B14 - The Canadian Champion, Fridav. JuIv 20, 2007 Hawthorne Village Offers The Suimmer BeautyOf The Escarpment And The WINNER Or TIIEBGTHBA CommUNITY 0F THE YEAR. W1e have just £kaddJa qreat neu- neiqhbourh,,dJ f Iarge, uelapa jhome, t, aur IHawthorne Y '>laqe on the Escarpment co'niunit. Th~is total/,, ENERGY STAR* canmuniîy sits a thie fo-ot o f the pidturesque Niagara Esonerpînt. Dlive aur established I awthorne Y Vlage Commun4 yand sec -h14 over 0,500 happy farnilies ca/i ur Ilawîhore V in/age Cmnnte o 46'WideLo- Homes From $ 360,990 50' Homes From $457,990 46' WideLot-, The Albion Bay Il1'D', 2,172SqF,$09946Wdeo',1eHulyID,247 Sq.Ft., $407,990 ff ývN MATTAMY 46'WideLoi", Th, Huky ll'D', 2,476 Sq.Ft., $428,990