Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 13 Jul 2007, p. 25

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The Canadien Champion, Friday JuIy 13, 2007 - 25 Max: to905-876-2364 EA, *lsiidmknaadacapocm Mrhnds 0-8 uo40-7 epWne 0- ervcs0-9 For CIRCULATION cali: 905-878-5947 Ad oubmioiosn by mail or in peroon: The Caxadias Champion, 555 industrial Drive, Side Door, 2nd Fisor, Miton, ON L9T 5El Deadiles: Mon., il a.m., for Tues. pablication, Thors, il a.m. for Fni. publication. Special Feafure & Holiday deadlses may sary. Payment: We uccepf cash, cheque, Interac, Visa, MasterCanif, American Express. Ail ads placed are non-refundabie and ne credif wiii be insued. Business accsuxts cas 6e speneif wif h as upprssed credit application avaitable trom your Sales Consultant. CHECK VOUR AD THE FIRST DAY f7 RUNS 10 ensure the intormations s correct. Contact pour Sales Consulftant within 24-Hours if an urror appears. An error ix a Fni. publication must 8e repsrfed ns later thun Mon., il .m. 1 Ho lesFrSl STOPt Before pou caît your landlord, caîl a morgage broker. os may qualify for a mort- gage that costo the samre amoant as the rent youre about f0 puy. Bad credif or No down- papmest? No problemi We hase nottions for eseryone. CeIl Kenzîe MacDermid, todepen- dent Morgage Consul- tant, Mortgage Intelligence. 05-702- 1766. MILTON Close 10 schsols/shspping. dlean, C/A, Central Vac. 5-appliances. up- grades. 561 Chîldo Drive. $190,000. For appoîntment 905-876- 0428. OPEN HOUSE Saturday i pm-4pm. a jCmmSpeciaI e,.,AS Stud o REASONABLE indus- triai unit 3200sq5 wth ioadîng docks. 905- 277-9347 or 905-275- 6834. I ICman"CbamwanI Offie/siness OFFICE Space for est. Esisting lurge Medcal office ix Milton looking 10 ranI space evesings andf weekends 10 a Medical or Business Protessionai. For more information contact 905-867-9938. OFFICE space for ranI. Appros. 2000 sq. bt. in- cludes 4 offices witb windows in eacb, tunchroom and wasb- room acroso hall. Staff parking provided. Inter- enteif parties contact: M. Black, Operaliono and Sales Manager Tet 1: 905-876-1662. Fan: 905-876-1719, E- mail: mthubaclç exprsvo wyovocom jMonday ta Friday M porunities JOB t home. $487,68 Weekty. Assemble Prod- ados. Mait or Computer Work. Free Otaîts www.TopJobRevîew.comr write CHRJobs 372 Ri- deau St #916 AiS5 Ottawa ON. KlN 107 t- 800-351-5 120 t t/j WEDDING MARRIAGE bhctlooîîk plattc os April , ,00(i/. We thaixi you, tenttly asnd fooends, foîr yîîur lovcesd t1oughttulnes,. Yui d tîudruur wcddtstjday su i trcoratxie, Morigaga, arbannis & MM Loans F ais For Rani SSS$CONSOLIDATE ACTON APART- $$$$ bud credif, tax/ mort- MENTS very cIeux, gage erreurs, self-em- quiet buitding witb eaus- pioped 10DO% dry teciltt on site, t & Mortgegen, dosI puy lyr 2 bedroom uits very Programi Oxferio-Wide spucious. Open 7 deys Fixanciat Corporation t1- & evesingo. Same day 888-307-7799 epprovel. Cati 1-519- 853-4374 www.re et- GREAT Morgage Rates, turrca Pre-upprovais, refinances, equily programn regard- MILTON cosy 1 -bdrm ens of income or credit. (fuit besement) epl. www.solutîonsformorî- Prefer No pets/no gegescu smoking. Parking and Cuti 905-369-0520 utlitien inciuded $850/mosth. 905-299- I71Asartmenis & 9988. Fit o et MILTON Bunement MILTON downtown 1- apurîment, prîsale en- bdrm upl. $800/mlb in- trasce. No smok- cludes Utliities. ing/pets, max 2 aduhos, Avaîtahie Jane lo1 t. free parking. Saîtubte Contact Scott Pruor for professuonut couple. 905-878-7777 Rema Avaîtubis îmmedîutety. Reut Estats Centre nc. Includes cable, soSt wa- ter. fririge andi 51055, ail MILTON, bassinent utlîlties. Peter- bachetor upt. Thomp- esnce s /F ir s t/Luas t. son/Steeten ares, 5950/mth. Avaitabie sbared enîrunce, taun- îmmedîateiy 905 691- dry $170/week. g05- 3123. 875-352& MILTON large t & 2 bdrm uvaîtabte Sept lost. rom 5880/mtb + parking. Cuit 416-723- 4801 m-1Busnes 0ýps-on)usies Grcot Opportisiý ! MILTON Neîgbts 3- bedroom apurîment and lSOOsq.fb. office space Appiances. parking and smuit yard. $2.000/mIS plus utlties and services. Avaîtabte May lost. 905-854- 1687. GEORGETOWN 1t- bedroom epurîment A/C, parking. $800/monlb includes ulilities. 102 Main Street, South. Available Auguf 1 sf. Fi rst/ a sf/referes ces. Cali 905-507-4982 I Apeaitets& *Apartmenis & Hue FasFor Rani M Fias For Rani For Rani GEEDN GEORGETOWN 1- MILTON 3-bedroom eOR bedroom aparîment. bouse near schoot, 1- APATMNT $700/montb plus bydro, car garage. Avaitabie 12 Bon tret Culit aber 5:00pm Juiy $1 ,350/mlb + Soth Mltn 905-873-4072. atiities. 905-875-3750. We are now acceptingi applications for: IApartmentsfa For more information appointment, MILTON 1-bdrm apt. asaîlable immediateis $895/mth, utilties inci 4-appl., parking, Con- rad 905-683-0790. DOWNTOWN MILTON Millelde Towere 82 Millslde Drive. Attractive quiet build- ing. Spacious brîght dlean 1 &2 bedroom units wtt, laandry facility and social room on site. Regular resident events Open 7 days & evenrnga Cait 905-876-1249 ww'w,.mar.ca 1-BORM, Actas. Asailable immediately. $750/mth, ufilities in- claded. No pets. First/tast/reterences re- quired. Caît 519-853- 3877. 2-BEDROOM suite, Historic building in Rockwood, gas ire- place $950/montb. ACTON 2-bedroom du- pIes, tabutous Victorias home, $1 ,200/monfh. ACTON adorable 2-bedroom, prîvate feniced yard, $895/month. NEW townhome Georgetown South, $1 ,700/msnth. AIl rentais plus utilities, Caîl Elizabeth Doell, Johnson Associates Realtor 905-877-5165. ACTON large 2-bed- roorn. apartment. $75mnhplus bydro and water. Ns pals. References. Availabie August lst. Cali 416- 663-7756. ACTON large 2-bed- room unury apartment. Brand new. Air, yard, appliuoces. $1 ,200tmonth Mike 416-888-9164 ACTON, 1-bedroomn and 2-bedrom u part- msnts avalabis imme- dîately. $790 and $890/month ail irots- sîse. Cuit 519-853- 3309. GEORGETOWN 1 and 2-bedroom apartments $825/month and $925/monftt. Asailable immediafely. Iscludes heatlfiydro/cable. Park- irtg extra. Cafl 905-877- 6563. GEORGETOWN 1- bedroom, main floor. Private, wîth yard. Weil maîntaîsed. July. suit quiet, non-smoker. $900/mfh inclusive (sut- ellite optionat), A/C. Cali 416-571-4228/905- 873-4981 GEORGETOWN 2- bedroom apartment. 5-appliances. Clean axd freshly painted. No St 1,00 0 /m o n th. Avalabis îmmedîately. Matxhew Hill 416-892- 4721 GEORGETOWN 2- bedroom apartment. Available September 1 st. Prefer couple. $850/month inclusive. First.last. Cati 905-877- 4194 ulter 4:00 pm. GEORGETOWN base- ment aparfment. New kitchen. Mature aduit. No smoking/pets. August lot. 6750/month inclusive. Firt/Lant. 905-702-0716. GEORGETOWN charminîi 12 oeilîng 2- bedroom loft. Lots of sunshixe! Spacious kitchen, separafe laun- dry. Must seul! $975/moxfh. Available August 1sf 416-707- 6272. For Raeni MILTON 2-bdrm bun- galow main floor. 5 ap- pliances, AC, hardwood floors, addition on bacb, large backyard. No smoking/pets. Avait. Sept int. $1300. (neg) + utilties. 905-876- 2032ý MILTON charmîng 4- bdrm Mattamy home. Lrg corser lot, acros from park & pond/wooded lot. Many upgrades (ici. firepluce, ensuite baalb. Avaîtabie 7-18. $1600/mth. Cati 510- 301-4854. MILTON Rsntl Brand New Exscutive Style home 2960sq.l1, $1850. Cuit Amy 905-878-6232 HALTON Nits. revovat- ed 3 bedroom country bungutow on 1/2 acre, 5 appt . fînsbed iswer tevet. Avuit îimmed. $1150/mth. Cuit 905- 825-5539ý MILTON 2-bdrm, 4-appt., gas F/P, $950/mth + shure utifties. Asaileble Aug. 1 sf. Cuit AI 905-876- 096.2 affer Opm. _ . MILTON short term rentai. A new 3-bed- room house ut Haw- thorne Village. Avaîtable îmmedîatety untît March '0 $1650/mth + utîlttîs. Pieuse cuti 416-879- 4401. 3-BEDROOM bouse in Adtos New hardwssd. carpet, paint, 6 nuw up- pliances. Fenced buck yard. Deck off of ktcb- un. Spotiess condition. $1,300/montb plus utîtties. No smok- ingipets, immediate oc- cupuncy. Cati 519-833- 9975. BRIGHT, beautîful 3- bedroom, 4-bathroomn semi-detached home in Georgetown Soutb. Protessîonaliy fnsbed basemenit, huge fuily tenced buckyurd. Wuik- îng distance 10 schoois/parks, shop- ping, medîcut fuciltiies and more. Use of appli- ances. Escludes utîlifies. Available im- mediafeiy. First/tunt ru- quîred. PIeuse cati Tina ut 905-877-0391. GEORGETOWN 3- bIdlo bungalow. No smoking/pets. Available August 1tst. $1 ,150/montb includes utliîties. Cuit 905-873- 3342. flOUSE for Rent, bu- side GO Train Station n Georgetown. Availabie îmmeduteiy. Pieuse cati 416-432-5503/416- 346-2804. For Rani MILTON brund new 3- bedroom Munamy Vit- tage home, end unit. Energy Star. S-appt. A/C, garage. $1 300/mIS .+.utitties. Sept, 1 t, No pets/smoking, 905- 876-4988. MtILTON 3-bedroom townhouse, $1 .250/mrIt ptus utiltites. Two bath- rooms, apptîasces, oas lireptuce. uvaîtuhte As- gant tsI. Cuti 905-875- 2511 for appoîntment. MILTON tswnhouse 3- bedroom, 4-uppliances, garage. $1 ,340/mth, Firat/Luol, plus utilies. Available mid August. CuIt Dave 905-878- 5444. Townhûses oomsFor MILTON 3-bdrm Town- BRIGHT nicety deco- house. 3-bath, 5 new rated rooms, with park- appliances, A/C, close ing AC, TV. Furnishings shopping centre. No and utilities. No pets. s mok i n g/p et s Weekly starting at $t330/mth (negotiable). $200. Some rooms Asailuble Sept. 905- hase kitchen facilities. 876-2032. For more information cal 905-877-8866. 3-BEDROOM 1 1/2- Bath Georgetown. Sae Lssely, brîght, two-year new Esecutîse MM ccomodation townhouse near Mous- MILTON Male emer- taînvîew / Mapie. Walk gency services worker to GO/shop- preterred t0obsare 2- ping/scboois. Fise bedroom apartment. appliances, A/C, lenced $700/mth includes swn yard. No smoking. washroom, bedroom, $1 ,478/month Plus parking, sable. internet. utîlîties. 416-259-6279. John 905-708-2825. OAKVILLE~ 2,3&4 bed- roomn townhouses asaîlable îmmedîately thrssgh September lst. 4 appliances, Hopedale 'i Mal area. Lakeshore Management 905-876-I 3336 Supis Ppies ORDER VOUR POOL NOW Custom Sizes Available! 1.800.668.7564 905.955.4624 www.kayakpoots.ce Brhs - i MARTIN: Jennifer (nee Koslowski) and Joif, Whitby, Ontario, are thrilled fo announce the bîrl h of their daughter, Obivia Paige, born at the Alan Hospital, on February 23. 2007, wveîghîng 8lbs. 3ozs. A beutiful baby sîster for Benjamin. Proud fifth time grandparenfs are Walter and Artie Koslowski, and second time grandparents are Trevor and Jennifer Martin of Bsrlîngton Boy? or Gint? with Birth Annoisnczernents ïbt ianw ci' Joan ne & Jeohn Barrett are pleased to announce the marriage of their daughter Chr-istine Elizabeth to Michael John Winston son of Mary & Winnton Cragg. Christine and Michael grew up in Milton and were married at the Country Heritage Park on JuIy 7,' 2007. Thev wiii rexide in Milton. AVAILABLE LOCATIONS: TERIYAKI EXPERIENCE -Frst Canadian Place - Avenue Road - King Liberty Village - Milton - Burlington - Brampton Cati Now: Larry Carver 905-337-7777 X249 or e-mail. fqqc .pJgqerýaIEpeedncecom 7--]

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