IceHawks add to forward ranks with trio Stover set to seefuil-time dut>' with his hometown club Zycb .t The Canadian Champion, Friday, JuIy 20, 2007 - A25 lccHlawks last season, and is now set for a ful-time serving. The 1 7-year-old Miltonian - who sbowed a fair amount of promise in spot duty - is among the local clubs hirst three signing for the 2007q/08, season. The fixe-foot-10-inch, 167-pound forward averaged a point a game wttb the midget Hurricanes last year - witb 17 goals and 14 assists - and impressed the IceHawk.s coacbing staff during a bandful of late-season caîl- ups. I really like the way Scott plorys on both sides of the puck," rernarked head coach Randy Novak. "He dishes it off at the right trnes and is just a solid play- "Li 1 jOil oIý loi ward ranks is l-ormer Hiurricanes team- 18-year-old Carlisle native who racked np 37 ponts 0l6g, 21 a) and 90 penalty minutes in 33 games witb last year's Dundas Blues of the Niagara and District Jr. C loop. The team's playofl- MVP following a productive regular season, the live- foot-eighi-inch, 140 ponnd centre makes up for bis lack o>1size witb plen- ty of speed and skill - not unlike the mix found in lceHawks' 2006/07 scor- ing leader Davd Vallorani. Completing Miltons initial trio of additions, I 8-year-old Spencer Janes of Etobicoke cornes over [rom the neigh- bonning Georgetown Raiders to com- plete last year's trade o[ captain Evan isitig the y car i 'tili cghtit PIlin II44 games - Novak feels the six-foot- tbree-inch, 203-pound winger bas tbe tools to be a significant pbysical pres- ence in tbe league. "He's not afraid to tbrow tbe puncb- es or ponnd in tbe corners, and could be tougb to move in front on tbe pow- erplay" Milton's bead coacb expects to add more players in tbe coming weeks, rnaking tbings even tougber lorthte 14 eligible returnees. Its going to be a bigbly competitive camp and l'm not sure ail tbe veterans will be back. We cant be complacent, especially witb only tbe top-six teams (in eacb conference) making tbe play- offs now," said Novak, referring to tbe IceHawks' eigbtb-place finish last sea- son. \Winds wreak havoc with Baynton 's game Bob Bayntons bopes for a strong sbowtng at last finisbed at an overaîl +20 w,%itb rounds of 80 and 82. aIPl week's Investors Group Ontario Amateur I ve neyer played in wînds tbat strong, and witb W M Cbarnpionsbîp were blown away - literally just about every bole bavtng a bazard it made GUUODMI . ne ~ bavoc witb tbe 155-player field scores, tbe cnt-off at onto the green in two." 99 sg Sutton Creek Golf and Country Club in Essex was Particularly bamstrnng during day-two play tbe1hle suw esiasti downgraded to a seemîngly relaxed + 12. provincial cbampionsbip newcomer bad four don- Nevertbeless, dozens of competitors - includ- bIe bogeys to close out a tborongbly-cballenging ing a debnting Baynton, witb son Tom serving as debut - wbicb înclnded înst one birdie, of a par-3 caddy - needed far more sbots to complete tbe two Bob Baynton 5tb on tbe second day H rounds. "h was tongb, but a good experience,' said j I would say 1 was nervons, but tbe wind really made Baynton, wbo plays out of Springfield Golf and CountryMi tbings tongb ont tbere,- said tbe 47-year old Miltonian, wbo Club iin nearby Guelpbh. . r-------------- Ià ir ~ offilcial Regslralon