The Canadian Champion, Tuesday, JuIy 31, 20017 -A1 IDouble keeps busy getting his goodwil message out there t see LOCAL on page AS TV or computer when that moraey should lie saving someones life?" Double asked. lis frustrating that so many people just don't seem to care, lie said, adding he lias to remind him.self that many are simply oblivious to the needs half-a- world away. Since bis return, Double said lies been doing al lie can to get the mes- sage out by giving presentations stories told Lu liim and will lie putting them on lis bIng. Double and his wife want to ensure ech of tieir cilîdren grows up wti a lieart for otiers. One of tlie ways tiey're doing this is by involving tiem witi tie familys spon.sored ciildren; tiey hiave five. Tieir daugiter even picked one of tiem lierself, a little girl her age from Zimbabwe. lite tlîîldren and pc)pc l,î lIU t of tie world tie things they don't bave'," lier fatlier said. Wlien lie tliinks back over bis jour- ney, Double said lie knows iL was meatt to lie. "Tiere was a liiglier iand guiding tie wiole process." Stephanie Hounsell can be reached at sthiessen@-miltoncanadianchampion. com. MIKE IVANIN / SPECIAL TO THE CHAMPION KEEPSAKES: Greg Double displays some of the souvenirs from hîs trip to Rwanda. * lulature Htess Animal Petils Faim *Tractor Drawfl Wagon Rides * Pedai Tri-Cycles *Ride The Farm Animai Train Heritage Homes *Ride The Saw Horse Animais Heritage Schoai House *Bean Bag Pilching Country Canteen Open Daily admission: Aduls $7, Seniors $6, Children $4 Famnily Package: $20 (somne evenîs differ) Programs subject to change. -~w40ê bmI#W~ ~ ~m WÈP% iW.MI4.1 ~ *V filt% ~ - Monday August 6 e 9am - 6pm 500 new & pre-owned cars, trucks, vans & SUVs wili be drastically reduced to clear. Do whatever it takes, to get here! ouHerb akis oPen ail year for school dayaips, youth programs, corporate evento, -- group tour fac4eieYOll id LMILTON'C% 0 TOY