Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 17 Jul 2007, p. 6

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A6 - The Canadian Champion, Tuesday, July 17, 2007 Be water wi"se Four 88 ccks ltoinhcelic 1i Cial siai t sturnici Il. Casv te bicconneC cnrplacnt about wvalcr Sat'e[v Sunday imai ked the 'îaît ot National Drowning Preventin nWc.an effort 1% the 1Ifetsavînig Society' te make C anadians awarc that they can help prevent water fatalities. With more than 400 drowning deaths recorded coast te coast each year, drowning remains the third leading cause cf accidentai death among Canadians under 60 years et age, accord- ing te the society. There are twe really simple ways te ensure yeu and yeur leved cnes make it home safe- ly frem ail the fun activities summer offers - make sure theres a trained lifeguard at public swim areas and wear a life jacket. I oli cetît. ssîalîstîc., sup- poEtting 1tîlsc basic pi eventive tucasuines iilI a star tltng stery Accet ding te the I.anadian Red (. ios., and I itesaving Socit, 78 per cent et' aIl t ecreational l)oating drown- ings in Canada in 1999 tîîvolved victimis who were net weanng a life jacket er personal lotation device (PFD). The presence et a certified lifeguard greatly reduces the risk of drowning while swum- ming.I cRs than two ýer cent cf aIl drowntngs in our coun- try occur when there is life- guard supervision. In 2006, the Lilesaving Society reperted more than 250,000 Canadians wcre trained in National Lifesaving Society pregrams. Anyone interested in adding te that statisuec should visit wwwlife- saving.ca. Readers Write E-mail youi letters te rrulteu@hatonsearchoem. Councillors' pay increases should flot be approved for current term DEAR EDITOR: I just wanted te preface this letter witb the opinion that l'm in faveur cf paying cur politi- cians well for the work they do. I bave ne qualms witb the amount cf the pay increase recently approved for Milton council. 1 do, bowever, bave a prob- lem witb the way it's done. Councillors sbould net be able te vote tbemselves a pay increase. Tbey do vote on al budget matters, but this cur- rent council sbould net benefit from this decision. When it comes te pay increases, we sbould have these decisiens made effective the date tbe next ceunicil is elected. Tbere's an old saying tbat politics is perception', and t rings true bere. What are the citizens of this town te tbink after bearing that taxes wilI be geing up this year and ncw - very quickly and quietly - a pay increase for the people around the table? It doesn't look rigbt. Greg Nelson was the cnly one te vote against the increase. Seeing as it was bis first time sitting areund the council table, be said he bad reservations about veting him- self a pay raise on bis first day on the job. Pay increases are fine. Paying politicians of ail levels wbat tbey are wcrtb is some- tbing tbat we need. The debate grows at cacb level te seek eut wbat we sbould be paying our elected efficials. My enly preblem is that wbcn tbey vote te increase pay, it should be effective fer the ncxt counicil. 1 was a candidate fer last Nevembers election, as ail tbe others wbo sit around the table were. When we received cur candidate infor- mation packages, the salaries were pested. If anycne bad a preblem with the ameunt they were gcing te be paid, tbcy could have made a decisien net te run. Net that the salary is tbe enly factor in a person putting bis or ber name forward for election, but it dees make a dif- ference. Tbey ran on thbe fact that their salaries were geing te be $21,000 and it sbould remain at that level until the next election. WVhat the Town nced.s te do is work in seme sert cf a cest- of-living increase at pre-deter- mincd times, and it would take the issue of councillors veting tbemsclves pay increases eut cf their bands and be mucb more palatable te the taxpayers. MIKE CLUETU MILTON WaIk of Fame induction ceremony truly memorable DEAR EDITOR: 1 was an inductee at Miltens Canada Day Walk cf Fame celebratien at the fairgreunds. I'd like te tell the erganizers that this was the bigbligbt cf my life, and tbat tbey did a fantastic job erganizing the parade and reccgnizing eacb inductee. There were a few gced speeches and a few net-se-geed speeches. 1 wasn't prepared, although I sbeuld bave been, te say tbank ycu. It was great te see a lot cf my friends wbcm I havent seen fer a wbiîe, and te sit in sucb great cempany Milton bas always been a great place te live, and Mayor Gord Krantz is a goed person te be directing tbings. HARRY BARNES CAMPBELLVILLE Colour blindness can be serlous issue in sports DEAR EDITOR: Colour blindness is a deficiency that affects 7 per cent of maies and 0.5 per cent of females. Red-gteen colour bindness is the most common formn. It can cause dif- ficulties from differentiating between similar-looking colours or being unab" to tell if a traffic light la actu- ally red or green lu the Internet age, one can quick- ly check for titis condition at home using. sites like http/wwwtoledo- bend.com/colorbindA/shjarahtnl' In contact tearn sports, unifortu colourscanPoeç a risk to the partici- Pants if there is insufficient contrast for a colour-blind persen to distias- guish between their teammates and the opposition. Èack ighting or a set- ting sun cmn intensify titis problem. People playing teain sports make about two decisions a second. In my opinion, a child under 12 years old doesn't have the cognitive akilis need- ed te process information titis quick- ly If a player carunot tell if someene coming toward theni is their teamn- mate, ail of these mentioned factors increase the likelihood fer collision and injury between players. What is your miner sports organi- zation doing te reduce this risk te its participants? MIKE MILLER HAYWARD CRESCENT ZbtMe rnîabîaî Q~ampion Milon' CommuniEy Newspaper Since 1860 555 Industnial Dr, Milton, Ont. L9T SEl 905-878-2341 Edttonial Fax: 905-87"-943 Advertising Fax: 905-876-2364 Classified:905-875-3300 Circulation: 905-878-5947 www.n'ÙtOncanacUanchampion.om Publisher Neil Oliver Advertislng Director Wendy McNab Managing Editor Karen Miceli Production Manager Tim Cales Circulation Manager Charlene Hall Office Manager Teri Casas lTe Canadian Guaon, puiblied every Tuesday and Friday, is a divsion ofMetolubd Media GrouipLtd. - Grouip Publishe WanOlime AdumErtsng is accepted on the condition that.in Ethe evn fa typographical eEEor hat portEon of Ethe adven- tisng spaceocupEed by Ethe enroneous Etem, ogeEher wEES a reasonalie allowance for sgnature, wîil l te chaîîed for, buEtEthe balance of he advertisenEent wili 6e paid for a? Etle applicable rate EThe publsher eeservnestelle 096E E caEegoEEEE advertiEements or decline. CCAB Audited Recognized for excellence by Oniario CommunEty OCfla Newspapers Associaion CCA Canadian CommurniW Newspapers Association SSubudian Newspapers S ofAmenica The Canadians Champion is a proud media spenser for: Haltonbeahare 0NT1 a WLCOME *p Jingle Bell Fund CANADA LiAn UNITED WAYJ OF MILTON TV AUCTION MILTON SANTA CLAUS PARADE YYMCA ~ THFVA 0 wards fle )ak tle Milton Showcase Mto SGALA Awards -.hâuàý-,

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