Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 17 Jul 2007, p. 15

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The Canadian Champion, Tu esday July 17, 2007 - 15 Detsahs DeZi h s Dath InMeriam _In emoriam ArtclesGarbageReova98 MIOETNCare ftI1 HIGH fcS e nsy ga 1-877-JUNK-TWO GO1 harles TIE eolu <Ada Eizabeth DIy 877-586-5896 Same day Ihuisda>', July 12th 2007 iv lils 80t yeaî. uly an Frîday, JuIy 13, 2007 in Hllaîîd 0 He milI 0e sadty missed by his laving ile Lending, Ontario. Clerîshed malluer af DELUXE 2-phece x al L luy is childeen Linda Smitlu (Don) af Carat Anne Chepurny (lexI, Nancy euni, 73" hsgh u 72' !iCaoeer Trainng Emoet, Abeta Snra Mnîzwde. beige weedgrs Edmntn, Ahera, anra Munz Dance (Jim) and flue late David. Beloved $400 0B0 955-653- IStevel aI Kelomne, British Columbia and ile aofluee lte Abert Wesley ElliaIt 1855, David Middlefon of Vancouver, Britiilu Prentice, Iaving deuglter af the late ________ Columbia, his stop çhiîdren Louise Nuthey George and Winifred (Speulding) Dolby SOT Tub 2007, Pîn o si e i (Bill af Naelville, Ontario, Clris Rîckell Predesieased by bralluers Melville and rnrun nîlO ail upgrades - 0Jane f Cld i,Onai and Earîe. Praud Grandma fa Sandy anud ozennalor, ccver,.e n nt IJi 4n Irdanaplaussc, Mustisel[, cent l Dense Rogalinaki (Mark) aI Red Lake, Ontario. Sadly missed by his grandchildren Caiflin, Casey, Devon, Charlene, Andrew, Amenda, Nichlas, Teresa and Lucas. Survived by 3 brothers John, Sandy, Murray and 4 sisters Ethel, Gladys, Dora and Paddy. Predeceased by hie irst ite Jean, 2 brthers and 2 isters. Our thanka ta the dactors and nurses aI the Milon District Hospital. Lesley woutd also ike ta thank the many frienda who have given their support dursng flua dificult lime. A amal memoriat service mas hetd et the McKersie-Kocher Funeral Home 114 Main St. Milton 905-878-4452 on Safurday, July l4th 2007. As expres- sions of sympathy, memorial donations ta the Milton District Hospital Foundatian mould be appreciated. Letters of condolence may be lef for the family at mww.mnckersie-kocher.ca KORY, Patricia (Trish) Passed amey suddenty, but peacefully in her sleep on Saturday, July l4th 2007 at her home in Campbeltville. Trish, beloved ite of Barry Kary. Laving molluer aI Patrick and stepmather of Emily and her husband Damian Walsh. Cherîshed by her grandchitdren Leah and Ritey Sadly misaed by her parents Hugh and Ruth Neily, sister Barbera Neily and brthers Bob Neily and hie ite Janet and Bill Neily. Trialu milI almays be remembered by her meny frienda, Family and friends are invited ta visit t the McKERSIE- KOCHER FUNERAL HOME 114 Main St. Miton 905-878-4452 ram 2-4 pm and 7-9 pm on Tuesday. The funeral service iii be held infle funeral home chapel on Wednesdlay, July 18th 2007 t 12:00 pm. As expressions of sympatluy, memarial donations ta the Heart and Stroke Foundation mould be appreciated. Letters of candalence may be oeff for flue family at www.mckersie-kacher.ca SEIFERT: Janet Peacefully, surraunded by her family on Friday, July 13, 2007 t fle Milton District Hospital, Janet Seifert aI fle age of 83. Laving ite of Hans for 60 years. Beloved mofluer of Susan (the laIe Andrewl Wemyss, Paul (Denise) Seifert and Christapher IDebil Seifert. Survived by her grandchildrers Nick, Lise, Melissa, Alicia, Michael, David, Katie and 7 grmaI grandchldren. Family and frienda milI be received t the J. Scott Early Funeral Home, 21 dames St., Milton, 905-878- 2669 on Tuesday, July 1 7th from 10 am until the time of the Funeral Service sf 11 am tram the Funeral Home Chapel. Interment ta follam at Milton Evergreen Cemetery. In lieu of floers, donations fa the Milton District Hospital Faundation mauld be appreciated by the family. Onine condolences may be made t earlyfuneralluome.comn J- ý&TR* WILSON, Elizabeth 1Peacefully on Mondy Jsly 2nd, 2007, ssrrounded Hospital. Elizabeth Lib, in hec 69tb year, beloned wife ot Frank and oing mother et Thomas and is wite Sandra, Bob, Brenda andt her huabanit Mike ilClark and tIhe laIe Sharon. Proud andt loving grandmother et Kyle, Sarah, Kevin sand Amande. Dear sister ot Duncan Gibson IMargI, George Gib- son IDillysI snd Majrins 105e Martes). Friendo will be received t aIthe J.S. Jones & Son Feneral Home, 11t582 Trafalgar Road, north et Maple Ave- nae, Georgetown 905-877-3631 on Friday Jaly 6 rom 2-4 andt 7-9 pm. Feneral service will be beld n the chapet on Saturday Jsly 7, 2007 aI 1:00 Pm. Intermenl Hilcreol Cemelery, Nornat. In memory contributions 10 the Heart andt Stroke Foandaion or the Hilcreel Cbsrch Memorial Fend wouhd be ap- preciated.To send expressions et syapatby isft Stephen Chepurny, Christina and- Sean Dance and loved Great-Grandma ta William, Sarah and Elizabeth Chepurny and Emily Chepurny. Friends may catI aI the Raadhouae & Roae Funeral Home, 157 Main St. South, Newmarket for viitation on Tuesday tram 7-9 p.m. Funeral service on Wednesday at il a.m. fallowed by interment at the Evergreen Cemetery, Milton. ÉM i moriam 1À1linmoriam ln loving rnemory of our Son, Brother, Tio (unctel and Friend, TIMOTHY JAMES DASILVA jufy 28, f985 -Jly f5, 2006 Is has heen one year sînce cor mnrld fel apart, shas very sagic day thas God teok yen in His arms and yen mre snddenly gene frem us, ove- ry second cf everyday we have mimsed yeu and me always mil. Yen nover sad yen weee leaving, Yu nover said goodhye, Yen mre gono beote wme ow i, and eniy Ced knems why, a million times we needed ye, a million timon we have cried, if Love alono cold h ave savod yen, You woufd nover have diod, In ife me loved yen dearly, fn death me Love yen oill, It heoke oune herts te, ose yen, but YOU didn't go alene, for eut al Love ens ih yen, the day that Ced rook yen home' Wids a lot of Love, Morn & Andy, Dad & Mandy, Chris, Joe & Jay, Auriana & Mlyssa, Kyte & Sam. Forver in al Onr Hearts until me meet again. We Love yon very much, TIM! Ride in Peace fottvtt Angel. CURRAN, Joe Feruary 25tfs, f946 -juy 19tts, 199f Memories are special They dont fade away Wr shink of yen atmays Nes just soday. Lovç always, $beija, jM pIèMn, Tara and Aaron Doug Themson Septeinher 18, 1957 -July 18, 20016 In loving seemory ofmy dear Holsh.îod 1Ican shed a car ia you art goc or1can suilvhccause yîu lived. 1can cloîsensy y cviand pray youhi cone haci o 1can open my eyes andsec yu througli tire heausîful childresi You left nme soh. My heaes cari bc empry beCaUse t cantise yîu or is can bc fulll oilthe love we shared. 1Ican ccu mylîach onoomeeeow andfioe fore ycsterday or t cao hc happy for somorrow hecause of yesterday. 1Ican remember ehas yoe are gene or t cao cheish your memory and les st loveon 1cae cey, be em psy, and close my mmnd or 1 can do) w has you w<ouId mant. SMILE, LAUGH, LOVE- ANI) GO ON. l)e un an oh o , resbhywhen t donst ohn f, fImio<rever cherisîs out wvonderful life sogesher and love o today, tomoorow and always. Patti ln Memary of Doug - Bugsy - Thomson Wheni someone you love becomes a memory, That memory becomes a treasure. Always thinking aI yau. Love Treie, Shawn, Jas and Bridge -KEEP SNIP SNAPPIN - Deug Thomson Septenber 18, 1)57-juIy 18, 2000 Loft a tru i of happy' memories. Love yeu Mecs yeua'il Dad DianeSusan &Fmlc CardofThanh *101CadffThanks THANK YOU... 07-07-07 t wiiuld lîke se shank my family, friends and neighhours for makîng my 60sh Birhday a ver>' onjeyahle -happy -memoeale events Tlsanks for al the cardi, gifts, food aîîd chose pînh hîrds chat wero pus on my front lawn. The portraits s a sheper. I may not have wonîstIse tîîsery hut 1 amn tecky trishave frionds lîke yce. Thansefor everyrlsîng! Doug Adama Happey Birthday te my Wife (07-1 7-O07) persnaisj MSTY RiveurIntroductionss Sas been erine al oI Oe- lasse fnr 12 yearn Lsl'n ns shor o le onennCheese leday lu maisn a change. We haven 1000's etninges ot eoery age. Cal fo yusre freconsultation. (416) 777-6302 wumumin- lyrnverinnun cmm MISTV Rvr Inroductions han macbnd housandn nf singles wilh t16811Ilie par- ners I yeusre nul roer- nted ie the barsoeteon Itînmesdatsng 565 ai aks bours andt 808$ newhern, catise lent lr ree cmnsulta- tint 4161 777-6302 wwmisyenes.nomm LIVE in/LivenounI Nanse requsseit for 2 ohliren, girl 8yrs. boy 2Omîhn nn Milon, ighl hnuneisnnp- ng. Cati Mms. Mizo 905-824-6711. DAYCARE avoulable lAgen 2+). Regisereit prunîdes. Leurng home care. Nutrius nnacissitnohes. SIasI Sepsember. 905-693- 0462. cHILDCARE aealabie nîar'ing Seplembes se my hume. Fuit- us Par-Time. Ecelentlretnrencns and enperiencn 905-693-19446. m Bbyting SITTER snqured OnIa- rieiluedwasd area 90nendn., periedro weisnighls. Prsuîe- persence reqeired. Oms transportatiun prn- lerrnit Casy os Bth 905-876-1616. GUITAR LESSONS Prinate gehat innuaons avaitable fhon expeienced. proessienal inetcors. Bote.cerpere Rf ck I(MSt 875-498. Aries For Sale 48' diamelersolitleais pedentli dining 59055 lubie mth 2x20" ltas extensionos & 6chais, $400. O080 Oaislueis kisschen table wîlh 4 spîndie chairs, $50. 080. 90"-78-8653. POOL able, proten- sînnai neressîh eemy epgsadn l1" niale. $800 wosîh et accessu- rien. Brand nu n bon. Cont $5,000, nust nel $15900. 519-722-4077. LEATHER! 3 pince Iliean sel. Sofa, oumsaI ond chais. New, in plastic. Cus$69M0 Seil $2580. 905-304-4873. $8.475. Sacrifice $3,800. Cuill 519-722- 4077. A cîo nroce,cherry- weed, double pudlessai tabie, 8 chairs, baffer, huteh, douelal cn structioer Non stllinv boues, censt $11eo0 Sacrifice $2600. 905- 567-9459. A King or Ouen Ortho- pedîn nantreso set. New in plasie mac- ranly. Ceol $1600. Sncrsfice ing $550 Ounen $298. eon-b67 - 9459. IlDAmazing bargaîr, quer erthepedic pîl- iomsep ses.,n n plas- tic, warsanty $250 905- 567-4042 null delivnr. BEDROOM Cherry- need, Bed. dresser. nîrror, chent, vighi. stand, vnw oinboues, Decetail construcion. Cosi $7000. Oeil $1500 Dsvsvgreem 11 piece Cherry. New. Cens $8000. Oeil $1900. 905-567-4042ý CARPET i h ave nouerai 1.000 yards ef nen Otasv Masser & 100% nylon car- pet. miii deivcing ron & hall los $389. Ivoiades car- pet, pad & installain(30 yards) Stece. 905-633- 8192 FREE Estieraies Goei nb- biy chairs, iîred ieeissng nenu fîsîshen' Frids Castonmneod Refsrsshîsg and Farossure Repaîrs. 9-9 905-632-9090 HOT Tub (Spa) Covers bans prîce. Bent qualssy, miI shapen & colours, Caill 1 866-585-0056 www.theco- onrguyca HOT Tub/ Spa- Brand n 2007 model iaill options, and moe.sti01in r urpper. Cens $9150., Sacrifsce $4250. Cail 905-971-1777 LITTLE Tykes Play Struc- lare 200, pienin sable 30 and wagon 30; baisers rancs 10; brassi glass 42' table 50; mee's 10 spnnd buse 10;,90"-76-4365 POOL Table, Brand New, sîsill inbox. Selsd Wood, i"Sate, Ail Aooessoriss Censt$6,700, Oeil $1,950. 905-304-9994 [Clfi dilWanted BEST Cash$ Paid-Art Antiques, Cole tbienChi na, Cyssal, Soner Figurines, Royal Douiîen, Swaonski, Glass, Pottnry, Esc. EssaIe Spncsaiss, Tep Cash. Cals John/i Tra- cy 905-331-2477 PtSupplies HUGE Kîgten adupsashon! Salurday, Juiyildlh 10-3, PJ Polo ltoreoiiy Super- Peît 1290 Stnnien Aoe.,Milon, Abandoned CoIn Renoue 647-477- 5807 wwWeRnncueCasoa km Cr orSale 20W Maxima SE. 134,OOOisms. Leather, AC, n-lnstndicerts5snd. $10.900. Cati 905-877-6362. [aufCr orSale 1992 Hondca Pîntude 4900, dorisgren. run greal, hsghway iss pw, mnrrool, healeit seaIs, i stiil une 4 t0 ome foluTO nenits sne nons, anis $1000. CatI Marc 519- 853-0623. M sWanted CARS & Trucis wantnd tur wrncisg. Ocsap enetl n qaansity. Fret t ~ 8Q&uh fotMli 500Tmnn FREE Information Session! 905-333-3499, ExL 121 www. thecentre.on.ca (~The Centre Sii >veo»i»opm t & TDaning We wll rainyouandfsnd Jobs for you Jin: ÇALL CENTRE / FINANCIAL OFFICE I IT IHOSPITALJITY RETAIL IMEDICAL ~B ~ ngon Educaion CenreJ V 905-631-1206 207 îewS Interested in the Trades? Attend a FREE information session on APPRENTICESHIPS IN ONTARIO Tuesday duty 17 at 6pmn To register cal the YMCA in Burlington @905-681-1 140 Funded by the Gavernment of Ontario Start tomorrow 4 Land Agents for a 3-5 year project. Requires extensive Right of Way Knowledge and/or negotiatian akilîs. Yau witt deat with att etements leading up ta a potentiat expropriation/partiat takinga. EX MTO, Appraisers or Utitity Company peopte with corridor and Expropriation backgrounds are encouraged ta Apply. Compensation 45-55K plus benef ifs and Bonus +Laptopicet and Miteage. E-Mail resumes toi: JfolllsOdeangroup.ca GENNUM C 0 R P O R A T O 0N Asssst wsfh setup ond aperot an of procenses and equipmenf. Pravide minar odjustmenfs ond equipmenf mainfenance. >Ability ta work flexible shifts >Previous experience woricing n a monufocturing environment n desiroble > Excellent writfen ond verbal communication skills is required Apply anline at: www.gennum.com/coreers under Technology Operator Deug Theomsen july 18, 2(0016 lelîsvsensesesry ofA lsvîeg and wodcritil 1lad whoswas rakcnfoenlrs iii ycar <a go lut'ivi es gi bouisthisu îe We hvtro shifce , t cr aiac, Miîen sssseoc'sispcaksycir ninm. Sad arlceheartsishas love yssi iIons are the cars that fal fivîiiosr ivs withi:iisysse Yosîîdîd su i eiay shings fer os. Youîr heart mcv kîrd aed r'sne And mhen we nedeid sîssîsc(sIIC, We couîd atndys courssir onrsu Wr hld <ire clise ishisiou iresIets, And shere yîsu stiaIl romnain. 'nmalh wîsh s rhreughous ires lives, Untîl me nmees again. Aimayi lcved, sadly muisied, and nver ous if eut hearts and mindv. Yîur adorsng beys, Mark, Kevin and Lsam - We miss yo(Coach [loug - Skilled

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