The Canadian Champion, Friday, JuIy 27, 2007 - A5 Emnergency services join forces in blood donation drive By David Leai I Halions police, fîre and emergency services personnel are no strangers wben iî cornes to saving lives, but tbis summer ibey're going above and beyond tbe cati of duty to belp more people by donaîing blood. The tbree groups are participating in tbe Éanadian Blood Services tbird annuai Sîrens for Lîfe biood donor cballenge, wbicb is cbarged witb reacbing 1,300 units of'donated blood by September 3. its really a partnersbip around saving lives because for tbe Canadian Blood Services ibat is our mandate by provid- ing blood [or patients and of course for police, fire and EMS savmng peoples lives is part of tbeir daily routine as well," said Rence Naiman, regional director of Canadian Blood Services for Central Ontario. "WC îry to bave some fun wiîb it by cballengîng tbe police, ire and EMS workers to beat eacb otber in tbe num- ber of collections îbey bave during tbe suînmer." Wbile tbe cballenge between Halions emergency person- nel may be ligbtbearted, tbe reason for tbechcallenge is sent- ous due tbe nations overaîl blood supply siîîîng at very low levels. Naiman cbalks tbîs lack of blood donation btb e sommer preoccupations of1 potential donors. "Part of tbe challenge is tbat ifs been beautiful weatbeî tbrougbout ail of june and people are jusi out tbere after a long wînîer sayîng, 'You know wbat, ibis is beautiful. its summer, we're going to go out îbcrc and bave a great ttmci'," said Naiman. -We ail agree wiîb ibai but wbat we wanî to remînd peo- pie is in addition to packing up y'our goods and geîting y'our kids oui of scbooi and getting ready; pot a slot in your calen- dar to go oui and ]list donate bi od. WiaiiaPçe ýinfJac mu 7m muw&b DAVID LEA / SPICIAL [O THEiCHAMPION GIFT 0F UFE: Registered nurse Lorraine Bruce.(left), Regional Drector of Blood Services Canada for Central Ontario Renee Naman (centre> and Halton Regional Police Staff Sgt. Peter Hodgson prepare paramedic Roy Griffîn tb give blood. Wiîb tbe Canadian Blood Services supplying blood to 58 bospitals îbrougbout Ontario and witb people pouring onto tbe bîgbways to reacb vacation destinations, tbe need for biood is only growing. "Over ibe summer, you get a lot1 of traurnas and a lot of iTotor vcbicie accidents," said Naimnan. tinfortunately ibat kind of stuff doesn'î take a bolidlay" Besîdes injuries, blood is also needed to beip patients cope witb a number of clîseases sucb as cancer. "Wbat people don't know îs ibat wben people go îbrougb cbcmotbcrapy for cancer treaiment îbey need bi ud support LO inaceRae a leibe erAsAvil ' qu lI wlly3 ochooselomi Lokms., fulii ceil producing areas, inciuding blood supply So during that chemotberapy you need the support of blood and platelets, wbicb is a component of blood, to make sure you don't bleed and you can survive that cbemotberapy" For the squeamish who fear making that first donation, Haiton Regional Police Staff Sgt. Peter Hodgson, who recent- ly made bis ll9th blood donation, bas tbese words of com- fort. see DOESN'T on page A20 The secret is out! Quality Furniture from Ieading hotels at incredibly Iow prices Visit our showroom today and discover why our store is becoming the place to shop for professional decorators and home owners alike Specialists in Used Fine ilotel Furnishings 1 QUDAT1 O'S 482 South Service Road East East of Trafalgar South of the QEw 905.815.1333 GRYF'I-ON LAW CI-IMBERS PROFESSIONAL CORPORATION ViC4ehM'oqan, B.A., LL.B. ts pleased to announce the opening of his new office iocated at 400 Bronte Street South, Unit 217 Milton, ON 19T 0H7 Phone: 905.878.5554 * Fax: 905.878.3032 Practice restricted to Real Estate Law - Incorporations Estates, WiIIs & Powers-of Attorney ri SI-3.