Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 17 Jul 2007, p. 18

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18 - The Canadian Champion, Tuesday July 17, 2007 GeeIHl idfleidA Idiidi& SkildII& aSidlai & SIdi & Office Help écnclHein TehisiHop TeMàical 14.111 Tociacal mlp Ca11 We- are an innovative leader in the newspaper industry and CSR - Telehn reDs a Join us an Thursday, JuIy lOth tram 10:30- 2:30 at the YMCA Career Development Centre 500 Drury Lane Current positions include: Customer Service & Technical Support Representatives $1622 per hour +Excellent benefit & incentive opportunities! RETOATO TCHIsA Renoeation & restorafion contracter hrîng Tchnicians with Cleaning, Water or Fire Damnage Restoration experience. An excellent opportunity for someone with geod communication skitîs and organizationet abîlities. Experience preferred but wiling ta train a peroon wdth the right attiude. Oeani drivers record required. Lookîng for someone who dukes working on a qualty oriented wnnng team. Seeking a Retired Couple n good heafth for ive on position on farm n north Barington. Compansation witt inctude accommoda- tion in ceparate three bedroom tarmhoeee. Prîmary dties witt be tarm maintenance, graoo cetting, sn0w plowîng, ornaItrtip driving and property aecerity. Requrements: Must poseesa oatîd drivera licence, be abla te drive a tarm tractor, and provde appropriate references. Please respond to: 1450 Headon Road, RO. Box 93124 Burlington, ON 17M 4A3 Lookîng for Surlingaton INTRUCTORS .1.1. -- -ff te teach lavd andt/or water ftîtveos classes. Yoc ailI be reopoosîble ter choreographîvg ftneaa routines te music and wll be able te medify adapt te the varieus ftnesa levelsofe participante. If yau'ra interastaditn jaining aur taam, wa Invita you ta appty by Juty 20, 2007 quating job # PR-72-07. Tanstey Waads (Attention: Flînesa Instructor), 1996 Itabashi Way, Buringlon Ontario, L7M 4JO or emaît: aquattcs@burtingtan.ca Besy acte body shop has 2 pocitions avaitable- Auto body repair technician -Paint Preper required Lceneed, eoperîenced technîcians req., oraîghl daye 8-5pm, lat rate, above average pay, beneftt package and pension plan. Succestel candidates muet have good commenication ekillo, be teara players have own tools. Appîy in confidence ta: jhido@nas.net or Fax: 905-333-6752 Laaklng for Individuats witttng ta pravide res- pite for childran and aduits with phystcat and davatopmenfat disabititias tn the talttan Ra- glan. Must be wtlng ta pravide assistance with activitias of daily living and avaitable ta pravide parental relief. Succeestu t candi- dates witt be hred by the farnity. llEnai tIsideaSas u U5toericea MO requit-ad for HolTub Company, Excellant custamaer service aklîs, comfortable with A Divison af Motratand Mdli& roiap u*& If intereoted apply IN WRITING to the Humun Resources Deparornent by Jaaly 24 2007 anid quota fMe. umber SM8. Trhe Hamilton Spectator Human Resources Departmnent 44 Frid Street Hcnifton, Ontar-o L8N 3G3 Fax (905) 526-9211 email- speqjobs@e-espec.com- M teînk youu Wuc ocinmena W n*toe cundAit an ece na un interiew i bu cnntoexurMNuphoneu cbx or eges. pieuse. Building Operator Continuîty of oar office and manufacturing facility as crîticai to our success as a ieading edge provîder of pinlt and on âne media, 1ire auccessful candidate will play a key role ie operating and maîntaîning our facîlîny in a safe, reliable and coat-effective manner A key focus of nuis position mill include responaibility for conducting regular predîctîve and preventatîve maiîntenaînce actîvîties througirout tire f.iciiity in ordeî to i adace tire freqsency and aeverîty of Pningency ind coirrective mainternance. t he ideai candidate mAil Ian<a akiiied ci .ftspei son miro taaction oî îented mîtir weii devn aped anaiyti ai and rer hnica,îi kilis. fie/she mili be ipaIof perforiig a mîde vai ni of maintenance, repdir rnimai ater ationsanmd service <ancions, Soand jsdgment in dliagnosing, i espcrrding ,înd/or esr.ii.îting prabicrea a crîtîrai throagh acquîred knomlIedge of tire building aperatrona, tire caînddate miii effect proress impravementa to reduce energy and mantenaînce coara .and impi ave reiiîaiiity. Str ong interpersonai and negotiation tEilla miii be essentrali n managîng relatronahîps mth colieagues, inter nal rustomera and nanernai service provîdera. Thia position requlrea: Knomledge of , or accredîtatron ie, generai building sybtemns surir as HVAC. process equîpmenn, instrumentation and fre protection. A minimum of three years naper ence in a building aper,îr r raie and a -nmumm of ose certified trace led/ar pomer engrnering. Knowiedge o/ relevant legîsianran. inciuding the Ob SA Lemonsîr ated abiiity ta procure and manage a mîde val iety of maintenance and suppor t services from outarde uenedors. Excellent -a, tien and verbal communication skilis. 1 he auccessi applicant miliibe as ener getir neIf tarter mira demonarrrna is.ttentian ta detaîl arrd the ilbilir ta cear r rol the ly i foa, s of -i iiibe variable andcatire incrrbcnt wii On riequircd ar rnaparrd outarde of ne i, r akinig hoar i,,n oaider tcessai e businesa cantieri t, 1 ner rami tam-, Spectatrrr frr a rcamprenen rera mpera.ar or r)pie .nciad.ng ,mr-ss to pena- r ad bnrcfts 74 ipi-ctlira r e , itrippartirity errrfhyer H2Sport Imc. Automotive Technician Georgetown H2Sport xnc. - a performance automotive parts and service facility apecîatizîng in Porsche, Audi and Vokowagen brande - has a vacancy for an enthunîaxtic eoperenced lceneed automotîve technicien wth Porsche, Audi or VW eperience. Excellent facitity and beniefite package with competitive compensation. Repty in writing: H2Sport Inc, 203 Guelph Street, Georgetown, ON, 17G 4A or fax resumne: 905-873-1914 or emait: info9@h2sDort&wnM Positions with expanding structural steel manufacturer for experianced Fitters, Welders and Material Handiers Applicanto muaI have experience in operation of overhead cranea. We are nawly located at Hwy 401 & Hwy 6 North and offer competitive wage, health benafits and profit aharing program. Appîyinpesan at: 550 Southgate Dr., Guthor fax: 519-837-8973 communicatlion sklîs in bath Englsh ADMI irVe CER and French requtred. 1AMNSRTV LR ---------- * riay ul 2 AP and AR, recoxciialions. Mndaya te Fridays *.Fa # 05 70 -t218 00 am - 4:30 pr. Saary plus fringe eefits. - - Position availabte exnd et Jcly. Please fax resuame tx 905-877-4557 Attention: Secretary Treascrer. Busy Salon & Spa requirea the fottoing: FT ECEPTONI Excellent communication skillc and some computer skilts. CERTIFIED F/T & P/T ESTHETICIANj Flexible hours. For further info please cal Vince or Toni: 905-878-5751 SITE S UPRtIVISOR Requirad for commercial project in Miton. Must be competent in reading architectural drawings. Excellent super- visory and communication okitîs required. Fax reaumes ta: 905-939-7633 or email: Info@marambuldîngcom Milton based Construction Company Rave yois herd working primarily in the GTA requiras the newS? a ful-time physcally fil, reliable Fid ' ~ ' ît(attMiantcbinion abstract essentiel, Class D licence cinio~ ~ «~g (or wilingness 10 obtain) preferred. aIastftdo1~.eaaealaaehawp 1ua a Fax rasumes to: 905-875-2661 FORMULA ...---c--MEI)IA GROUP Formula Meda Group sa divison ef Hafton Media Group. le oeekîxg an expanevnced Intermediate Graphic Artist The qualiit cavdidate wîll heac motîvted team- playar wth s background in Iyxut and design. Yeu wîll underotavit the importance et deudlînao and ha abie te work in s huoy publiîxfng enoronment. li addition you witt peseese an îtîmate enderotaid- îng et Photoehop, Quark, tnDeaîgn and Illutrtor applications. In thîs rota, you wîlI work wdlh the production team and edîtore te create aititorial tayocto and ado iv magazines. You wîlt ha goat-orîented, chie te werk îndepandently and capable ef workîng in a dead- ina driven envîronmant. A dîploma in grcphic de- sign, or aquivatent axparienca, ix raquirad. If you would lîke te work for a leader in the media industry thîs opportunity may ha the rîght ove for you. Waettfer v compatîtîva compensation and hanafît package as well as posîhîtitias for future carear growth. If întreted pleasa ferward yeur rasumne hy Jute 20, 2007 te: production@formuapublicatlons.com fax: (905)632-0308 We appreciate the itereet oetait applicants hovaver ox4' those setecteit for an interview will ha coxtacted No phone catis or agexcias please. Apprentices Assistant Managers Ourcintr endauOltv femrt laanu d oeraesseal, ýyloatins GuG a 1n lease emnailyour vtformutun nu Gall HR@greatmove ca MACHINE SHOP IN MILTON Looking for self motivaled Tooi & Dia Makar, contracl work avaitable, design an asset. Fiasse fax resuma ta: 905-693-1135 toplace youra :din catI 905878.23411 MAINTENANCE HANDY PERSON Preterence gîven te candidates with expe- iance in ptumhing, carpaxlry, etectrical axnd gaverai mechani- cal akilte. Muet have c goit commandt et English, heth enitten andt verbal. Must pro- vide own transporta- tion anditotess. Fax resume ta 905-568-3664 Technician wouid 0e beveliciai as wi as kvowiedge Needeit immedictely wQh ourercompiete. e osinquiries for sur new claIe-sf- on FiPasse amaitirasumas f0: the-art tccitity. Import dougtoPowerinkcourier.com experience ie an assaI _______________________ Fax your rasuma ta -cen-, ealEs- te- ssitan Wîlng te gel or complele licence it net fully licanced. 647-439-1445 Fuîltime positiov, Georgetown ced ourrounding attn: Steve AlIum crac, muat have a car. Lots et ocrîed interastingI work. Some Computer knewladge and skld helpful. ome ep 95-7-09 Applaby Callega ix an indapandant achoot for 700 y en and wemen in' Grades 7 te, 12 ouatin Ockville, Ontario. Focnded in 1911, Applaby effara an outstandîng education te both boarding cnd day tudents. The a.school@applabyý program initegratas information technxlogy into the curriculum at evary grade lavaI. The campuo as completely networked and al tudants and fcculty have Tablet computers. Appleby Collage has the foltxwing opportunifias cvailable: Facilities Technician Accounts Receivable Administrator Appleby effare av învtîng envîronment and a compatîtîva salary cnd benatita package. Whîle ail applicaxto are thankait for thair intareet, only thoca chocan for interview wilt ha contactad. As a condition ef ampîxymant, a criminal record checklio raquirait. For more deaiied information on thîs noIe, pleace vîsit the wehaîte, lntereated candidates are invitai tote ubmît thaîr reaume by Monday July 30, 2007 te E-mail: jobs@ applebyon.ca W Website: wwwappleby.on.ca OConnor MacLeoit Hanna LLP is a nînetean lawyar full service lcw tîrm, local- ait in Oclivilla, Ontario. Wa are currently xaekîng an individuel with previeus RESIDENTIAL, COMMERCIAL and MUNICIPAL REAL ESTATE aoperience. The succasatul candidate wîll heabche te handle a rasîdential file trom heginning toeand and wîll hava a minimum ef 5 years real asIate esperiance, încluding reg- stration ef subdivsions, adae plane and eseamante which ara a necessary re- quiremant. Knowladge ef the municipal planning procese unulit ha an cucet. Addtîonal responeîhîlîtîes include administrative work auch as daîly cerrespon- dence, legal memorandums, agreements, tilîngo for tribunal mattero, input ef dockats, etc. AIl applicante soeld have s thorough knowladge et MS Word, Microsoft Out- look, Convayancer ced have excellent communicatiovnunit organizatienal skîllo. AIl resumnes receîved wîll ha held vn trîcteot confidence. tnterested candidates shouîd oend thaîr resumne te: O'Connor MacLeod Hanna LLP Barrisfers & Solicitors 700 Kerr Street Oakvile, ON, M6 3W5 Attenfion: Janet A. Rimer, Administrator Fax: (905) 842-0238 E-mail. rimer@omhca RM~ REAL ES""EP~( CENTRE P -- Dua fo the overwhelming growth of Miton and our tearas cuccesa, the Prior Teaam s looking for Quatity Team Members. Part-Time Administrative Assistant with trong computer ekilta excellent people ckilc and troxg organizationat skilîs. Llcensed Assistant to joix our team. Muet ha fulty licexced with Strong People Siits and decire to work in a Teamn environmext. Fiasse drop your rasume off at aur ReMax Real Estate Centre Inc. Office ai 22 Ontario streai or Fax to: 905-879-7029 Attention: Scott Prior Admnitraiv Coi. . Posito Buringlen Liens-Optimiat Miner Hockey Associa- tion is teeking ton an energetic, eutgeing individuat te iti a fuît time position. Dallas induite: Dalc-extry, receptiex, correspondance, andt Cher ities ac re- quireit. Candidate mccl ha preficiant in Windows/ MS Office,Werd, Excelatndi Outtok. Must possese excellant îterpersvxat, erganîzutiexat andt commu- nication skilts. Must ha avaitchie lx wxrk eveings every second week andt mary second Saturday. (ne Selurdcye frxm mut May te Mit August) Salcry: $25.000 - $30.000. Includea hanetits. O'ONNOR MACLEOD) HANNA LLP FOROrnLY Fengorwar eIIIoe b u.ly 23ura- ito 1 Visitourwebsiteat: www.omh.ca 1 à 1 1 1

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