Dateline 1 Daieline îS aci re listing (j cming events onlv. The colump is avaulable to local communfitv groups (0i assist ili o moting theirfuture events. 0nliy char ita- blc or nion-proifit community groups mciv u-se 'this service. We cti otilv guarantee one issue of publicitv closest to thte date of the occur r-eru e although more insertionis aie possible if demarîd is low Notices foi Llaielinî' slould lîe e- The final ceaffliis irioîrj rîi- cv or l-uesclay's editiori ati ioori Wediesîla y or i r iclav' cditiumn.Lateline items crent accepted byv teleplîîne. Saturday July 28 The Salvation Army/Khi Community holds is Run Club ai 8 a.m. with a one-hour run. For meeting location and rouie, cali (905) 875- 1022. Monday July 30 Milton District Hospital holds a one- on-one breasîfeeding clinic with a cer- tified lactation consultant from 1:30 to 3 p.m. For more information or to make an appointment, ealljili Hicks ai (905) 878-2383, ext. 7610. The Salvation Army/Khi Communfity holds uts Run Club ai 5:30 p.m. with a 30-minute mun. For meet- ing location and route, caîl (905) 875- 1022. The Milton Seniors' Activity Centre, 500 Childs Dr., holds duplicate bridge ai 9:30 a.m. and bid eucbre ai 1:30 p.m. Billiards takes place from 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. Tbe cosi for eacb activity is $2 for members and $4 for non-members. For more information, caîl (905) 875-1681. Tuesday July 31 Help for Parents, a Halton parent support group, meens in the evening in the basement of St. Elizabeths Churcli, 5324 Bromnley Rd., in Buringion. Tbis non-denominational self-support group belps parents of cbldren wbo are in trouble ai home, ai sebool or witb the law or wbo are abusive or taking drugs. The group is a member of the Association of Parent Support Groups in Ontario. For more information, cal 1-800-488-5666 or visit Calling New Parents, a free drop-in program for parents and babies aged 6 montbs and younger, meets witb a pub- lic bealîb nurse to discuss parenîing and infant care. The group meets ai the new Ontario Early Years Centre ai 410 Branle St. from 1:30 to 3:30 p.m. For more information, cail (905) 825-6000, ext. 7299. The Milton Al-Anon group meets ai 8 p.m. ai St. Pauls United Cburcb, 123 Main St. E., for family and friends of alcobolics. Milton District Hospital holds a one- on-one breastfeeding clinie with a cer- îified lactation consultant from 9:30 to 11: 30 a. m. For more information or to make an appoiniment, calJill Hicks ai (905) 878-2383, ext. 7610. Tbe Milton Seniors' Activtty Centre, 500 Childs Dr., bolds bingo ai 1:30 p.m., its Downsizers Weight Loss Club ai 10 a.m. and billiards from 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. The cosi for each activity is $2 for members and $4 for non-members. Evening Euchre takes place ai 7:30 p.m. ai a cost of $250. For more infor- mation, caîl (905) 875-1681. The Canadian Champion, Friday, July 27, 2007 -Al15 ~I~fÂ~4i1I 2004 GRAN PRIX ST $29,777 # tr sun or imbug & winias delec- ors, 17"alite s & 2Y'aIrelst oci. SOn4P247 IFULLY - 206UPLANSIRLT ove zdi c $18,995 Ir' allar aheels. captalo clU Balance ot Factery Warraty. Sk. OP27441 $16,995 #Baalanîicof rrWor Watr Sic M4741 Sunrool, leaiher, chrome wlels5t 500km SOi. #P2754 4e72M15MC C 99MWC£MW # Oîr47,tltrkmt. Blance ai Pactory Warranty. Slk. e4712 2004 M RANIX 5G11 :Z ri202 MPMA 41,- 49> 2M03 ATUEVI Amr $129777 ( TiI $9,995 $377 6 miha/it Uhitro p amr rm dny 5%.e734 6 mW O6r "et r porer alnnaraty 5o 22pjcrome aide stop bars. inl 20MamW '14 £;av 20MALIN &a> Mar M NCAU s $10r995 Spolier $9,995 $16,777 ô mWOr fl i airrawruy SOcP2391Us 01VSWt 1P2M2 AQ 200 MPAUALT SUUM 4Z7 jCZ> 2M03REISOMOM A>2M003 NOCMY $16,777 $15,995 3n1 russn eitaherur ku Balanceý.I. m ai-topT~ 21~ ixC Balance__ et______ ________________pouemnl arruly.Si P7i « 6 m~Ois/olt Ubiramin ofarraoy 5liKP270 #4x4 laaded wtb DVD f& mri, 56 iSOhir P sndaus/lanka, spolier OnIy 48, el 6.mIS/lt Utbmposrerlrelo warranly. 55 Op275 * w Balance af Foctocy Warraly. Sic#P2746 6 Mit/OOOO 0KM Wafarsoyt SOc 01405 £Q 2M POUTlACSOLSTICE aMy 2M MSUCCAMIYULT iM Aar 2M03MM N OLS _ R Dnly 1000 KMSI Balance aI Faclory Warrtiy. pur SOn *42721 £72003 CIEV TRAIER MX à clv 445,000k...n $20,995 * badlealherltonea canot siodbon 6 mI/t tttIrir mpooetrartn wtnoo5y 55k. 1727A z72005 cmiv £U««X u$im7T $11,777 #Leaibîr, neeroot cbrome abeeta, loaded. BalanceofaiFaclory Wfaranly. Sic#P2724 oer mîndoaomoracc Oleeles -Son Maino Si lumpS 5Dondon OIEW zZzi M CRM MX STP LTU EO--Z= z-Zy PRICED g, PRICED TO SELI TO SELU Stk. #P2710 1