Mlton's Community Newspaper Since 1860 >Weekend idituon Auto Acce ssorges Upholstery fepairs Wndshîeld Repairs *781 MAIN ST. 01 & 2, MILTON 876-4785 N EW S Environment minister visits S POR T S Red Sox earn first 'A' Eliminations win A & E Playing the blues iv Au N Mw NRRIPhPce * -, 'g - * * g il 'ATHIRSTY FINISH: Five- year-old Kelly Johnston enjoys a cool drink beside her bîke after fînîshîng the three-to-fîve year-old race of Saturday's Kids of Steel trîathlon Held noîde and ouT of the Mîlton Leîsure Centre, the annual ,I~4 event attract- * ~' ed approxî- mately 300 competîtors For more pho- tos, see page ____________________________________________________________ - I --lown stands firm on plant assessment By Stephanie Hounsel CANADIAN CHAMPION STAFF After a lengthy and spirited discussion, Town councillors bave decidecl to continue their request for a more thorougli environ- mental assessment of TransCanada Energys (TCF) power plant plans. Milton remains the only munficipality to be calling for a "bump-up" - an in-deptb envi- ronmental studv of TCE's plans to build a power plant near Elhe Milton-Halton Hills bor- der. in a recorded vote Mlonday night, council- lors narrowly rejected staffs recommendation to witbdraw the requesi. "Al -.e're asking for is an independent assessment,- ,aid Ward I councillor Rick Dax. savyng the Towno of Milton is now 'a lone Wolf' in the maîmer. Tbe Region of Hialton recently decided to wNitbdraw ils bump-up request once outstand- ing concerns regarding noise from tbe facîlity have been addressed, as- dîd the Town of Hialton Hilîs. Mel lo-vio, the Towns dîrector of planning and development, said staff recommended fol- IovKling the Region of Halions actions. '(TCF) is coîîsidered to be a dlean operat- ing plant," lovio told councîl, explaîning the Region's bealth department bas found the plant will meet or exceed provincial and fed- eral emissions standards. What makes the situation particularîv dîfli- cuit is the complexity of the matter. Day said, explaining counicil doesnt know the questions to ask. neyer mind the ansssers. It ,s wav over our heads, hec said. \Vbats needed is someone T) independent- lv advise îhe Town on what needs to bc asked of TCE and ultimately whether the plant is safe, he aid. On hand to answer questions from town counicil was Chnis Breen of TCF and Dr. Don Gorber, speaking on the companv's behaîf. I can sympathize with the councillors comment about how difficuli some of this is to understand,' Breen said. Hie emphasized the consultants hired by the Region bave "a repuEdîlon to uphold- and can therefore be trusted witb their opinion that the plant's safe. But councillors seemed to feel too many e STRONGER on page Al16 Insaide Todays Champion OPINION A6 CLASSIFIED A26 REAL ESTATE B9 DATELINE B16 Aww mktoncanadàanchamplon oom Inserts: FUiL DISTRIBUTION -OAFP LOBLAWS- ZELLERS- WALMAHO.- PIZZA PIZZA - FOOD BASICS- HOME HARDWARE - ASHLEY FURNITURE PARTIAL DISTRIBUTION - ALEXANIAN CARPETO*- M&M S - SEARS- CANADIAN TIRE NO FILLS FORTINOS- BELL SYMPATICO- PRICE CHOPPER - SOBEYS THE BRICK - JYSK - OTEMANS -SOPERSTORE RABEA FINE FOODS - FUTURE SHOP - tONGUS -BEST BOO*- SHOPPERS DRUS MAT Remains only municipality calling for bump-up'