The Canadian Champion, Friday Juty 13, 2007 - 27 con onns -reTraning M aer Trining CarrToemnng s t EVENING AUCTION SALE 4 er rodr AITN Weaea v ,ýiie e d n henwspp idu-yadar Tuesday JuIy l7th - 5 PM THE cacaien Ža493 varrîpeilvilie Ra Ijusl eul ofth1e village et Campbellvrlle/ Consisting ot household and Antique items, shop equîpmenl, tractor etc. artialLit*t 9 Pc Empire Loyaisl maple dinîng suite wth corner cupboard, Walnut lau wagon, Oak office desk, Birds eye mapte dressers and vanity, corner whal not, 2 Berkline combination couches and reclîners, 2 malching Antique rockers, approx 10 locatty made qaîltt, quill rack, waxh stand, Captais chair trom Guelph Junction, 5 fi Oak bench, New Haven ginger- bread cloci, wcker tern stand, old childu sieigh, trunku, 3 Royal Ooutons Vinettx (2379) - Fir Lady (2839) - Adrienne (2152), Pînwheel, depression glass - Carnivat glass, selectron ot glaxu and china, old lines, Jemu Lumbers prînt and others, coke push bar, patio turnîture, rait- road calored lanteins, tawn ornaments Colin sets tramt 1968, some stamps, Perguson gas tractor and toader, 18 6t tandem traiter, 4 filhou traiter, X-mark 48" walk behind commerciat mxwer, 4 6t lawn toler, 5 h.p. vertical air campressor, baltery charger, 175 amp welder, Chais saw, axIe stands, air hyd. jack, table saw, air compresser, baSt bis, 2 Honda CB 125 cyt., 4 strake malarcycie engines, parts washer, msc. xhop items. This is a good cIeux offering many snica items to chasse from. Cauh, Check, tnterac EveninglSale Jim McCartney Ascton Service Lt. 905-689-8778 Waterdown PtSupplie$s CarsWanted EM&Boaig k- BOXER puppres for sale- CARS & Trucks wanled Ready lx go Juty 91/, set toi wreckîng. Scrap checked and lot shots. melal in quantils. Fiee Asking $950, mates and lowing. Cash for soea temales avalable. Cail Prompt service. Ca/i 905-575-9143 for more Jeff 905-854-5182, details M,._____vans, ___ HUGE Kitten adoptathon' r4A -Weel Drive Salurday, July/14th 10-3, 2004 GMC Safari, PJ Pets (trmatty Super- 61 ,000/kms. Excellent Pets> 1290 Steeles condition, certitied, e- AveMilton; Abandoned lested, $16.000. Cal Cals Rescue 647-477- 905-878-7009. 5807 wwwWeRescueCats.ou CrfoSae PERSONAL Shopper Tas busy 10 pick UP 2000 Maxia SE your dry cleaning, gro- 2000 Maxkms athE er cries, help plan a par- AC, e-lested/certîixd. 1Y orbuy hal e?1cai $10900. CalgSfrsmoe a helpi I arn a proes. 905-877-6362. sional business woman wilh ime. Affordable 2006 Chevrolet Impala Leighann 416-795- 1.5 Aulomalîc, Ve,343 3.5L. Glacier blue xel rior, tully loaded . Garbage Remneal 4-door, AMiFM/CD &H lg PlusI profed, scotch -7JUKTOG.1 guarded. 15 OOkms 1877-86 -6 Srn . 1- 4.5-year bumpar-to- . ae a bumper extended war- junk removal service ranly, îoîaîîy rans- Senior discount. Cail & lerabie. $15000 zero get ih donet percent financing. total- toaceyiur a n le transterable O.A.C pac a $21.00cerliie aî tt aia iam aqa xaxdy 905-873-4466, cail 905.878.2.3'4] Creernl8ng C111] rer inng FREInformation Session! 905-333-3499, Ext. 121 www. thecentre.on. ca J>The Centre SkIIIIINlls Deulz ra -11m T-l Educatien,,l raining'W FREE job Search workshop for Experienced Workers Tie Bay Aiea cearnin j( entre 2nd lion, 8vii, * iscitver a/I f nt riEmployable akîtîs * t/eup a rust that etîks 0iix, N L7N 3IN 4 a Loarin ta market yourseIftlu emplyeurs .--*R-. a IIaaaaa evpintîverisi uiiuti bWilu diiu uuvuiup illiervie ý;K111ý &AU-LM*Um ONTARIO Job Skills' Self-Employment Benefits Program -r-g Eligiblc . U.ý.nployed 1.diýida1s in Missiýsaug.%, Brampton, Ffalton and Dufferin Turn your idea into a profitable business venture with up to one year of coaching, mentoring and workshops delivered by qualified Business Coaches. Eligibility Be unemployed, eligible for Employment insurance or received Employment Insurance in the last 3 years or 5 years (maternity/parental leave). Special considerations for Persons wich Disabilities may apply. " Have completed a Return to Work Action Plan at an Assessment Centre available in Mississauga by calling 905-896-2233 or Brampton, Halton and Dufferin by calling 1-888-336-9550. " Be legally entitied to work on Canada, The Self-Employment Benefits Program is delivered by Job Skills Brampton/Dufferin/Haiton Mississauga 1-877-760-8585 905-306-7104 905-460-8585 1.800-5 20-0631 Interested in the Trades? Attend a FREE information session on APPRENTICESHIPS IN ONTARIO Tuesday July 17 ut Bpm To regîster caîl the YMCA in Burlington @905-681-1140 Funded by the Government of Ontario us JAbout...J Nsda mPloyee?5-1 wor6'I.îm StarI tomorrow 4 Land Agents toi s 3-5 Rex ruiteIt (id year prolect. Requires extensive Rîght etfîIolxii & rxceixi, Way Knowledge and/er negeliatien s5/lts, 2 xie-eki os Yeu mîilldeal with aill lemants headirng up R irrklii% i/i. orinet/ la a petentral expropriation/parial takîngu. EX MTO, Appraîseru or Dtlt oempany 012 people mîlh corridor anS E xpropriation " imCaeeI Sycor, an eepanding manufacturer of cable assembîres1-1and mire harnesses, and dîstributar af electricalielectronic wîre and cabre mit/r axer a quarter century of euempiary resSemer service hissaru, seeks senerat canlamer-facused and prafessianal indîvîduals ta jars aur eam sn the pavtion of.. .Sales Representative Warkîng rndependently and an a member ef aur team, yeu wrI develap existing accaunts and generate new business mt/ris aur OEM/Industrîai marketplace. Yaur effective prespecring and clasing skrlls are camplementedi by a pasitive entrepreneurial spirit and a srang aptitude for strategîs accauni management. A paît-secandary schaa/ educatiar and related] îndustry experrence weuld be considered assets. mfyuwud l oeplr We willTraun you and ind Johs tor youxin:On I CALL CENTRE / FINANCIAL e-t IOFFICE /ILT! HOSPITALITY RETAIL IMEDICAL u mWBuIigon Educaton Cenfte 5 y( J an 6 0O5 631*i2O 8Fafio t~. r CcinDLn ix nrxix e KexCR re t/ris epperunity, please vend aur resumne te: HR Oepartmenl, 155 Mitttower Court. Mississauga. soutris LUN 5Z6 Fax: 905-821-7266 mail: We thank eexo" howeveç,on an intern*pAW A Diviai, MediaC IN ýin f etolndïacliuty Iervlces Manager Gxoup Ltd. Covinily of or i vife idnamcri rin ae/cilty ia rîti ci tv vsr avce es r a vaS ng nage pravider ov/rpires ana va lise meda. T/ris positiov vIl/rave prrmar/ rvspvnsbilrry for oversercg then isfrastructure and 5/cerna a/ravur 24/6 office anS mcr/racirig faciity t reieas aiaatn iniliCe active vrrenîva and Sean f n/ereted rplysresgr/riv rterpersonan, administrative and sec/mica skils.T/re ideai candidate w Il/rave a minimum ov//se years nvperierncn vverseeirg NI WRITING te threvaiadingserce s i nnu ctuîsring environ ment ana posessa Hurnan Resources iAVAC certificatior vs weIi csa mec/ras ccl and/or viectrircal trade Departmnent prior te jcaIy 16,2007 antd quota file number S077. The Hamilton Spectator Human Resources Departaient 44 Frid Street Hantilton, Ontarjo L8N 3G3 Fax 905) 526-9211 emai: We thayutory r mnr ratbut m/ry those condixfxnes eeevng on nteiee xxii Sa emacted Noyphome COUlS Or 091e ,pieuse. desigrar on, This positi ion requires: *Kncm.edge cf generel buildinig a/atvms sic/rase1I IVAC, prvcess equirrient. inIoarsmvniaticand nvre protection *T/re ebil ty tD plar anS prîvrîtîme ectrvitiees d reaverces *Demnsvtrctnd e/riity ta procure and manage e mmdevasrrety v/r mantenernceadsuppoct sersices frvm vatarde nnndvrs *Prv/rrrescy n mekrng svssd technrcai decîvrans n emergescy rime senssitive stutions *Abrilty iv diagnose building ises, dent/iy cvrrectrvn measares and resaive t/rnsitatoetvit/rer t/rrvag/ pnrsvsei intervention vr deingcnrvn *Aptde in preperrng and marsternrng budgets * noevuinge v/r relevants mgisicavsn, ncivdrng the OHrSA */Ecellent cmmsnrceîicadprîvrîtizetir s kîis end be co- m/rrtc/rie mvli-tisrng Thev v ces/r,,I ppliccnt avili be ici energetie sel/r sicrier whv Sema t at eton tiiv Si and t/rn viirty tiv mcm vsnthe /ry il vi i mvif vrkilOn e/rvleanv theie rcambent mey Ce rnqsrred i n reprnil ratidon, r- ia oreing i ri rorder to navre /rvs ne a rotriv r! T/rn Hvmitvv Speet/vi vfers e cvmpre/rsrvn crimib,itin p1 ,r nciîd ngac ce r topenionrand enefis ihe r-(ýi ira i i ai c'jO1is -n Iii i v>ttvis-ny emplvyva ApplcatO Support Tehnologi15t - JDE Thî possîcnsresanbtier sn e Supportana coordiorg na plcorî training, repors requs delivery, application support, documentation ana manaqîng accepsance oessîng. A uronq facus milI be an supoartîna and admînîsterîna thu iD E dward u Suite of Pr ducTs and ther Corpo rate Applca rors For a complete lsing oi job teseansîsiolies ansqualifticarions and app55la' /r is position please visîr under curreni opporrunies si Web Development Contractor Required for 3 month placement Successful app/icaîr/ wil/Iwsrk on site (Brampton) as a /eam member deyeohva debugging eaisting and irew en/erprise web s/autions for a varie/y of/enlise media inliam. Remuneration wil/ be scia'tîme autdmat erial' basis Gon/raci is/ti egin Jsne 2007 and îgrag e wwable. Key Responsibilities: " Wsrk as a tearni memrber soflIteractive Initiatives Metrolasd Media Grom t*d os delîveeing enter- prise web ofuetîiars for a varie/yulfecise mredia initiatives t/rat Ml11 kg#wextend oui typer-local cure cispetescy anlime ta meet the vends ut ast local commuarIt1gs aWadvertisers " Devenuso applications asd cerrespusding data models translateditronobusinress reguiremoints and i urpurate geais " A/alir/y tv wvîk îdepvrîaestîy asd te exre! wl//rin a team esvîrortment. " Main/ais commuanicatian wî//r ead develupers te enssaie eflnîactivties ate achîeved and alîgsed wr//r respective cerporate basiness goals Responsibilities Include: " Intermedîate/Advarîcva prvgrammisg se l sets and da/atrase mnet todologies sauch as Obtect Oni vstvd Programnrniîsg FOOP], Designri 0001 Asaîpsîs /OOAI " In/ermediote/Advanced Eeyeriencv MVC [Thre Medel Vîew-ControIluj concepts, development, firmework " Itermvdiat/Advasced Evyveriesi- Server scrip/irrg laspuages IPHP AMAX, M/NG. ACTION SCRIPT 1/2) " 4 +i pears eeperîvscc wvb dvveîtpmest wl//ris Open Source LAMP vnvirnmetts " Irterrîrediate level know/voge o/ Suc or MySOL Rela/mesal Darabase arc/rîlectute design, " Jîîsîer/lntersredîa/e ivuel ksvwlvdgvet fC#,VB C+- " Knvwledge of ersergîvg asd vmerged vrinste/chnlvgies and îndvs/ry trends Please sernd resameîcarrmcalmiaela wl/s a cever let/t eepected /orary rate and aeaia/rimity te, Media Group Ltd. backegrounds are encouraged ta, Apply. Compensation 45-55K plus benetits and Bonus +Laptap+cetl and Mleage. E-Mail resumes ta: ifoilisiffdeangroupca mployment untario proprams arc tunded m part bY the ýjovernment of "nadaý lEmblovment Ontario Droprams arc funded in Dart by the Government of Canada 1 i irr