Somebody needs to stand up aqainst 'grciedv Idminkti n~ The Canadian Champion, Friday, July 6, 2007-A7 \Rare visit by psybaksure 17o'enjnc' p o ung m Libuzy DEAR EDITOR: l'm getting more and more frustrated with the apparent lack of local and regional plan- ning of any kind - at leait it appears to be a total lack of planning and/or direction - at ail. My property is hetween Guelpb Line and Regional Road 25, about 10 km to tbe north of the 401. Wben t bought the place some 14 years ago, 1 feli that t had found my 'Camelot', and flf was good and some- thing to brag about. At that point Mltoni had a population of about 30,000 and the infrastiructure could com- fortably support that. People greeted eacb other in the towr's strcets rcgarcless of whcîher thcy kncs cacbf other or nlot. \Vhen you wcnî o I hc Mal you mîighit bave pullcd the ignition key's out of thec car, iTiost of us did, but bardly any- body locked their vehicles. 'Don Cherrys' was a given on wings days and the three traffie ights in town were no big deal. Our hospital was sometbing t0 brag about to friends, wbo were unfortunate enougb to live somewbere else. My five-year- old daugbîer was convinced that the jail at tbe 401 was actit- ally a summer camp and tbe old barn at i budleîgh's was sîl standing. \Ve did flot bave bundreds of inonster-sized gravel trucks teariîîg up Sxtb t-me and Campbellville Road, and we were close 10 a 401 oni which trallic was actually m(>vinig in both dduections. Miltoni was nicstied coînfort- ablv iin a rural seit tg withflarims and fîicîs siotiiiocliiig the towis o ibat s blev vhv' most of us ns esîsed ini local PI operties aind fusiiiesses andL cstab)lislied r oits erce Somebody stole our neigh- hourbood and replaced it witb a ratber bizarre set-up for a horror movie. Why? Try to drive soutb on Regional Road 25 lromn Campbellvitte Road to the Toronto-bound 401 and counit bow many 'Green Phases' il takes to cover that 1.5 km. fI anybody oui there actually enfoying this developtnent? Wby do we let the greedy adminiistrators take away our town and necighbourbood? [s anybody willing to stand up against thiis nonsenise - otbei thani myself - or do we ssant to ssaii unitil wu cari sec atnd smcell wbai the garbage anid sewage thai the niew des'elop- nits'.will c oiribute 10 oui- niciglthouiblood will dIo [o enharice1cui-quet cn)ovmcent of our propel tics2 M. PETER CAMPBELLVILLE Council's pursuit of grant wise move DEAR EDITOR: Milton council and staff made a historie and progressive decîsion to help brîng our Ward 3 res- idents and businesses into thie 2Ist century on J une 25, with ils unanîmous decision 10 pursue an OMAFRA grant for rural broadband infrastnic ture' development. Bravo. We commend our councillors and staff for their leadership and commitment 10 enabting a more prosperous future for ail the people of our communiîy That is exacîly wbaî we hope for from our elected officiais. This is exactty wbat we need 10 buitd a connected. engaged and balanced corn- munity The goal is 10 see affordable and reliable bigb- speed Internet service delivered to 95 per cent of Ward 3. If we're successful witb this grant, this could bc possible. Vve expectIo 0sc iinpiov.ed quality of lfie for maiîy people, as well as a boosi in the productiviiy' and compeîîîiveness of our diverse business sector. We hope everyone involved in thîs challenging and excîîing initiative will bning an unwavening resolve and a 'can-do' attitude. We'd also like 10 acknowledge the sîgnificant rote of our Ward 3 counicillors, who champîoned tbis opportunity We now caîl on the community for its help in building the case for our readiness and ask that letters of support be e-mailed, faxed or delivered to the Town by Monday, July 9. Is Milton a place t0 grow? Its sure looking like it now. TONI RITCHIE NASSAGAWEYA BROADBAND COMMITTEE Candidates to be commended for their efforts *from BYELECTION on page A6 John Challinor and Ron Furik bave served the people of this tuwNn for 15 years on court- cil and for that we sbould exîend our beartfelt thanks for their dedication. To Peter Haîgbî and Mike Bugala, 1 salute you for the courage and conviction that you showed on the cam- paign trail. In the pasît1 have always cherished the new friendships that happen in elecîfon cam- paigns and Ibis one was no exception. To the firefighters in Milton, îhank you for your con- fidence and t will do al I can to support your efforts in this town. The tasks abead are challeng- ing 10 be sure, but t have the comfort of knowing that t have so many good people around me. GREG NELSON WARD 2 COUNCILLOR Tinte Capsules' Mr geins of infor- mation extracted fmmn past issues of The Champi on and other publcations in ordkr to pitile a .windtw .into Milton% past. Explanatory comment is sontetmmes provided to place the situa- tion in context. Mardi 1910 A black squirrel visîted Milton on Monday and in the evening worked his way 10 Main Street. Though this la the closed season for squirrels, a number of young men took after bim, but Brer Squirrel was Ioxy He ran up the north end of the Methodist Cburch andsast against the big stained glass window, where the enemy could not throw anything bard at fi witbout breaking the glass. They tnied for some lime 10 dislodge bim by tossing sofi snow at him, but he merely flirted bis luxuriant tail at tbem and held the fort until Rev. W Smytbe came 10 the rescue and stopped the bombardanent. Black squirrels have been very scarce in the neigbbouring woods for some years, whicb made this ones visit the more surprising. At 8 a.m. yesterday Mrs. John Laing of Fultun Street went mbt the backyard to feed chickens, leaving 'ber six-year-old son and an adopted daugliter Irene, aged 4, in the bouse. Sbortly afterward she was borrified 10 see the itle girl running out to ber with ber clothing in a blaze. Msrs. Laing managed to smother the fire, but before she could do so the chida arms and parts of lier body were burned to a crisp. Mrs. Laing'sarms were badly burned up 10 her elbows, snd the hîde boyý who lad gone té Irene's assistance in the flrst place, bad bis bands burned. The litdefrlbk clothuSg bad cauglit fire froni match- es with which she was playing. Dt Gowland dressed all the burns and Mms laing took the litde gil 1 Toronto by the 10:21 &mn. C.PR train and brouglit her to the Hospital for Sick Cbldren. Notbing could be doue for the cbild, who died shortly alter reaclingtbe hospital, and Mss. Laing brouglit the body back by the 8:30 p.m. train. She was suffering greatly berseif from the burus and the shock. Duncan Dewar died in Milton after illness of more than two years. He was in his 68th year and the sort of late Mr. and Mrs. John Dewar, Sr. who came to Canada from Scotland in 1819 and setdled in Esquesing where t.heir children were boni. Mr. Dewar came to Milton 54 years ago and after being employed for some years as a clerk in the store of the late WD. & R. A. Lyon, went into the office of his brother, the late John Dewar, barrister, who was appointed County Crown Attorney in 1868 and died about 15 years ago, after which the subject of this notice remained in the law office in the Dewar Block and did a large conveyancing and insur- ance business. He was a member of town counicil and in 1877 was Reeve and member Hialton County Council. He was an enthusiastic curler, and secretary of the curling club. He was mamred in 1864 to Miss Nancy Poster. James Hollinrake died at his home, "Maplehurst," here. He was in bis 80th year. He began business in 1860 in Milton and carried on until a litde over two years ago. In the early days of bis business career, merchan- dis had to be teamed fr7ont Bronte, the roads at many uies being almnost impassable. That was befdre the advent of railways herm. Early in bis lfe lie officiated as local preacher oen the Nelson and Thafalgar circuit. H1e was continuouslyin business in the one stand fW nearly 50 years. For inany year l ts more active days Mr. Hiolinrahe regularly vlsitçte, i prisoners in the county- jail on Sunday afternoons and conducted religous services with thtem. Thismauterial n assemNed on behaif of the Milton Historfcal Society by jim Dills, who can be rcached atjdills@ldi-- , '1~ 'VC rialbe frwee ins u an d w urîntr essonsvîng timV S ecîasev a n&en a a ee V FREE pickup from home, work or V Early Rond Test arranged, ' IVLDFOMLTN school for car tessons Gi & G2 refresher courses IDRMLOCTONYI