26 - The Canadian Champion, Friday JuIy 20, 2007 * - A s . s : *Index: Real Estate 100-135* Business 140-169 e Rentais 170-196 e Leisuoe 200-239 e Community 240-299 Fax: 905-876-2364 Email: classified@m iltoncanad ianchamp ion COM e Merchandise 300-385 a Auto 400-470 e HeIp Wanted 500-5 Mon. to Fri. 9am-5pm BONUS! Ail classified ads also appear on www.haftonsearch.com e Services 700-795 For CIRCULATION cali: 905-8854 Ad submîssion by mail or on peroon: The Canadian Champion, 555 lodustnial Drive, Sîde 0 cr, 2nd Floor, Mlton, ON L9T 5E1 Deadfines: Mon,, 1la. ni, for Tues publication, Thurs, fila. m. for Fni publication. Special Featere & Holiday deddlîneo moy cary, Payment: We accvpf cash, cheque, lnfterac, Visa, MasterCard, American Express. Ail avis placed are nan-refundable and noa credit aiuif be issued. Business accourofs cas be opeoed wîth an approved credif applicafion available frots yoor Sales Consultant. CH-ECK YDUR AD THE FIRSI DAY Il RUNS 10 enscre the inorematiorî 0 correct. Contact your Sales Consultant wîlhîîî 24-Hoors if an eror appears. Ac errer in a Fri publication must be rcporfed no lter thon Mon.. 1f .m. OPEN HOUSE/BIRTHDAY ENGAGEMENI LM s rancc> tff icnnb r î uriîn 95 co rtu on your enqi wi~shif qP-Ua e t-v/ù zoueeA411d T.ede, l ne te v V REASONABLE indus- triai unit 3200sqg5 cîtC oadîng docks. 905 2T77-9347 or 905-275. 6834. Opnitluo5ie ARE peu ready lu fire our boss? Woek from Home- fJnfimited Opportunity Cvlii Mark 505-690-2890 JOB aI home. $48768 Weeklp. Assemble Prua- adîs, Maif or Computer Woek. Free Dtals www. TopJobR eviewi.com crîte Cf-RJobs. 372 Ri- deau St, 8916-AIS Ottaca ON, Kf1tN 1G7.t1-800-351 5120 $558 CON SOLIf0AT E $$$55Sd credif, aid mort- gage arreurs. suf-oc- pfoyed 100% Mortgages, dont puy tyr Programl On- turu Wde Francrai Cor- porative 1-888-307-7799 MILTON, oowip paîntea t- bdrm apoi. Apply V. Mule 905-878-3208. MILTON Furnshed large. bright, f -BIR bsemenit aparîment in privaernem avalable îmmedîately on galet crescenit opposite E C Drurp, ktchenette. lrge UaR aith gas fire- place, uIc. shured iundry- room, prîvate parking aild tîfities încluded, $82Slmenth, firstdest. Non- smokers oely, no pets. 905- 875-0838. MILTON Mattump i-bed- room futlf busemeet apurt- ment, Double-garage. Utiie n cluded. No pets preferred. tno smoking. $8084681. 905-75-2757. FasFor Rent COUNTRY Milton, Haiton Hilis.. Large 3-bdrm apt. $1,200mth. ncluding heat and appliances. Hgh speed inerneticabie and laundry facilities avalabie 905-854-0651. MILT N EDENmBae Parking SpaesSare Saun th, Nwerl aro e quîed No minglr. Cati pl1c-tions01forfu theor information 82Mlee Oine Alingquetbadnag. MITON1Bedroomase-O Laundry tacilîtr cyod t ua eNonsmoengpenets. 4165 0-876-124 MILRTOW2 t m andla; A-bedrc&m aparîmets $6251 gomaonad 65 erotft Avit be imediae 2 fues hafd ridovbe. PAtrcte quintra.Caidi5-8g. Spciu bi3. cla FasFor Rent ACTON APART- MONTS eory loan, quiol building cîtC lair dry lacity on Silo 1 & 2 bodroom onts oery spacleus. Open 7 days & evenînes. Same day approvai Cvii t-519- 853-4374 wmccix ai- starca DOWNTOWN Mlton 2-boa- nevm aparmonr Sîdoern rance, nide yard, parking, storage, naige ana stove, Hydro incuded $t.O8OimrC Laundry room available. 905-8588723. cat pobii MILTON Hoîghts 3- bedroom vyrîmeri ana tOOsq.ll office space. Appîances. parking ana scali yard. $2,OOOlmth plus rtilitios ana services. deailable May 1tsi. 905854- 1687. 1-BDeM, Acton. Aalable îmmedîaroly $750/mth, utltes in cludea. No pois. Frstlast/roterences re- qurrea Cvii 519-853- 3877. 2-BEDROOM suite. fistoric building in Seckwoed. gas lire- place Sg50lmonth. ACTON 2-bedroem du- pieu, fabulous Vctoren home, $1 .200lmonrC. ACTON adorable 2-bedrvvm, prîvate foncod yard. $9lmontk. 5NEW lomnkome Georgetown South, St .700lmuntk, Ail retais plus utlities. Cui Elizabetb Dueil, Johnson Assocrutes Reaffor 905-877-5165. GEORGETOWN 3-boa- motasemert aparimorr oear GO, Prîvareeonravce No smokingiptns Seprom- boir lsti iclurtes seS murter, f rid g o/siove icasho r $r rosîmonre inclusive. rFrsr/iusîreterences Cvii atrer C Opm 905-677- pl, GEORGETOWN large 1t ~ tedriom atarmeni dlean and quier Acceptable for oioeî persan No smriai og/pers Sepiember rs e ferenoes 905-877-1209 MILL roo re Gooreos s1 aidr esn pNos don Sg1ean 647269 3753 s MLL Sret.Gorgeron Brandi newandairauartol -4 buchelor atrarimeri Soilabl o ri1rsengin peti le son. Parking. SateliteioTV ln etve corvocrion and 'rise cioderr Noptos ire dl/ 1aPp-iaess! no smoking, en oirees, e isr1lasrt tchvck OThis AIV, i~ad s airicenemiýty enivaier a1par1umernninnhecountry, w 1;C oalinrndisrance treow Aucailbe mmediaieiyle- Aprmns & ralle prelorc Flt uFo iRet $6heimenrh Calil4are4ara - 6507 3BEDROOM bouse liOpOe loo Foesse panter lio- y HouSeS aeaunry dnvewayFrRn Cosotaovoytb gAs bedinanm aparmonr. no MILTON 3-hearoom Ceuse etssmoking Fer more vear sohool, t-car garage, brtais caii 905877-6659, Avilabie Aug. $f.3hOimrn + vutlties, 905-875-37%0 CTON bachelor aparl- mntnr Friage, srove, AIC MI LTON spactvus 2-bdrm eesi/menth inclusive bungalew main fleur îuaiablo Augusit si Caili 5appiarces, AC, Sara- 95-877-7194 Col 030 Wodeca eors, adaition on __________________ back, luise backyard. No ACTON large 2-boa smekingpers. Avit, Sept 700 cluuiy upurimoeni rsr $r,2hOlmtii loogi c rand new. Ar,. yara. utltes 905-976-2032 appliances.$t 200/meers. Mkko 416-888-9164 MILTON 4-bedîoom, t-1/2 ý___________ barh. ail breadcom, tooced 1CTN. e-roroom yard. mariabloe epromber and 2-boaîom apait- tirst. $45imti e+cîilies. rentis avalabie intmmo. 5-8542357. iatly $790 arand GTON 3ba e89Oimonth ail noi OGEONx-bd vo Cal t - raom Counrry Homo on t0 3309, acres, 10 mnures from 39 Milen/Georgetown. EORGETOWN 1r Acaîîabeo Oplemtrer l51 )edronn parten, $r.300/mrh v utiltes. 905 ed0rom a pare, 675-7704. aIluSe S 0pm 3-BEDROOM houne in Ac- )05-6734672ý ton. New hurdoova, carptol peîit 6 new appliances, EORGETOWN t -boa- Ferced bacli para. Dock off tom very pleasanit bight, of ktchen. potessecondi- Ocw deor basementapani-- tion.Sf ,30lmvnth nien. Soparare entrance, plus utitres. No sok- -appîrances. satellite rgîpets. Immediate occu- rVlhigh epeed internet, pancy Cal t19-833-9975. cailablo AIC. Prîvate gar- on undt 880. use vf BRIGHT, beautîtul 3- veollpurkîng. S875/month bedroom, 4-burhreom iclusîco Firstast/refer- somi-detacirea homo rn inceslcredît check. Augrit Georgetown South. st. Ne Pts. Aduts eniy Professionally tînshrea 'ai 905-8736015. basemenr, hu1 ull toncea Sackyard. Waik ;EORGETOWN r - ine dsranceo o *drctemt, maino lilor sehoiniparks, shvp- rivale. wîrh yard. Weil ping. modîcai taclties nartaînea July. scît ana more.55Usetofappli- f ariet, non-smoker. ances. Eacludes c fOOlmrSh inclusive (sat- utiiies. Avaiiabla im- lite optional). AIC. mediately. Prstdast te- ;ail 416-571-42281905- guirea. Please cal Trou 13-4981. aI 905-877-0391. fi p. C b Si P Si C CARLISLE, Large country single famiy home, 4+-,OO~~0 OO bodrooms near public/ cathelic sckools. $S1350/m. outlîlties. SepIt 1 Nonsmoking/ No pets prolorrea 905-659- 2054 Twhue MILTON brand nec 3i bedroom Mvntamy Vii- lane home eno uni! Enerqy Star, C appi . AC garag3e Sr3noimrht .iîi'Ces Septi st No S pelsîsmokinq 905876-4988 c(Of M MILTON lownhouse 3- liedroori4-appimances, garage $1,340imi5, Fîrsl/Las cplos uliiis Avilable Mid Soflînon bel Cali Gave 905- 478-5444 GEORGETOWN 2- bedroem plus lown- Couse h appiarces w000 burin irepiace, hardwood riovrs Local- cd close ou al a me n lti e s.$1 .40 01mnt h clos olîlîlies No ýinoking/pers Aoa lubie Augo s t Si Caii Oaoe Kause 905-877-5211 OAKVfLLE-. 2 3&4 Oea lom ownhvasen avaîlable îmmediaieiy lhroogh Seplomber 1sI, 4 appiancos, Hopedale Mai aiea. Lakeshoro lManago- ment 905-876-3336 mm en Wa!ed OAKVILLE Trafalgar & Oppor Middle. eparare ontrairce. $475/mîh park- ing includea, ail inclusive înliudîng cabie. iaundry ana AiC. Cai Bobs90o 844-8033. datie BURLINGTON, Walkers und Maîncvy, rvom lor ronr $5500600 ail inclusive, AC. salelîto. internet, utîlîtres iaurdry parking. Beautful Cendo-oromn Coeoend unit oouî bus. Please cvii Juan le 905- 617-5826 MILTON OCaro 3-bedrvom townhouse. 5-appliaîrces, large deck, singlegarage Fomale pioterrea. $625/mth +c 12-urîlîres. 905-467-3485, altor 4 3Opm. won' olumn POLE Dance, Pole Fît clasu registration on rvw for session starlîng week of Juiy 22nd. Limîtea spaces leS. Cvii 905-878- 9125 or vîsît coscLve- Once.ra for details. Studio locatea in Millon Onrario, Proud Nona, Rosa Vascotto of Milton and Murica and Frank Granîc of Oshawa are eofremely eocîted to announce the bîrlh of fbeir tiret grandchild Michael Frank Vascotta, af North York General Hospital on May 3Ofh, 2007 af 7O07pm, weîgbîng 71be, 9oz. Proud parents are Roy and Mary Vaucotto. Also very proud Aunits and Uncles Luciano, Sonjia. Mario. Angela, Tom and Frank, Michelle Gregory and Tim Brown are pleased 1a announce the arrivai of baby Ella. Ella Jean Brown was bore Friday, July 6, 2007 at 12:27 p.m., 7lbs l3oz, ta the delight of grandparenfs Tom & Janice, Uncle Michael and Aunt Nalalie, and firsl- fime greaf grandiparenlu John & Jennie Burke. MISTY River Inrreducriens Sas boon sonrevnil of On- tarie for 12 yeurs. Lies toc sheor olv e auieoChvese leduy te make a change. We have 1000's et snges ofieery uge. Cali for y0 ou Ire fre consultution, (416) 777-6302 cmos mis- tyricorirtrsoem 2 ful ime spiots avalucle, CPFîrsi Aid & Police Checn Caii Mossu 900- 878-8185 DAPCARE ucuiabie Se VNuri CouS ncs lunces l ary nîtmro s eniors HIe9Pes centact me to 5e paoi of a Julubuso represerlîrg 15e loi prelîr secloir, MlirJack- ses. 905-741-8d08, mun C-aclsonservies SMALL square baloss of choat straw, clear, brgcr& long sommea cari doee &mim 905875-7960. lm Funurej COUCH & Leve Oeal loi solo. Great condition. Ask- îog $950 fvr treth 080 Cuil 905-878-5299, Rolaîl value for 501h covches ns $500. HQT Tub 20e7. Pro- mîum cîith ail cpgîades. ezenator.cuvver, now in piastre. must soui, cvsr $8,475. Sacrifice $3,800. Cvii 519-722-4077. POOL rable, prolos- sionai soties milS ecery upgrade. t., siate. $800 wvrrh of accesso- ries. Brand newin b5e, Cvsi $5.000, munt soir $1,500. 519-722-4077. 1-HIGH eofîicîoncy gas turnuco Carrior, 167,000 BTU, 4 yrs ela. $1000. 080 647-444- 9215ý DELUXE 2-pioco cal unit. 73" hîgh o 72" wîde. beige weod grain. $400, 080 905-693- 1855. A dînîog roem, cherry- wood. doublo podostal table. 8 chairs, butft, hutch. dovetaîl con- struction. New strlli n boxes. Cosr $11000. Sacrifice $2600. 905- 567-9459. 860, Amazing bargaîn, queen orthopedîc pli- loctop set. nec in plas- tic. warraotp $25e 905- 567-40342 aiuif defiver. A BROTHER FOR HANNAH! McCartney - Eryn, Paul and Hannah are excited to announce the safe arrivai of Cameron Ben, on Monday June 25th, 2007 at 9:llpm, weighing 9 ibs and measuring 54cm. Proud grandparenta welcoming Cameron are Roaemary and Rick Sparkman and Joan and John McCartney. The whofe family is excited you are here. We love you very much!