2r - The Canadian Champion, Friday July 13, 2007 CiJq n Evefts Dein -h ln Meora Aorticle omn ieiii5L jjMjjjît*Ia Card ofrln j~Thanbs Cr of Fon SAl'e ný CARPET 1 have several HOWARD 1 000 yards ai new Stain D O Passed away ai the Milion District Hosp f io dk os 5 Mse0 yo-a ta&! 90 FINNRhond (~ri~ nit7 ViFr hhr 'r à- ~.tWIC EN THEPARKI wE>-.- :3u - ""Mebaoeh. kttnpet et smAc'r *0kmu d ffrw w e @t&lndul'tof tfl CW U-dW- brW lo~ -CRhcr toTomn Mail, fra concert at Yhhd. Pm*k featudMg *Church e FR * KleujMcG.e-boclson, Se«Dmtew~ *& Denu amoin Sp--d inpt-b?' -5aW &tl. W eRMitattaba, td. «i.L5nttt EMo ueist Fta.-o n. Ibe o I VM emm wem eimt PkWg Ceaoot- ANNA A a RAS July l4th, 2007 ~ It"PA~J 5:Opm ki) LIVE BAND "Nothin'Fancy' Halton Country Inn &Golf Course 9196 6th Line Nassageweya Miton, ON Contact: 905-876-3018 Tickets in Advance $2500 ca. Corne and Cruise with us Discover Brats of the Bible Vacation Bible School Children ages 5 - 12 Cose: Fee juIy 23 - 27th - 9:00-1 l:30ans Miton Gospel Hall 306 Ontario St. North (one block south of Steeles Ave. Please pre-register by July 7th Inf und registration forrns at: www.mîhtongospç"ai.Cor or cal1 Nancy Moon at: 905-876-0831 i.i.r. Lirio\vCd ilir.. ci i!ani uwiiii Laving mother oi Mallhew and Lyndsey. Sadly missed by her father Primo Rgo and brothers David and his wîte Berna- dette and Mark and his wtte Lîsa. Cher- ished by hec nieces Taylor and Lndsay Predeceased by het moiher Ellie Figu. "The Broken Chain" Wt lithlo know Ihufl day, God was going t lCli VoiU iti ttlit lie we loved you dirt y.t iîthwttdu ihe sarte, tlblokes oui lSiei Ilitsvit, you did nulot goci%10110 fiilitîl îof is ietl wilh yciu. liti îli5 Lt îisi î'alltîîl voit Itititit Yoîi loftil, tiiiil inteoittu5s* Votie ltîst la SlilI out stiklt Anditrl lli il Wt î'tiît >00ti v0to ssii siV ttlwc;1 0,iiit.il jtt Oi t 1,liti t oîî tî l as ý eXIl ii' riiîi ly of .thett ii*iiii ill liiîk d.îîlî tily riîl h iîîds 41t)iîîi itti lu visil atI iiiMclEiIl- SIl 'SOCHE At I UNLIIAI HOME 11,1 M.îîtî SSt Miltont 905-878-4 4S12 iruni 2-3 pit oit Fiday Itho luiotail service Wîll Ire hel ticlay, July 131h L2007 dl 31Q0 pnn the lunoeral home chapel. As expeessions of sympathy, memorial donations lu the Mlon Dstrict Hospital Foundation (C.T Scanner) would be apprecîaled. Leilers ai condolence may be let for the iamdly aI www.mckersîe-kocher.ca CLARKE, Sieve age 55, eldesi son of Freda Clarke, passed away July 9th, 2007 aller a 7 monlh baille wilh cancer. Sleve lived mosl ai hîs early lite in Milon, bul found lis final happiness in the beau- tiul mounltains ai BC. He dîed ai home wih his beloved wiie Rhanda, at lis ide. Steve is survived by lia Mailler, lis wîte, daughier Laura, granddaughler Madison, son Bill, slep daughler Tanja. sîsier Lynda, brothers Bill and David. Famîly and trends tram Ontario, Calgary and BC attended has memortal service July 121h, 2007 in Sparwood, BC. l Meriam 1041: lMeriam Tim DaSilva Juty 28th. t985 - july t5th, 2006 Remecmberîng voitî r rase' We doit evcrs',dal Lîîsisg you rslieartacbe Thlatîîever gi ci wa tbhriikciurbrîartiro oe Butvoitudid îiiîgo aliine Part ofiiuswesî itvitu iTbe day Ciîd calîrd yîîu bome If tears ciiuld buîld îraîe-waYs Or memîrîes buîld lattes Wedwalk eîglîî up iii heaves Andbîriiig oulîhomeagain. Love Bob, Amtanda, Justin & Brooklyn tn loving mrmory of - Lauren Cooper January 28tb, 1 988 _Jay I ith. 2006 Laures, Itis bard to believe us hbees a obole yar sisce vous oere takes fromntius Our senior year was ceeîaînly dîlbest wîîbout cou, but tbe halls itill ecboed oîf s'îur usfîîrgerrable laugteî. Prom was netr qaîte tbe samte wîtbiîut you. but ore ksîîw voits were defisîrely parryîsg up in beaveni Musingyou alwayo, Yurfriend andi lassmateo of MDHS Clati of 2007' In lovîng memiiey of my Brotber & dear Uscle Mark Horning wo ipasîrd away (uIc 3, 2002. You areniiiîus a niemiiryior patioftbe past Yriu are ors to remeoiber as lonig as le lasts. Much litve Your sstrt Marilyn and dear niece jouie. LWr Istîepvu and miro yosu sniuch Mark In Memtors, iif John and Lois Riichardson lIs' I 'Dli. 2001) Fbrse sic love, dîcritgir aira Tbec oalk beide useveevdav Usseen, usbeard, but alwacs sear Sîîlil livrd, sicl mîsrd Stdll ver, r'ery deai Love AlWays Laery, Sharon, Jennifer, Lyndsay, and Kendrie r2Jj ws çoWM d k4 eu bick apo1in, tJA lo i >om Quiheuwrhold gone. j1lCêW I opd 1*s s, - lac a u4mtla urhow,' C0LIfdwjd 01 £C eOn 4 ,ZlerCý, Cure ous.rd un eawlao Lu gene 45'rl dblasii ividh &nsolatioti. 'Mose #tr c"ruon. ~7le happu, tur itte once enjoyed. 2ltîuttswtert licir trt'morq stll. r.I.ut draula lras lepI a tiaratut pLae. Di is .vorld catinarrer /ILl 'Jlotir darlq mee lun-e4sots, jAnd prayed you mit litre, GAkonbe Lauren Beth Coor lasuarv 28,,9881- hilef9', 20016 Wr I er asd Miii ou Lauien., Love aiwacs and forever. Your Dad Mam and Suret Nicola Ina Memory ofKyle, .. dropped a tear in the ocras. FTh.dav ou find i, i 7 he day 1 w il stop mîssing s-au Forever and EFer, Lotve Me Cao dofThanks CardofTanks Que heartfelt thanlcs ta aur many friends, neighlrours and relatives for making oue 4OeIs Wedding Anniversary a verv memorable occasion. Thanks for ail the cards, ccrtiftcates, flowrrs and gifts. It was a wonderful evening and we enjoyed serîsg AIlofsrou. Special thank.s ta Kelly, Greg, Jodir and J ic for ail the drcorating, food and organizing that wretino making such a fantastiu. eveniog and taBerrt who kindly suppfited the fans. Oue sincere thanks and lovr toalal. Don and Susan Brethet' The famil v of Veros Vanderwarer would lîke ta thank De. Suhatemans. Dr. Hui, aIra Shannonr and Janterand nurses sn the ICU rf the Milton Hospital f'0rer care aîîd liindnrss theougli thîs Sad ocicasion. Wr aira would lîke ta îhaak ('haplain NMaria Charpentier aîîd the J. Sc.ott Earl Y FuseraI Home for their guid-aner and camforting orords. Special thanks ta the Legion Vers for the tribute ta their comeade. ials gratitude ta friends and relatives for their support. Sincertly, Joy andi Family 1 oui y u'nc, I kiiidiier., b Iave bren .,,sis-iig, SIpeiil lianks tii Dr. Bremer- lk ii,1) liiiril irAI1 at Miltons District 1lpil andinil i MKersýie Kiilier t-unerai 1llînîsi Allcri'Niiiý-iiîîiy i lî ve osn sinisr 1 Irlei i Iswtrd & family > lkt t bask Ailmy famiiy an rcdi for sîaking sy 50ili bîrtbday îucb a J iicf04k m evear. Yîîa tbrow ageipary laîrraine!' Thank you ail .Cffop yards) Stere, 905-633- 8192 FREE Eslîmales Gsi wobbly chairs, lired look- ing Wooad hnîsheS? Fields Custom Wood Ret)v/shing and Psrnîlure Repaies. 9- 9. 905-632-9090 HOT Tub (Spa) Corers best prîce, BesI qualdty AUl shapes & colours. Cal) 1- 866-585-0056 www.lhecoverguy.ca LEATHER! 3 piece Ilalian sel Soaa loseseat and chair. New, iv plastic, PsnasArticles Cosi $6900. OeIl $2500. M For Sale 905-304-4873. MISTY Riser Introductions BASEBOARD Pîve, 16 has maiched Ihousavils of lenglhs of 14' x 6" and LTTLE Tylkes Play Struc- singles wth Iheir lite part- sarîous lenglhs oi 7.5". tare 200, pîcvîc table 30 vers. Il poure sol inter- Oîher sires aalbe and wagon 30 bucers avial. raci 10; brass/ gilass 42' esled in the bar scene or Left over irom cuso table 50,mns1 pe Inernet dalîng Ihal takes home. Prîre vego- . 0.pe hours and goes nowhere. tiable. 905332-7615. bike M0:905-876-4365 cali 1or your free consulta- - POOL Table, Brand New, ion. (4161 777-6302 48" diameler solîd teali 5h11 iv box. Solîd Wood. www.mstyrivernros.com pedlesîal dînîvg room 1'Slale. Ail Acressories. lubIe with 2020' îeal CasI $6.700. Seli St,950, eenisovs & 6 chairs. 905-304-9994 N~.annies $400. 0B0 Oak loak -' -- itchen table wth 4 LIVE in/Lise oui Nansie spîndie chairs, $50. 1994 Aticles Wantd requîred fot 2 children. 060. 905-878-8653. girl 8yes, boy 2Omlhs in L O ' Mlon, lîghi housekesp- HOT Tub 2007, Pre- W *C> îng, Cali Mes. Mieza mîum wîîv ail upgrades. BEST Ca$h$ Paid-Art 905-824-6711. ozonator.roer, new iv Antiques, Cs ectiblvs. plastic, mus, sitl. rosi China, Crystal. Sîlrer, Bbstig $6.475. Sacrifice Figurines. Royal Doulton Bbstng $3.800. Cal 519-722- Swarorskî. Glass. Potiery, 4077 Etc. Estate Specîalîsts. SITER required Ovia __________ Top Cash. Cal John/ Tra- rio/Woodward area a cy 905-331-2477 Weekevds. peeîodîc weekvîghls. Prior ex- perience required. Own transportatiov pre- terred. Cary or Belh 905-876-1616. GUITAR LESSONS Prîrate guitar lessans available ro eoperievced. proiessîonui insîruclors. Bronle Corporate Centre. Rick 1905) 875-4601.- sional series wih eoery upgrade. t'"slale, $800 worîh ai accesso- ries. Brand new in box. CosI $5.000. must selI $1.500. 519-722-4077. A dînng eoom, cherry- wood. double pedlestal table. 8 chairs. bufft, huîch. dovelaîl con- struction. New 5h11ivi boxes. CosI $11000. Sacrifice $2600. 905- 567-9459. HOT Tb/ Spa- Bravo vew 200'7 mode) w/ail options, and caver. 5h1iv on rapper. CosI $91 50., Sacriice $4250. Caîl 905-971-1777 laet Baset CII re Basket HUA[CHINSQN Fý93FARMÏ 6202 WALKERS LINE, BURLINGTON 905-335-2515 mp www.hutchinsonfarm.ca 100 gallon tank wîlh A Kng or Ques Ortho- stanid & accesssrîes. pedir mattress sel. $650 obvi. 905-691- New sn plastic. Wae- 9067. rasly. CosI $1600. - ~Sacrîfîce kng $550. LONG walnul dresser Queits $205. 905-567- wîth mieror, single white 9459. oruil unît orîlI lighled EAaigbra glass shel.Besi offer, EAaigbran 905-864-9262. 9ue5fl orîhopedîr pi)- __________________ oolop sel. veor in plus- ELECTRIC Scooter lic, warranly $250 905- aduli 4 wheeled Shop- 567-4042 wîll delîser. ider mobilily devine. BEDROOM Cherry- ased, $500. 060. 647- wood, Bed, dresser, 296-6746. mîrror, chesl. nîght- stand, vew in boxes. OUEEN-SIZE matlress, Dovelaîl construction. headbaard, bed skirl, 2 Cost $7000, SelI cushions, 3 shams. $1500. Dîningroom il Curtains. Maldhing sel, place Cherry. New. BesI offer. Cal 1 see CosI $8000. Sel) 905-878-9958. $1900. 905-567-4042. Sa eo a tea n VrCiibii Ci'<poiCai e ets R ul-t-