A16 - The Canadian Champion, Frday, JuIy 13, 2007 Historical society wants your photos; Don't throw out that old photo of Milton until are diaries, letters, family histories and memora- yon check with the Milton Ilisiorical SocictN, biia. sional photos oi the changîng community any- from 10 arn. to noon. For mure informnation, eall time during the past 150 years are welcome. So (905) 875-41 56. LIESA KORTMANN / SPECIAL TO THE CHAMPION NANCESTOR HONOURED: From Ieft, Marsha Waldie, Mayor Gord Krantz, Victoria Hobbs, Ron Hobbs, Ken Lamb and Rev. Howard Sullivan stand by the grave of famous Miltonian PL. Robertson, on which a special plaque was placed during Sunday's Ancestors Day at Evergreen Cemetery. The Hobbs are descendants of the renowned screw manufac- turer, whose story was one of many told during the day, which featured costumed greeters. Colour& Home Decor Inspiration Destination Appleby Decor Centre, 1030 Kennedy Circle (A&P Plaza) Milton 905.864-0665 Louis St. Laurn v loore r ftmý