A22- The Canadian Champion, Frday, July 27, 2007 Marlins make waves at nationals The Marlîns swim clob mnjoyccl some sliîd Miii ns two iber mcedal winning performnane- ihaîoploiîslîpsi n oîtrual. Unfazed by day' ibrees cbîlly outdoor race conditions, 16-ycar-old Wil Wrigbt celivered a personal best finisb of 57.35 seconds in the MILTrON 100m butterfly - along wîîb a SWIM carccr record spliî. Afibogb tbis wasn't enougb lu secure a mnedal, tbe fifîb-placc swim was fast enough to book passage to next years Olymrpic l'riais. Wright would tom in a formidable follow-op lu ibis qoalifying campaign .c laiming bronzc in ilhc 50m fli witb a 25.90s elffort - wicb was a thîrd->f a-second quicker tban bis previous day"s Split. brcsI0dm bc)castsiroke- li clcockc'clin ai 1: Il.07 to capture sîlver. Burke reacbed tbe finals in live other events, including the opening fd.ARLINday's 50m freestyle in wbicb bis TEAM - 261I5s finish was good enougb for bronze. île felI jost short of mnedals in boib tbe 5dmn breaststroke and 10dm frecstyle, placing fourth and fiftb respectîvely lestîng tbeir endurance iii Monîreal, 12-year- old loana-Mania Ncgîu and 14-vear-old Colm Výý'hîtliord raced tb [ourtb and luth-place bonours in tbeir respective divisions in the 5k open water swim, while Negru also took sîxtb in the 80dm f'reestylie. Al-mstar Magic edged out of titie The Milton Under-i13 boys ail-star soccer team save on an Eddy Gerber attempt in the closing came out on top everywbere but on the score- moments of extra time. sheet in Sunday's Caledon Tournament finals. Thbis followed a big lree-kick blast that beat a A 1-0 overtime loss to tbe Barre Stingers rock-solid Dale Murdycb in tbe fourtb minute of would bave been tougb enougb to OT. swallow on it.s own, but was ail the à The Magic went unbeaten en more painful given the Magies À / P route to the finals, a feat ail the more sheer dominance leading up to impressive sînce it came witb a min- tbeir title defeat. » W li bo t mum il1 players. Said Marra, "We "We totally controlled the game, hit three were undermanned, but the kîds really sunk cross-bars and in the first baîf had 17 consecutive down and drove bard the wbole weekend." corner kicks," recalled bead coacb Sal Marra. "If Fueling the team's title drive with five goals there was ever a game a coach wanted to win for was Brandon Mallach - wbo's deaf - while co- bis guys, it was that one. It was such a heart- captain and sweeper Adamt Eylrick provided break. " exceptional leadership botb on and off the field. Milton had tied the Stingers 1-1 in round-robin Co-captain and stniker Liamn Robinson also play tbe day before and came awfully close to delivered a standout performance, belping Milton knotting tbings up in tbe championsbip rematcb, turn back challenges [rom Aurora (3-1), Godericb when Barries netminder made a masterful diving (4-0) and OKD (5-2). MILTON INTERCHURCH SOFTBALL LEAGUE ___TEAMS G W L T PTS 1 KNOX 12 12 O O 24 2 SOUTHSIDE 12 10 2 0 20 3 ST. GEORGE 13 10 3 0 20 4 MILTON BIBLE 12 8 4 0 16 5 NEW LIFE'"B" 12 7 5 0 14 6 HILLCREST 12 4 7 1 9 7 BOSTON il 4 7 0 8 8 HOLY ROSARY 14 3 10 1 7 9 NEW LIFE "A" 12 2 1 10 0 4 10 ST. PAULS 12 O0 12 0O 0O Terry R STy M DOMaiTaYFOR g i_Ë1 77 Visir our on ail our Air Con(905t878-197 1)24; alin t. F.Unit 24 Miton ' H14 FURINACESa AÏ hDTI N N IR Poe P U B N E E T I A w A FiATS1C SELECiON 0F PRONCT ct gli ýlýli linýminý 1