The Canadian Champion, Friday, July 13, 2007 -Ag ~CounciI approves directions for 2008 budget By Melanie Hennessey Ilil pil l i on i ll i lliinil nl Ik f 6 5 pt- cnt Regional council bias set out official directions for next year's budget, wbîcb could brîng absout a four per cent tax increase for Halton resîdents. Council approved the directions as ats session Wednesday after bearing details from staff on the propdSsed $49.70 sax bîke (based on a $300000 assessment) and 6.5 per cent, or $43.86 jump ni waser and wastewater rates (based on a 300 cubie metre annual consumption). Wbile there was hlie discussion aingst councîl members about tbe numbers, Halion 1 ills Mayor Rick Bonnette empbasized that be doesn'i wans residents to tbink tbey're etched in sîone. I bese are guidelînes, bhe noted. iTve seen sthe numbers change many times." Acting Coinmissioner of' Corporate Services Mark Scinocca detailec tise big-ticket items dris- ing tbe proposed budget up, lîke the $4.5 million more needed [or roads projecis and $4.1 million to cuver staff compensation and insflaion. He aiso saîd an additionai $4 million worîd be bol elp implement the Grcen( ait progran Oniginal budget 1lsrccastss bd Greeni(-art costs spread oui [rom 2007 to 2011, but the new con- tract could accelerate full imriflementatîssn to 2009. 11e projectcd $4970 sax increase is com- prised of two compontents - $2454, or 2.9 per cent more for regional services and $25.16, or 6.2 per ceni more for police services. The Region is ansicîpasing a $1 2-inillîson sav- ings in tihe 2008 budget now tbat Gl-A pooling - tbe system liaison and otber local regions con- tîîbuted to îo belp Tosronto pay for its social serv- ice cosis- is bcîng pbased out. [laiton saved $6.1 millison tbis vear in pooling costs and disbed ouîtbe money to tbe four local insiicipalities for tbeir infrastructure needs. Council passed a lengtby motion Wednesday ibat cafls [or tbe 2008 budget to be prepared on tihe basis oft making anotber $6.1 million transier tsith ibe unicipaliîties [or infrastructure. The resslution also siates thaitbe 2008 tax- supported base budget sbouid be prepared witb a sax inicrease thaî doesnît cxc ccd 2.() per cent and tise iate-supported budget pui isîgetiler witb a --Where your regional taxes wiII be spent len iargest dollar value proj- eets proposed in Haitrons 2008 tax capital budget: $27 million - Haiton Regional C entre expansison plans $16.5 million - Derrv Road widening from Jamnes Snow Parkway to Nintb Lîne $6.7 million - police bead- quarters realignment $6.4 millîsoîn .ppeb.Ime widlening fiom faywosod Drive to f lwv. 407 $4.9 millison - new Qi\V intercbange ai Bruisse Road $4.7 millison - Wînstsoî ChburciîllBoulevard rec.onstruc- tion frnm Old Pîne Rssad iso River Drive $4.6 million - new 16-Mile Creek structures on Duiodas ~Sreet leiweeio Neyagawa Boulevard and Prcudfsost Trail $4.5 millîson - iiaitsoi waste mranagement transler facilitv Ior the Greeis(art rogram $4 million - poolce [acîli- ties/infrasi rus, ure, Oakville division $3.5 millison - imprcove- ments at intersectîion of Duiodas Street and Applebv iUtie GMT A FRESH START. Get SOLUTIONS now for: Credit Card Problems Loss ai Job or Loved One Repassessions Major Cash Flow Problems Wage Garnishments Evictions Persistent Bill Collectors Judgements, Law Suits Stsdent [oas Delinquerit Taxes Foreclosures Divorce Reloted Financiai Problems Bontruptcy can be aooided. CaO us! No charge for initl consul",ton! m m PADDON + Ryppointment Only. YORKE INC 875081 225 Main Street East (Main & Martin St.) Milton A beller solution! Domenic Manchisi's WEE"KLY SPECUALS Guets tMisadl forthoso specal pitcofl W0 Ford Escape Limitd '03 Honda Accord EX-I Fully loaded with evesy possible opton!! 4 cyl. sutomatic. Itather roos, alloys. 22,898km. 1bo,oookm. $24,995 $16,995 ncM f OW a, Wuaosi wasso taiu uOienic a! 905.845.1646 ext. 141 'eii-î 9 t280 SOUTH SERVICE RD. W. OAKVILLE wr r--------------------------- uI M && Oficahoneti1o FmmmI BMmyE Ya M a*rard AmmEI Sanoe Mm _ _ _ _ __ntoCa m Ic _ _ _ _ __soCa posrIleSono contact _______Toyota ________________________________ Priz DonfioI ÛontdAd ftu - -0- ada&uCï)onaib.cI AHpncabeebeedtoeamgmwI âm « m»om m « 'm» uo m,« *.bfamomm4â" mm m I