent mark tasm Jasas Feetmawhite Stans goulue JosCaravaggio mua telia Milton Toyota ns. Tamray Conlractlng lai set tan Toyota Daniel Stassus, goals oconsit by Jetnrey Gormat1ait Rickp Knulea 2. Tamrsy goal- tenders wmetMuammeit KirnnuruunitAnitat onaes. Goals scareit hp Nathan Cater t, Musa Alahesh 2 and Alec Enes t, An excturg unit risse gume mith esceptuoal passssg unit great tesmmonk hy ail pay- ers. Mchesi Ransîng dît greut n set. Waahmarks' Armua Neemuchosis, Tyltr Damasn, Joep De Paîvu, Juas Kparmadu unit Martia ozmuitramsku tacS scaret t goal. At) tht Pizza bat players monkeit stry hait ail gume mithout substitution Royal LePage Lana Harvey ns. Tamray Contracting LePagei RyaMelusson pispeit hiiianty in set ait as detense. Teammate Pauai Graham mus flambs us set ia tht second lhall. Tumapa Mathea Steilinga tut a great lob tn set. LePuge sorers ment Dylan Sehuter, unit a but trick hp Greg LaPante. Sstho aumrays goals ment acortit hp Siuants Abua Colt Fonces and Docks 5 Rlambourne Solution: toc. 1 Rambaurne Solutions' Aitianna Ferlisi atruck tiraI with a goal midway thraugh the final hall. Outstanding saccer by Michelle Grills mith a thret goal total. Avaon Milter Sinpî andt Sarah Barnes each connectait with one goal as vieil. Colts Shelby Wilson playeit an outstaning game in net itespite har achirg teetj Prstocb Socnrily 51 Mittwold Enlerpriso LA. O Alicia Carey tram Millwelst was hon scaring 3. Pratech tritd hard but gpalles trom Mlîmelit helit on atrang mth a ahutoat. Jeanie Cashnîe tram Milmeld gat 2 goals ta make a final 5-0. Great game and Ihanko ta the fuIl n gaalies toi Protech, Charlotte Tilatra and Rase Serafîni Prslech Socoritios 5 Rumborne Solutions: 5 Amanda Ragera andt Charlotte Tltra goalias ton Pratech taaghl hardt blAitianna Ferlîsi tram Ramhosrne assan ira slammîng in 4 goals. Lauren Forîk as tram Ramboarne gat 1tot make it a 5-0 final ton Rambaurne. Goalîta tan Ramboorne ment Alanna Ramaden andt Jaliet Diar. Great game ail gîrla The Milton Youth Soccer Club is currently accepting applications for Representative and Select coaches for the 2008 outdoor season. Alil applications must be received to the Club no later than Aug. 25th, 2007. Applications may be mailed taeither the Club mailing address or dropped off to our office during office hours to the attention of the President. Applications may be downloaded from our website

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