13 flot unlucky to everyone 0 ramn HEY on page B3 prcnhicm weanri that nonrnbe(r on thoir altihough oaayhc lie haon't haci the 1b)st luck, playng for the Toronto Maple Leafs ail these years. Ask most people and they'il tell you whether they think they're lucky or not. Then if something unlucky hap- pens to a person who believes they're lucky, theyjust chalk it up to a day with less iuck. If the same thing happen.s to a person who believes tbey're unlucky, they're ikely to say its just more of their samne bad Iuck. Maybe it's a matter of attitude. Peopie who think they're lucky keep reinforcing that belief when something good happens. Maybe they're even more likely to try te, win a prize because they think they're lucky They say that's something multiple iottery winners have in common - a positive attitude. That doesn't stop the rest of us from buying iottery tickets. And of course the more we buy the bet- ter our odds of being iucky But, how many times have you heard iottery win- ners say they neyer won anything before? Sa, are these peopie iucky or uniucky? And if they've aiways previousiy been uniucky, maybe we're better off being uniucky now and lucky later, when the jackpot is $30 million. i wouidn't say I'm lucky in the sense The Canadian Champion, Friday, JuIy 13, 2007 - B15 of winning things, but I would say 'm hias happeried and 1 leit iucky, or foi tu- nate, that something far worse didn't happen. Stili, I'm flot about to take any chances with luck. Most of us are superstitious to some degree. If I spili sait, I tbrow some over my shoulder. If 1 say 'm giad that something bad haso't happened, i always say "toucb wood," and then find some. I don't walk under iadders if i can heip it and don't smash mirrors for fun. No use taking any chances. I'm not worried about black cats crossing my path because I had a black cat. Turns out she was more unlucky than me. I'm flot againat accepting good iuck omens. If i flnd a penny on the ground l'Il pick it up, and mayhe put it in my shoe. I wouldn't say it bas brought me good Iuck, but for a littie white I feel like I'm going ta be Iucky We ail know people we consider iucky I wouidn't say many of us con- sider ourselves that Iucky, but I wouîd say that almost all of us are fortunate, and thats probabîy better anyway So, happy Friday the I3th, but be careful if you're on a sidewaîk flot to step on a crack or you'II break your Mommas back. &týý &6r, ri City Gof+ Ciy Jeffai Finance Rate from i19% * quali*tyhomesl.ca Q CUSTOM BUILT FOR YOUR LOT KNttWaRrH FA, (1tr0Wnao& M!r,WnOnr, .8. #2 Keniwoth, Ontario 8 km south of Mt. Forest on HWY 6 (OOItSTOWN ,' t, 5Morter Orur Cnokstown Outtet Malt at HWY 400 & HWY 89 N9W:ii GRIMSBY & rtr rSMdntiroon 9 Windward Dr., QEW at Casablanca Btnd. FOR MORE INFO toit free: 1-800-265-2648 or visit qualityhomes.ca *lealoviitso, ompleea,na si14,900- to start s 16,700* astr nie City. Pedecf for the ct The City jusf gof more affardable. And lke you, we don't exactly mind savmng a 141e money here and there. Like prinfing tbis ad on newsprint for example. Meef fwo shining examples of VW design: the City Gof and Cîty Je*o. Bath buit with the metropolis in mind. They're nimble enough ta furn on a dime, ond frugal enough ta pick it Up when fhey're through. cxo* » u ,evq i iM»î %W r i* w-1 r i fomImp f*ý w' o 2420 MOTORWAY BLVD., MISSISSAUGAr ON Tel: 905.569.3233 Fax: 905.569.3022 9) 2007 VokwagennCanada Inc. *Base MSRP os $14.900/$6.7000o 2007 Cty Golf/2007 Ciy Jla wtr manual tansmisson. VeF o ewith op ional package showns $16,500/$18300. Ferght nf$715, FOI $635, icenne, inuranco rgitaion, deaertoagesoptionsand aplcabe ' i *Fnancial piano aoalabe through Volkswagen Finance on approvnd credit. Purchanoenample: 20000.00 fnance at 19% for mornths motS payment in $571.98, cot o horfowrrtg i$591.28, and total Io brepard is $20591.28. own onyment may b eur nsunc omand aplcableotaon arn etra, Oder ends Joty 2nd, 2007 Other sn at raton apply Son dealer for compleon dtail.*Vohico may ntho o cty an sthie«.Financepan avoulable throrugh Volknwagen Finance on approved credit. Must have gradoated wthin024 months of nfditpliaton Otton Vaid on allnow and onod 2006, 2005 or 2004 Volknwagen Cnotified pro ownod modts that arn dlveedo ung the program prod W 'I