A20 - The Canadian Champion, Friday, July 20, 2007 i4-~ Af ~a/ // f 4f f# /4 1), Austen & Nobte tasorance B Tirs tartans Yattaw 1 Goalie ftan ohlhtenms, Lino PannaIt anA Loke Monre id a grant job in eepîng the hait out o the goal. doohua Strutheru scored ton Tim Hotons. For Asten & Noble, Zachary Tamr hani 3 goals, rosktyn Ryder hnd 2 arA singles wet to Loke Ewen. anA Liam Farrell. Hust Chrystar 2 KVIK Tearsanar 4 t as a oeil playea game oy both eamn Enan izi anA Zachaîhu Bogeoi sconed goals ton Chrysien. Ethan Isaoy and ettery Kcrnîchan nscsned goals for Teammear. Ottaodîng gsatenidîng hy Maghao Bannes anS Victoria Panales Tennîtîc detense by Isabella Trevîsnr anS MaOthew Nast. Hatton Racyciog 3 Tirs Hortons Lima Green 1 The game eatursd lots ut great goatendîng by Cnton Recyclirgs Mareani Murphy andAdbigai Tend anA hy Lima Greens Thomas anA McAlistsr Haos manie the mot of their chances ns Ryar Cassettatdt, arri Marson, arA Milan Hendersor sncb sconsd oesfon the ictnry. Lime greens scor- e a ama nh Zmgnndzkî, 11il,1i. Royat taPage 3 Tirs Horons Forest Green 3 Michael Felsi, Kelly Oen anS DaviS Garcia ail pan- etrated the Royal LaPaga goal hailA by Soha Khan), ohîle Ethar Arews sconed ail 3 ton Royal LePage, Sespîta efforts by Tîm's goalien Kyle Hcey anS Memphis Corbent. Special mention ns Rosai LePagnh Mchelle Marzalee anA Cameron Heînz, ton heîr drive anA etenînînanion Royal LePaga 3 Walace Pontiac Bick Carilc i Ethan Andrews shomed oHfhîils siis agaîn tor Royai LaPage scorg is second han nrick ot the eanon. despîte stron efforts in goal tor Wallvce hy Aideni Beagiey, Royal LoPage nadi some grant sanas hy Amanda Alana in net, anA noms excellent attemyts by dessîca Ambroni. Tirs Horions i Tatas - Main Street1 Tlon' Anthony Chînpatta anA ions Nolan Futon each scoreS thaîr team n lune goal, ressltîrg ir a ieý Tîo s Alcia anSdarenîter Sneck arA Telun' Cunnngham arA Daniel Dehamlton hA some great pinys. Tlus goatkeepan atîn ChaOnarnd Ast the game isA mth an otstandîng sans an the anS of the game. Tirs Horons White1 Labtarso Frest Green 5 Gama scsnsrs ton Lohinos mare Ncolas Padîlta (31 arA Anthony Ditz (2). Dayton Prca ot Tim Hronrh Whte id is hast scoring une. Cannah Cain anS Jackson Gabrîie protacteni the Tîm Hotons goal as id Anthony Dntz anA Wsey Reas for Lohinos. Tirs Horons White 4 ParelasAuto 2 Pîm orons sconers mare Dayton Prce, Grîttîn Butter. Chanelle ParHer anA Dyton Prica. Macasin PaBaersor pinysd a strng rst hait in goal Inn hlm Csnin's allsrsing nnly two goals, ors hy Mattbsm Dsrrery PanHeis Auos gnales Mathew Dsrrsny anAdames Badan arA Tims Matbso Christoff-Butler pinysd banniir rt Austen & Noble Insarance Hunt Chrysteri Taylor Chauteos anA Trstas Hughes the goaltending tandem Io Austen & Noble anA ianna Campbell anA Donosan Bisson the goattaners trom Hunt Chrysiar cassae appinuded ton a grat game. Zachany Tamr scored the goal ton Austen & Noble anA Megan Banes replisd ton Cunt Chrysiar Austen & Noble tsrasca 7 KCK Teammwear 2 Austen & Nobles Brooklyn Rydar hani the amnofo han lite, sosng al 7 goals. Amaie Brown anA [an Moon ot KCCCTeammean pt n enceptivrat eforts arA mania numarous rushes mith the hall. Bth teans' goalmas, Madeine omans. atatyn Madigan, Cyta Gough anAd ayden Greene, onde numaroos grat ases. Aussten & Noble Issurance 7 A Designers Toach 2 Austens goalien Mathîs eost anA Taylor Chautemo turned away numernus ncnnîng opportunities. Designers Toach goalien Krtis Rota and Kyle Samblesn manie mary great onnes. Astens cor- ens were Zchary Tarr andi Broklyn Ryder wth mol- tiple goals andi Katelyn Bomars with one. Designers Toocb scorers mena Bren Matbeson andNi Ncholas Sambleson La Rase Batnnry lian Horion Gonikeepers (Tîm'n Gabe Colomhe anA Aleo Coey and La Roseso dac im Hi naîd Andrîla Loocari piayeît enceptîsnally oel La Roses Shayn Smith hani an eacîtîog reakaway goal ana Katie hoaîn demonstrat- ed great detense. Timos Roran Tacey played grean otteoce white Delîce Canaris denonstratad nonne gooni hottîng ton the haill KPMG Basf Transfter Best Transten came ont trong scorîng 4 goals, 2 by Sara dogne and 2 by dulian Vandar Vot, in the first halt agaînst KPMGs goalîn Madison Polkînghorn. Bet Transten's Brandon Gorro got one past goatîn Brianna Platen, Scott Ramsay ncornd a han trick ton KPMG. Final score 53 Best Trassten Tim Horions Forest Green Tirs Horions Tmal Great cgoaltendînq (om Greens n ichotas Ferneira and Mia Caîîc anA Tain atie J0e Smith anS Madeloni Eley Teal scorers were doshha VanZinyleni anS dustin Lover A liard lsught gamne navi yean pasîng rons Sarah Boosmer ana Sami Dettruin anA noyer lootwok om Claire Rîsard ns een greens ii the gamne lia Horios Royal Bise B Mais Welding 6 Goalien ton Tîm n oera avis Snow aaid LOaiella Clia Sharîng a shutout ton Masîs were Devyn Chiappîno and RarSeil Samms. Goal niorers ton Maoîo were Carson Wood oîth three, Devyr Chiappîno wth two and Vanessa Camarata oth hon inon one thîs seasoni Anhley McLetchîe played somne great denerit on Manîs. Tirs Horios Red 3 Terry RarsIaR Machasical 4 Tîm Hortons Tyler Amaral scoreS nwogoals ir se tînst hait. Second hait saw Penny Rnwlay s Kyle Harris score tour goals anA Tîm Horio n sLaah Baroudez score ors. Great goaltendîng hy Om's Kevîn Aider anAd osh Ben anS LoHa Verny's Tramhlay anA Bîanca Vanile. Specîi mention ns Nicole Madmara-MaHu. Tirs Horions Yetf ors Tirs Horios Lime Green 5 Pellom n Commi Anderson sconed a grat tînot goal oi the gama. Lima green uconans mare Dnesb Hassan (2), NîHota VucenosiH (2) anAdJordan Sherman t1), Lime grassngpalle AnArs Tîsmar plaped gratir rat, hlncHing mary nhotn. Despîte the outntanding goal- tamSung et Malanîs StaRt, Yallom tati tn Lime Green 5S gichaelnon an d oshua Stevenson oach mth one. LitieBannis scorers mare GrîBen hulis-Calo, Caeloh Farrell, Hamanpreet Uppal, ard Matthew Panqonla mitb two. Miton Chryster Dodge Chodtigh's This mas a clonaty tnaght game witb moin goalterd- ing by Dana Timpoon anA Branna Tanninson MCD andi Nathan Choncher an dJordan Deoni ton Chudleghs. MCDo goal scorers asene acob Wilson. Camdîn ingobsry, Kyle Droge, Shane Mangotîch and Ethan Btter. Chsaleîgh's goals cama frmw Anthony Cîsent and MaOhew Dunta wth nos Sobeys 3 Dixie Ford Sales -2 A scorelens tîrst hait soitîl Sobeys' LoHa Wells sconed a goal. Goalîn Ncholas Cabrai preservad the lead omt haîttme. Second hait goals by Sobeys' Victor Draper anA Nîck Gharabaghî increased thein lead. Ton latte goals by Aaron Nash bought Dxie dloser. bot goatra Cassidy Rathwett monHed han nso preseroe the wîn. Sobeys 2 Daspîte encellent eforts by Ruttîn s goal tender dakoh Heînz, Cannîdy Rathwell anS Nick Sharabagni ot Sobny s wene able ns each score a goal Congratulations ns Ryan g Laary ol Rottin'n ton get- ing past the Sobay's goal tendîng, by Tye Wlson and Braydeo Wessetîng. andi ncorîng one ton Rottîn ns 11 11i. r Fit Wheel 6 Chudteighs 0 Fith Wheeî staSieS VuAis with a goal nrom Nicholas ergin ainS LuAs Harrison Lanînron Fote addOaS21 goals. fllovîed 5y ane a Oaf on Moerna honnlnr ans Hanînion ahion Goalîn Fous Harrison Vis vieil nu nay osuseS mOule only haoîng s make a teos nanan Chodiaîghn morkno very SanS al game Michael C anS Anthony C id a great joh and Planet mhila SHy Bises Spencer Turcote scored thaîr goal. iAs goniHaspers Lino Sicirgen & Sandro Sky blues goalien NiAbil Mubar arA MasosCilts, Passarelli playeni rolAd. nlsg mth datarden Cols Miobertoto ept the royal KVD Escanafing 5 Boston Pizza Yelow1 KVD goaltenders Megan Davis andi Gloria Spehar wonked han n net. KVDs Faith Harris anA Madisn Robson each scoreni a goal and Laeyandra MacPherson ocored thrae goals. Boston Pissas Heather Rogers scoreni their onty goal. Boston Pizzas goline Samnantha Powell id an oosandîng lob agaînist KVD's ottenice Tears Tîger Terasa Gambin RaMas heenan goalkeeyers were aonazing on ha set alloan îng oniy onr goals ns Team Tîger'o Rachael Dobson (2), Ahhey Panitosa, ana Taylor Peckham The stel- Ian gsalAeeping of Team Tigers Alyssa Dias anA Aexandra Zygmunt halA Peresa ns one goal scored by Alsor Maclennan. Specîilmention tns hmity Nemeli anS Alidia Gaetan Apple Auto Gtaso 5 Peter Hodge Transpori Peter Asage goalîns Spencer anS aranoneer Appal diS as excellen os.PHT sconer wan Kaannveen anA ton VAG were Devon wth 3 great goals. dake, anA Saleem. donathan Brooks and Gabriel lozzosplayes awesomne offense andA AG played remendoosly ovenali. NicA Spencer oas awarded wth MVP ton PHVI Peter Hottge Transpori 3 Tamray Contracting 1 PHT goaume Lsds Ha ie payes encelleîîlly. Winh 051V 7planais tor PH7 ail oad a chasse nu play hoth datasse and Cerise and conînnbted equsally and sîg- nîîtnaînly,' day Hissks 'Siji Chsnîeîgn. Karaoseen dppal hamoael hihnon-Gamactie ail plaved nxcellent- y Scorîng tor PHTIosas NicA Spenîcer anS Nanhor ElAîns snho played gîvar goalies Spencer Jones and Lucas Carr piayed grena. Milton Chrystar Dodgn 7 Boston Pizza 2 Chrysier's scorers were Ryar McDonad l2), Grant Belangen (2), Zahid Neemuchwaia (2) and Chani Fugere (1). Boston Pizzas scorero were Devon Brown and Tyler Woytomicz. Greg Ford piayed soliA in midtield and Paul Sardhu piayed great on deterce. Goalies William Kesten-Drarge, Aiea Peine, Spencer dores and Nicolas Schirm worknd hard. Ginoas Pizza 0 Mifam Stase Construction 5 Girons had Anthoniy Crisci and Dylan Lee doing a great jobin net. Mitam Store had Johathan Piche and Goînn Kraegen in net keeping the shotout. Goals by Greg Logie, Johnatnan Picine, Andrew Ambrosoni, Chris Dobeli and Ryan Moore. Special mention to Robert Davidor, dooiah Ma and Tom Robiný Kenin's Towing 0 CJ's Auto 10 Keoir 's gor biasted oi rois high enengy game againot Cd s, Despîte a great etfort by Keoino goalies Kyle Brea anA Bilai Ahmed, Cds Hassan Motiasmad got a han trick. Cds Ardrew Prince, Kyle MacFaolane. Drew Joses, Christiao Scheobey ard Akghay Rapoor ail neceîsed sone goal and Sans Shalabi got two. Mitam Stone Constructison 6 Pizza Htie Pizsa Put n goalie Thomas McKenoey playod grear in non. Special mntoion ns Pizza nis Coonnr Brodie and Philî p Wells ton nhein hard wone Mnnam Stone n goalie Quinb Knseger got sîs 2rd shut sont.Mîtam sconono viore Denek Mon. Cliris Doheli and Andreos Ambrosori anda hattrick by Greg Lsgie. Royal Lerage 6 Kovio's Tswing 3 LePage goalies Ryafo Melanson and Deiso Frizznîl kepn Kevîn s Towing ns 3 goals ait scored by Aiea Kozîarz. LePage s Dylan Sabater and Zach Wadham scored 2 apiece aod Ryari Melaroson and Greg Laporle ocored one apiece, Super effrt and naoes hy goalie Mason Home ot Keoin's Towîng. Royal taPage Lana Harvey 4 Pizza Hat 5 Goaties' Gneg LaPonne and Hayderi Morrisor ytayed brilinantin ton Royal LePage and Thnomas McKerrey mas tantastic in net ton Pissa Ast. dacob Manteli Dylan Sabate, Paul Graham, yod Cory Mottram ait sconed ton Royal LePage. Pizza Hon scorers mare Andrem Abesamis. Michael Rsroîing, Ad Reteca- Robinson aod Breoit Danse wîth 2, Millweld Esterprisos 1 Arthur Etectric 0 Strong goaltendîng ton Milweld, by Calerla Morgan and dennîter ilanga. kept Arthur Eiectric oRf the board, althoogh they hani eecellent plays by Chine Couihon and Iga Zygmont. Millweld's goal mas cred- ited to Caîttîri Hampton, hacked sp by Ally Reddn and Hayleîgh Bellý Alm Lock & Soa Tamray Contractisg Strong play by hoth teams resolte i n a ocornieso tîrot hait. Tamray'o Megan Greaves penetrate i Am Lock's strong detenne and scoreni Aim Lock' or ward lire ttoickty retatîated mith a score by Victoria CliRond. Goatien Katetyr Carey of Aîm Lock andi Amîra Hasan ot Tamray'o were amazing Ala Lock & Soa Rainbawi Aîm LocHs Victoria Clîfford scoreS a goalino the linon hait. Raînbow's Shaîlyn dohnstson as goîck ns esen the score wîth a goal shortly ahter Awesome goal- teridiog by Katelyn Carey combined i oth ntrooig Selenne hy Samaotha Nikslich, Emîly Barrie and Beclîy Dorst ot Aim LocH kept Raînhsw n toraad uine bssy Airs Lock & Soae1Wt. 4 Subway Il Strooig antenne hy Aîmn LocH n Aiea Collîs. Leanna Ritchie,aod Becky Dorst csmhîoed wîth great goal- keepîsg hy Katelyr Carey iOpt Sohoay'n torwand lion hl a Hatie Callaghao KrVsalPowerand Sarah Vow o aed a sog midfiebakog sfof- ward Haylan Kearn,2, yitora Cttfoa lana Vori aScloh ý1,oh Am ioandSale Milton Cleanars 2I KVD 2 Fîst-naît goalias Manhen Race (Mitron Cleasersî Boston Pizza 5 anA Alcia McSuîne ICVD) turneS amny a number of Brosllos 2 upportninîian Clearens'Ban Guthrîs scoreS the int danîten Mattali anA Ncole Di Sains mare amanome goal, tottoond by KVDs tohaun Gandhi. KVD's Aunsa goal Heesprs ton Boston Pissa, mite goalies Falînha Panons avenitsaluy put one pas Myn Rayes-Marshal Sherîtt anA Satana Vianîn diA a temandosjob ton ohîla in the ast dyîrg minutas Mathew Race Brunelto's. Emîly Cugino scored a han trick anA ngoeaHed one pant Atmx Prentîce Rînne Ibrahim scoreSnwos goals ton Boston Pissa. Honh of Brurios ols Sai ena sconed hy Vthaniy IItiIW1j4~TWisemas. Chodlenghs Grnoss Pizza 3 Dominos Pizza A Designers Tooch3 Dominos Pizzas Samanoha Dempsey anA Emma Scorng ton Giron mas Michael Cunha mth 2 anS Bîzzî ptayed grant agnint Chudleîghs Kathryn MoHs Anthony Cilîn mth n. Greant goatsndîrg by tino'S anS Anna Seaatni, oho both scoreS in the irst hait. Rohhy Lomrîs anA Adam Best, Scorng ton The gsalîes ton Chsdleîghs mare dassoin Constable Designern Tooch as Brady Ault wîth 2 and Kyle anod Melssa Schaap Wîth hall the season Sclown Zammît oins 2. Designers oacb also have stroos Csadleîghs continues oîth there pedect record Great goaltandîrg ro Tyler Tummon anS Cyla dob Girls. Zamoitdauy 3, 2007 Mais Wetdiog 5 Milton Washrsorbs 2 Caspmng the score tow ton Mavîs n rat mare Pyler Sharpa anA Austin Bond, Gonies Inn Washwsrks mars Grîttmn McLesd anAd ater Warren. Goal stor- ans ton Mavss ens Peter Chappro mth one, Mues dackson oth tnonanA ConnrCon oth twon Washworks' Stefan Paîarmc scorsd both thamn goals Planet Kido 3 Litlte Hoodo (teali 5 Gine's Pizza5 Ruffios Pet Centre (Darh Green) 5 Planat is' Cyte MacDonald pinynd amasoma scor- Ar enctirg gama as hoth teans tonght hard ton the îng thnss goals. Giros Faims Gravai scosd tnos goals end, nessntsng n a tîs of15-b. Ruffir' sconers mre arA teammates William Hughes, Eric Pratîcante anA RyannDLeany wth a bat tricA anA Chrstophar Aazmb asoar aach sconed ors. Gnohs goateepars BDYS UNDER 12-STANDINGS: BDYS-UNDER 14 STANDINGS: Tears Points Tears Points 11 Bigneil Internat solutions 15 1 Subway 19 t2 Ginos Pizza 13 2 River Ridge Physistharapy 13 3 Milton Washrsorlrs il 3 Davis Wire il 4 CJ's Ata Salas & Service il 4 Master Loch 10 5 Hunfar Medical 10 5 Pasqualinos Cala & Blisro 4 6 Pizza Huf 9 B Airs Loch A Sale LIA. 4 7 Vile's Pizza 9 7 Siemens Canada LIA, 3 8 6Mitars Stone Construction 8 B DPSEU 0 9 Aaro Supplias 4 10 Tarsray Contractisg 1 GIRLS UNDER 12 STANDINGS: il Royal LePage 1 Tears Points 12 Keins Turing o 1 Wakefield Wiidcats 16 BDYS UNDER 16 STANDINGS: 2 Miiirsaid Entarprisa 13 Tem - --ons 3 Chadwick'o Tranel 12 TersPins 4 Ginons Pizza il 1 Soathoiers Dental 15 5 Home Hardware 10 2 Sriss Chalet 10 6 241 Pizza 6 3 Mplhust7 Arthur Elactric 3 4 Scott B. Priar - Ramas 9 5 Higb Fine Photegraphy 6 t6 Crime Seappers ut Haltan 4 Dominos Pizza 2 Boston Pizza 1 Dominos edgd ot Boston Pissa n a clone 2-1 gamne Boston Pizzas goaluen Emuty Coguns and FOuIV OGaffan menabonh dynamite, ohileJdansa Ayans and Aulînru Marin mena almont onheatahie tor Dominos. Caroline Delaca scoreni ton Boston anA Emma Buzu and Atlimon rina hoth drîlleA ors mm othe set ton Dominos. Boston Pizza Slry Blue Boston Pizza Royal Bise 2 Tomnuy Lopincca scoreS both goals ton Royal Blue, GIRLS UNDOER 14 STANDINGS: Tsars Points 1 DPSEU #234 14 2 Ban Dongans 13 3 Arhur Eiactric fisc, O 4 Miton tiahaeyes 8 5 Mafform 7 B Milars Stone Construction Ltd. 4 7 Profech Sncarioy 3 B Mitirsaid Entarprises Ltd. 3 R Colt Fences & Docks 3 10 Rarshosrsa Soutios mc. 1 GIRLS UNDER 116 STANDINGS: Tears Points 1 Airs LocH & Sain Ltd. 16 2 Rainhors Grop 14 3 arsray Csntracting 13 4 Sshrsay 12 B Priaary Electrical SappiR 5 B The Bide Dickens 4 7 SB Electrolysis & Laser 3