Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 20 Jul 2007, p. 27

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The Canadian Champion, Frday July 20, 2007 - 27 ~ ~ Events oin g Event IMeriam IneMoriam WolTh nksf Thanb s Aspcia tian yn i) li y ami, 1 -877-JUNK-TWO-GO. 1- A spcia thnk ou t ai myfamly, 877-586-5896 Sarma dey a ~ f r D oKnox I oCs lurch (M iltii) asd ricids for nkrem va i s eice Senior Io discount.Cuti & get i dunet 'fos sc ii rci' QIispet Sittùrig You rc al grat'cRITTER Sitters Oog A baby brother for Lauren Grace! RuhMciue n r. uret i5 Jane and Jason C Curll none evn heMlo reri Chnjottt nnuce ~to0 P ac-ey e Lis Chu-M29o-4aru th e a rriv a I o f th e ir s o n L o g a n D a n e C h n A r tic es 9: I L O. n I î o C ai :ci tL-ina t 90- 2 9 4 2 o n S u n d a y , u n e 0 , 2 0 0 7 . H e w a s b r n Aln r O e ean-Orih o4 aI Milton District Hospital meighing 8 tbs 4 A-in pudî ei rtuo u mnn S amrT.nn o.Logan is welcamed by his praud LZ InGRAo 'k0l vingmmiyo utSn rule, n icatesshetWr~Z I SaPosoiîiiisî u.-utr n h -h., Tio lunclel and Friend, rantro nursing staff of MDH. Wlcox - Bob and Maranne, along with big brother Robert, are please ta announce the birth of Megan Elizabeth. Born Juty 15, 2007 aI the Mitton District Hospital. Second grandchitd for Henry and Ann Wagnrfaurth for Mike and dune Witcox. Thank you ta Dr. Cvetic and Nurse Jackie for the great care and her safe arrivai. Comn g Events Con g Events GOLF CLINICS LADIES' Series of Five 1-Hour Lessons $120.00 Monday, Tuesday, or Wednesday eventngs, or Saturday mornngs Learn how to swing properly and have fun! Starts week of August 6t11 To register cati: 905-878-1818 or 905-876-7982 gPoe#. Se.ulyll,lOO01 lpm -laui MIli LtosClub Hall -' Mlton Memortal Arma ~ S.(Corier of Maln/ThM soun) 1CT5 1UNADVANCE; $50 E DOOR TICKETS: $10 IN aets Anoncements Anuments TIMOTHY JAMES DASILVA July 28, 1985 -July 15, 2006 le ibas been ose year since oue wsirld fell apar, that ver tragic day that (,od tiok yooin Hids arms and you were suddenty gone Leo us, eve- ry second of everyday we have missed you and we always will. "You neyer said you were leavsng, You neyer said goodbye, You were gone belote we knew it, and onty God knows why, a million imes we needed yosî, a million imes me have crîed, if Love atone could have saved you, You would neyer have died, In îLe we loved yîîu dearty, In death me Love you st, It broke nue heares ris ose you, but 'fOU didn't go atone, for nue Al Love met ith you, tire day that God tssok you home" Wiîti a lot of Love, Mom & Andy, Dad & Mandy. Cirris, Jess & jay, Adriana & Aiyssa, Kyle & Sain. Freter in al Que Huarts until me meet again. We Love you veey much, TIM! Ride in Peace forever Auget. 5uerîtîice kng $555s Ouuun $295. 905-567-9459. eEDROOM Cherry- woud, Bed, dresser, mrrsr, ehese, night- stand, ne in boues. Onouraiconstrucioun. Cost $7000, Seii $1500. inngruom 11 pieru Cherry Ne CnsrtaO8000. SelS $1900. 905-597-4042. CARPET i haoe seourai 1,000 yrdsutfve Srain Manrer & 100% nylon car- purý Wii do living rmou & hall tuorM. Incudes eue- pur, pud & insrallarion30 yards) Sruvi, 905-f33-8192 FREE Esimares'aur euS- biy chairs. ired iouking eood ivshisC Feds Cusrom Wood Reivishivg and Furvîlure Repaîrs, 9-9. 905-632-9090 HOT Tub (Spa) Couers besr pnie, Besr qualiil Ail shapes & cuinurs. Cali r 866-585-0056 uwwhecootrgusoru HOT Tub/ Spa- Bravndve 2007 modei n/au uopriors, and rouer 5rdIiv en rapper. Cour $9150_ Sacrifice $4250. Cati 905-97r1r1777 LEATHER! 3 piece Iaiear sut. Sofa, louesear and chuir. Ne,ivpiontie. Cour $6900. Seii $250 905-304-4873. LITTLE Tykes Play Srruc- ure 200, puie c abie 30 and wagon 30; Sakurs rack rs; brass/ glana 42' rtai 50; mens rs spued bibi 10; 905-876-4365 POOL Table, Brand Ne, sriinv bue. uiîd Wood, t "sCore, Aul Acressories. CusC $6,700, Seil $1,950. 905304-9994 Arile antd Somneday you'il ciasp iis irand LU GX0 K ' v ltnand neyer say aeil BEST Ca$ht Paid- Arr, I MU jFureter Ianed andi miuoed by yeur Family ne, Cuiestaes, Chi-r qI) CFmmurines, Roya l Crystol, 0 Seuroskî, Oana, Ptterp, *0 Fund < Etc, Estate 5peciaisrs, il îi nMemoriam donationIs 'Top Cash. Cali John/lTra- 185 Ontario St. S. Founidation kb-Ji Pts, upies Milton,-ON149Tt2M4 are truiy appreciated. 2 Parrou 9 Bds, 2 ml 0 DUreaths M" e Oths 0-7844 x 55cages, allaccessoius, arge cage 45 u24"x72" ZAORL, Dbora ~lNtm~wi eh a peaked ronf $300. Passed amay aI the Mitton District iIC Hospital on Manday, Juiy i 6th 2007. ~E a~ Deborah Zaarai of Miton, betoved ite of Chris Zaarat. Lving mother of Sabrina 1996 Fnrd Taurus, 220,000 og hundJren Mnen m, gond mmne,,some Mundn ad JremyMunenrnsr $1,000 ubo. Contact à$ Sue 905-964-9828. POLONI, Elic Resrrng ar rire Mckersre-Kocirer Fuorrai Home, 114 Main SC.,Miton 9115-878-4452. Visitacîono Sur Juiy 21 and Son. juiy 22 2-4pm aod 7-9pm. Piease cati rire funcrai hmec for ime oi service. lnMmoim n eoriamI 1ui1'êI21, 2007 S 10v00a",n - :00ptis 586; CoopereAve. Mfs.fsau%& 0Ot. têZ iR9 m lARE 1NvITED bIn oving memory of Duug Thomson ts liard ta believe chat a year lias passed. Our rhoughts are wirli you and your family. Thinking of you oftm, With Ianefrom Re/,ecca, Michael andi Family MEMBER DISCIPLINED THE APPRAISAL INSTITUTE 0F CANADA advises that Mr. Colin Beat, CRA, of Milton, ON has been foun i n contravention of the tasttutes Code of Ethics and Standards of Protessionat Practice; in relation ta appraisat reports prepared in 1999 and 2000. The sections conlravened are: Regulation No. 1: (dated November 22, 1997): 1.1 (a, b>; 1.3 (a, c, d, g); 2.1; and 6.1. The member completed two appraisal re- ports on a property that contained a com- mercial composent without having the re- ports ca-signed by an AACI, thus viatated numerous ethical rotes. As a resait rtf this canduct, Mr. Colin Best, CRA has been given the discipline of Censure and has been directed ta at- tend the Standards Seminar provided by the Appraisal Institute of Canada. Also, pursuant ta the Cansotidated Regulations of the AppraisalIinstitute orf Canada, casîs have been tevied. Appraisal Institute of Canada wwwaicanada.ca 1992 Hurda Preinde 4WS, dark green, rats greut, higheay kms, pe, suvrmif, heated Seais, i SUîI use iC o commute tno TO needs snme mork, as s $1000. Caii Mare 519- 853-0623. M atme Help WANTEOs Parr lmu persnv wulh euemplary people skîlis lo, a non-emurgevcy patient transporr cumpany Excellevce iv cusromer ser- vice is hu basus ni Chs business. Vliud drivers i cense and excellevr dnloung record requîrud. buperi- ence ir heairs field an us- set. Pumiianty eîth weel- chairs, huspîrais, and pa- tient ruster Ctehiques ai00 av asser Cages and hourucan bu vegotiaîd. Excellent job for a semi-ru- irud persun eho enluts interachur. Pieuse treurd rusumu o' Toral Cure Transporr Att rier Mau- ro, 25 O CommercialiStr, Mîhur,, ON L9T-2H9 ur tan: 905-875-2081r. Boy? or Girl? 'rt orf aIriiy 8,friends with Birth Announc.ernents Ïbt ünatian ampion wwwthecentre.on.co c rov dee m f r aîsmnsn nassmanufac stur nd env ronen sf desesadeup nt > xellet wpen aindtebalce communication skis are requîred Apply anlime at. www.gennum.com/careers under Technology Operator Financial Srices Representative Experience has taught yau that hard work, active prospecting, great interpersanat skills and a territic company witt altow you 10 grow your sales and your incarne. Now its ime for you to join an upbeat and grawing State Farm agency, lacated in the fasteat growing community in Canada that ejît recognize your ideas, contributions and succesa. The right individual wili market, seit and manage lite insurance, disabitity insurance, criticat ilîneas insurance, vehicte tinance and if licensed mutual tunda. Your result witt be recognized and rewarded with a compensa- tion plan thal can protide an annuat income ot $50,000 - $75000 +. Fuît benefits are provided. f this sounds Mie you then e-mail your resume to: dave.peers.qg7lesatefarm.com Rfgirements: *Lite Licenae ( LLQP) *Mutual Fund License la deinite asaet but not required) *OTL License an assel but not required. Property and Casualty Sales Spcialist Eaperience has taughl you Ihat bard wark, active prospecting, great interpersonal skitts and a territic company will altow you ta grow your sales and your incarne. Nom ils lime tor you la loin an upbeal and growing State Farm agency, tocated in the tastest growing communily in Canada that will recognîze your ideas, contributions and success. The righl individual wilI market, setl and manage auto policies (cars, motorcycles, boals, ATV's, travel traitera, commercial vehicleal arnd ire policies (home, cottage, commercial, personal articles policies). Your resulîs wmut be recognized with a compensation plan that can provide an annual income of $37000 - $50,000+. Fuît benefits are provided. If this sounds like you then e-mail your resuma to dave.peers.qg7i@statefanncom Requirements: *OTL license *Lite License Inot required but an asset) Ste hlen Keane tiecemirer 27), 1920 -July 21, 2002 In lovrng memoey of a wondeeful Husband, L)ad and Grandpa. I's ssssteange char chose me nerd arnd thoue me loved rire besr are just tireonues God calîrd amay and eook rhem home en test. Bar every ime me thinir of Dad, me scem rss hear God say, "Have fath and trust my prsomise, you'li mee again some day." Sornie day, somerime, you sirall sec the face yeîu lîve so melI. J<5UissfJ<Oa~ 9wetnat m~1eesz ---a

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