- i The Canadian Champion, Friday, JuIy 20, 2007 - A21 SPORTSm SPORTS EDITOR: STEVE LeBLANC e-mail slebIaflc@haltoflSearch.com ~Sr. Sox secure first Eliminations victory But Moore flot thrîlled with overall effort in Windsor By Steve LeBlanc CANADIAN CHAMPION STAFF Gcorge Moore wouldn't go s0 Ifar as to use the word disap- pointed when surrnising about bis Senior Red Soxs efforts at last weekend's Ontario 'A Elîminations in Windsor.1,1 mu, orevewc After ail, Milton did core - the 3-2 loss as bis team's best away with its first 'A' showing of the weekend - Elimination victory in only and for good reason. its second appearance - Rediscovering their somctbing a number of [ '/ / ~ sharp fielding, the Red COBA counterparts have Sox made just one error taken mueb longer to and managed a tourna- accomplisb. ment-high seven bits - Be that as it may, tbe Red ~ ® îcuigtob on Sox's manager wasn't exactly catcher Curt Davies. He and overjoyed witb last Friday's 5-4 older brother Reese drove in the ri1ns alive in the double-knockout tourna- ment. Setting the stage for Kevin Coopers game-wrnning RBI in the bottorn of the seventb - with Taylor Lawton cashed in on a two-out single - MacLeod delivered a two-run single and two-nn double in the third and fifth respective- ly to put Milton in position to win. Steve Lauzen went 2-for-3, while Finkbeiner had six strikeouts in the narrow win, holding Oakville to just one earned run on five bits and a pair of walks. While elirninated a few bours later squeaker, gtven tbat it came against an opponient the>' sec aIl tbe time - and under less tban frtndamentally sound eircumnstaîices. It would have been nice to beai someone else. Yeah wc got our first %vin at eliminations, but arn I satisfied - no," said Moore, referning to a ratber ugly second-round victory over tbe Oakville As. Not immuîne to wbat was a largely sub-par delensive weekend by tbc 20_ teamn field, Milton cormîtted a bigbly- uncharactenistie eigbr errors in its firsi two games, tbree agaînst its neigbbour- ing rivaIs. And witi a ratiier modest live bits, in round two, tlhe sbort-staffed Red Sox needed a solid coînplete-game perfortii- ance from Adam Finkbeiner and some clutcb at-bats by bobbled slugger jeff MacI eod to cke out tlhe vit tory and stay to crase an early deficit before the Reds squeaked by in the final frarne. Cooper, MacLeod, Kurt Mitchell and Matt MeCandless had the other bits. Seeing his second start in as many days - witb the pitching staff a little ligbt, due to work cornmitrnents - Tyler Wilson distanced hirnself frorn a sbaky first round witb a rock-solid complete game to give Milton a legiti- mate shot at advancing to Saturday He was taken out early in day-one action against co-bost 'Vsindsor Athletic Association, wbicb capitalized on a bandlul of errors to outdistance the Red Sox 7-4. Ian Zetdle was faîrly credible over the ncxt six-and-two-tbird tnnings, wbile Mitchell bad two of Miltons five bits in the tournarnent opener. ,see CODA on page A22 * Clarke's Golf ww.clarkesgolf.com 4"Skyçaddie' Clarkes Golf is naw selliing the SG2 and SG4 SkyCaddie. You have seen lhern adverised on the Golf Channel se now corne lao Clarkes and see the mosl popular GPS rangefinder in golf.W PNO FITTINO DAY Tuesday JuIy 24th 2-7 RBY4- WppitnOn S'TONYEBRfOOK lESTATE8 01 $369,900 Beautifully maintainied 2 storey in private cotrt community, open concept floorplan, 3 Iarge bcd roims, 3 batlbrooms, carbedral ceit ing in living roomi, laýrge master suite wich 5 piece ensuite, Iarge car in itchen to open concept tarnily rooi, lIrge un-fin- isbed basement over-siz.ec double garage for the home hobbyist. armour stone landscaping, wooded lot mi propern, for privac-v, in nove-in condition.m 15 mins. west of Milton. ____71_ Offered for Sale at $369,900 1