The Canadian Champion, Friday Juty 13, 2007 - 29 GmIeIp alHeeIp nri HeIp WGneatHep GenaiHeIp WenerlHep eraIHelp 1 eniHIp 1Gnemi He I * & i * CIUOi Leekng for ("--I.~ : LOOKING FOR A 1 uhnto INSTRUCTORS Real Canadian Superstore offers a competitive wage scale, scholarships, OPPOrtunity for advancement and secure employment for ail employees. *9. are owh-rn - e. etpr-ie * e ae. - ilab e a oud. lsit e *e e- dyseve e . an ve-e - "*ae -- Baer* "*hopie.. t leks-Seaf- - maT u.sdy, juy l7th fri n 9:00 amn - 6:30 pin at :the Milton Seniors Activity Centre 500 Childs Drive, Milton, 191 2R5 Please corne prepared for an on the spot interview. &q"i e w oost sy Ht»M Real Canadian Superstore offers a competitive wage scale, scholarships, opportunity for advancement and rsecure employment for ait employees. Flo~rleign: Pleasee-alrsm o Need HeIp Finding Work? E ~ ...Is your FIRST STEP ta Find out what services are avoulable ta you at NO TEE E.ginteErpIEEEEs e ontact vpi EEE Miten: (90)>69930034 Oakvlle: (905) 338-2199 eurlington: (905) 6378988 Start Immediately Muost F111 25 Positions $25/hr. Piece wort guaranceed by contract. Fun job. Great Pay. No Expeience Required CailiNow 416.849.0026 EMPLOIMENT OPPORTUNITI? The YMCA of Hamitton/Burtington le nffeting i pat-time positions previding icensed cane te I children between the ages of 3.8 -12 years. I The snccessfnl candidates wiii be enthnsiastic, Screatise, chi[d fecnsed and able te werk within a 1 flexible echedele. Respensibities inclnde frentline 1 Isupervision of children, as wett as, prsgram I udeveepetent, administration and weting us part of the YMCA Schne[ Age Chitd Cane team. I If yen: *Hase a dip[ema rn ECE, ChiLd and Yeth et Recreatien I*Or hase twn et sert years esperience wsring withi chiLdren in a recreatien or chitd cane settinq I eAre 18 years of age et eider I Pease cemplete tht jeob application fnnnd ons ont website and email u with yeun resume and cever lettertot I SA( et maiL te: I iSACC JOBS I c/e Ren Edwards Family YMCA u 500 Drry tant Bnringtsa, Ontaieo[7R 2X2 S c/e Hamiten Dnwntewn Family YMCA 79 James Street South, Hamiten, Ontarie L8P 271 IWe thank aU (hase who apptied; oniy quatified 1 candidates wtll be conftacted for as interview. L----------------------- J Dependable ri.7eu JOB FAIR ENTRY LEVEL HELP DESK SUPPORT We ara leetitg for peopte ehe areavaaitahietot star> mort immtdittly Feti-tîme - wth the ahitity te mens ttxibnhohure Esenînge and Wttttnde înctudad $12 pet heur 10 positions avaitable ton Level t Http Dent snpport for Hîgh Speed tnternet & Cebte TV/- Reeponilt tot dttivery ut trot-tîne ceetemer service, techeicat phone support, reterrat & nateactivite Qnatdfied candidates witi - hast a cemmdtment te esceptienat cnstemer service - hast etreng trou- btesheeting and preblernsoeeting abilties - bhabale te tettew imptemented precennen and precedres. ha adaptable and thrtae la a tant paced enviman- ment - ho goal enieted * ho computer therate. Underatanding et netwerking et CATV isa definte aune> Our Baningten tecaton nson a ban rente that le eauity accessible (om Hamiton Please attend aur Job Fair beng held t: Dependable Irr 2321 Fatrvtew Street, Burllngton, ON U7R 2E3 Thursday JuIy l9th, 2007 1Oam -7prn tf yen are anable te atend (he obesfair, please aend year rename te: opportunitien@dependableît cors *requ1red for HotTub CompayEceet* cusome srvie kilscomfortable wtt I vartous computer programs, and business 1commutcatiolnskllsn both Engllsh a nd Fench reqluired .Send eeriaeîu 20 toFa# 0570-82 HAMILTON-BURILINGTON Hast immediata openînge (et: RENTAL AGENTS SERVICE AGENTS Knewledge et Otathîrd and car renta> an aune> bat net ntcansary tf intrtsttd pteaaa appty ta pereen t(s 4235 Fairsiew St. #2 Burlngton Or ornait resurne ta : mie> angf Sr.îics i.,o-Urinator for a repotable and gromsig Pool Company in Ontoîtte. This ie a Feti-Tima position la sur Ontnîttt stoe. Peeleidae ffarsaa cempatnisa satary and ftexible wînter heure, as wtt> an n cemprahensîne henafttepackage andnate incantivss Primnry"s onsibiltiies -Presidaenectlent ceetoer sernice andi eateemanehip te watt-ta and phoe-in castoere. -Schadnle Servict- pool oenînge and ctesings, weetly maintenance and service. Prenide administrative assistance te eut censtructiontam. -Wattt Tasting ad anatysîs. -Handie daîty cash and cradît satesanad ha reepeneibte tor maaagîng acceunte recainahta. Order marchanidise (et resateanad parte (et service. Maîntain inventsty -Manage tha adnertîiag and ce-erdisatisa (et home shows, newspaper adn and yettew pages. Prier Rtal Service Management eaperîence and ratiable tranportatiena e an auset. This is an immediate epening. Pteaaee abmit coter leffet and resama te: ATTN: Human Resources Poolside Fine Swtrnming Pools and Spas 1470 Speers Road #4, Oakville, ON L6L 2X4 or fax: 905-27-5453 or ornait: (eORTriNOS FORTINOS (New Street) Ltd. 5111 New Street, Burllngtan le now hiring PART-TIME STAFF whe are available te work days, evenings and waekends. *Cashiers a Health Foods a Ice Bar *Meat e Seafoad e Dell e Produce *Hot Foods e Pizza Panini * Bakery aGracery Nights e Bean Roast We are seaaing highty mstivated and service- orientad indîvîteate te fît> these sacancies. Fertinos effare a chaltanging and tieadty mort anvîresmant mith compatitiva ratas et puy, part tîma banatîts and a penion plan. If you are interested in belng a part ot aur growing tamlly, please I iii out an application sn-store or fax your resume ta 905-631-1167 ornait: clk00056@ngcocom e e O R E- *E D -FE SCHOL CHIDCREEM The YMCA et Qattîtie han talltitme and purt-time positions asaîtable tor School Age Teuchere- As- sistante - Sapply Staff an local acheete in Qattille. As the largeat chîtd-cara provîder in Qattilte ont genti t t protide qtatity cure (ha> nappants and aartnree (ha detelopmeat oet(ha chldrea la ont cemmaaity and protide peace et mind and support te werting parente et chitdren raagiag rom JK te Grade 6. f you have thes kilis ta provide a tun, sae, caring and stimuiating enviroient are 1i8yrs or aider and wouid ike ta team more about this exciting opportuntty Please cati Gillitan Beaver tel: 905 845 3417 ext.312 or e-mai: Warehousel Deliveryl Service Medical Eqaipment distribator roqairen pat-time persen (2-3 dayel seeti fer gainerai sarohoune dulies, nhippiagl teceitiag, locat detivenien and on site service te area hospitatu. Training pnevided, mut ho depondabte, mochanicattyl techaicatty la- cined and hate a tatid drivers license and dlean drîving record. Please ornait Resume ta denlsw@gî or mati f0 Global Medical Producta mnc. 5230 South Service Rd. Burlngton, ON L7L 5K2 WAREHOUSE/INVENTORY Lecated i0 Berliapton, Ontario, Ecipue tmaging ix a leader in tha large format prinhing markt> Wa ara cnrrentty neetiag a Warehausefinventory Coordisator. Yonr ptimary ranpoauibitity witt ha ta- caîning, nhîppîng and înantory management. Te ha saccesetat la (hie position yen mas> hate a mnimum et 5 yaare retated asparienca, and tht dameaetratad abitity te mort iadependtntly aad as a tam. la addition, yen must ha able tn wort with- ta tîght deadilae swhite maiataîaing attention te de- taîl. Pratîoss aperience drîvng a torttîft tract te raqnirad. Te ha considered tor (hie pesdion, pteaae termard ysnr resame la confidence (o or fax 905-335-2196. choreographing fitnesu routines to music and wiii be able te modity adapt to the catios fitnes tenais of participants. If you're lsterested ln jolning aur teamn, we invite you ta appty by JuIy 20, 2007 quoting lob # PR-72-07. Tanstey Woods (Attention: Fitness Instructor), 1996 Itabashi Way, Burlington Ontario, L7M 4je or emnail: aquatics@burlington.c Merchandisers (Part-Time)- To set- sica greesing card de- partmeatstain ring- ton, Qattitta & Mitton. A pprou. t2hr/weet. $8ffhr Must have Egood command et Engliih. Cati Syttia Thara gam-4pm Fer Buriagtosnivtille and Moaday t2:30am -4pm onty Miton. 11-800-387-5614 ext. 4491 Net ait catis wtt> recette a response. Oakvitte Locatiom ta Need et F/T Unloaders 3:lOpm te l2am & Ovemight Stockers 1tlpm te 7am Resmead GENERAL LABOURERS reqnired tor light paclnng and qnali(y inspection a> plastics mantfactnriag tacility (Miftoalçampbelttate areal Steady shift work. $9t.00 - $1 t .00/ht. ptus honetitu. Fax: 905-854-0813 Ernai: ewagg@ Loekiag ton tan, os- thusiastic people mhs enjoy workiag with childrea. MUS T have reliabte vehicle & wit>- iag te travel la Hal- ton/Peet. Training and eqaipment previded. Star> $t3.00/hr plan miloage altemance. Email resamne te oiga@ pegasus-st.comn ATTENTION $500 Training Incmntive Avg. $20 /hr Enameration type mort Piecewort compensation NO EXPERIENCE NEEOED Traning previded for Accepted applicanta Fer aa interview cuit 1-866-421-2727 Elomeni Fulil ime Summer HeIp Required Severat day shift poaitionts anailabie ta manuaturîng antd packaging eperatione, witt train. Stedents sel eme, hsnrty rate based on ability and enperienoe. Heurs 7:30-4:30 p.m. Apply wtth resurne at: W. R. Meadows of Canada 70 Hannant Court, Milton Buay Satan & Spa requiren (ho toltowing: FITRECEPTIOMNI Exceltient communication ukillu and somne computer skilis. CERTIFIED F/T & P/T ESTHETICIAN Ftexiloehoura. For further info please cali Vince or Ton!: 905-878-5751 $30 SYIaiN Bonus Excellent tarting wage. Growing Saton. Positiae, tan wsrking place. Flexible heurs. Cait Chnîs 647-234-1846 IPart-Timel IHAIRI STYLISTI required 1eacontact Danieta: 905-878-1530 Licensed Hair Stylist (chttdrens) naadad (et Qalmitta tocation and atm Metoshead la Bnntiagtea. Fait-tima and Part-time, watt- endn a must. Cati Ashley: 647-201-7448 Great Opportunity in Profit of $750+ Guaranteed Monthiy EARLY MORNtNG DOOR TO DOOR DELtVERY OFETHE HAMILTON SPECTATOR & TORONTO STAR Mas> Hava Reliabla Vahîcla, 7 Daye A Watt Fer cemptete details on tha renta nenraut yen, Please cati 905-526-3377 or simpty titi out the online application at www.thesKcom and a Hamilton Spectator representative wiii contact you L Clssfed Ph. s. 234 e . 7-26