_________________The Canadian Champion, Friday, July 13, 2007 - B7 ESCA PMEN Jul 13t - As a boy, he would watch his uncle in downitown Smelville buakin' for change at a place called ~,ns Corner. The young Rhodes paid special attention te bolh hua uncles Blues lici a and the sourid o coins being tossed mb ohas uncles hat"9 was woudnrgdihe coanon field ail week as a ted and 1 was only getting 50 cents a dey.l1 realored that could make way more moethan that in about 15 minutes playing on the sûeet corner. 7Then %I rd aomnething was wrong wW ht pitre. says Sonny. "Some people cen b. dangemous when Ihey 1hnk bu 1 kno t the. gt Rhodes recorded aainglde for DomAstino-W968" and also teamned te ply basa. He pIaed base Freddie lng and histrid Aibeit Collins. Atrer stint in th. Navy, Sonny retumed te Californie, while in hie 20s, and lived in Fresno a few years before hookclrg up wlth Gsaxy Records I Oaland. ~THE BEST SOUND IN TOWN* *MUFFLERS *BRAKES *CON VERTERS WE GOT EMI FAILED VOUR iý ETES T? WE CAN HELP! WE CUSTOM-BUILD STAINLESS STEEL MUFFLERS & TAILPIPES 1(05 875u340 Est, il a