And the winners are.. The Canadian Champion, Friday, JuIy 20, 2007 - B Kis'story-telling flair shines through GE D F NSV their thinking caps and came up witb some pretty creative ideas in response to the Town of Miltons Milly the Milistone Story Writing Contest. And now, the resuits are in and the winners have been announced. Taking the prize for the Grades 2 wo 4 category is Megan Devoe, a Grade 3 student [rom St. Peters School. In Megans story, Milly the Milîstone is rom a long line of milistones and cornes from the Rocky Mountains in Brtish Columbia to Milton with ber family. The winner from the Grades 5 to 7 from Guardian Angets School. Aitheas story, entîtled life and Times of MilIy the Milîstone', describes how MilIy cornes to live in Milton and how she's employed hy original settier Jasper Martin. Many of the stories submitted described Milly traveling through time to leamn about ber own history and that of Milton. Students described such events as the opening of town hall, the first post office and the growth of Milton. The winning stories were chosen by a judging panel with members fromt the Literacy North Halton, Milton Public Library and the Champion. The judges awarded points based on specific criteria including imagination, storyline, creativity, language and read- er interest. The two winners received a pizza party for their class courtesy of the Champion, as weil as i 5Oth anniversary merchandise [rom the Town of Milton. To view the winning stories, visit ru \ \ r [i Protect yourself when blking titis season: wear a helmet every lime you ride, don't weave in and out of traffic, and follow local laws and guidelines for riding. If you're drlvlng, watch for bicyclists ridlng in te road. We cau ail sharo the roadthis summer.