~A4 .~ heC~ri~dl~t aft~lidrt Puldh9, 5oI~6,'2~io7 \PoIice Iook for Ieads in0 Venc-,*0uq mu rdXe *prints/photos e needilepoint m c *originals e shadow boxes more *sports jerseys e graduation photos & Picture Framing Warehouse Since 1975 345 Steeles Ave. E., Milton (905) 878-8161 Open Daily By Stephanie Hounseil CANADIAN CHAMPION STAFF Almosi five monîhs afier a Milton man was gunned down near bis rural home, police still haven't made any arrests. But that doesn't mcan they arent acîively irlvestigating the murder of 55- year-old [Zay Venerus, and olficers arc continuing Io appeal Io anyone with informnation to do the rigbt tbing and (orne lorward. "I certainly believe there's s<meone ont tbere or more than one (person) withli nformation," said l)eî Sgt. AI Frost of I laiton Regional Polices homi- cide unit. Id love to have those people reacb îot to us. We're always looking for the public's assistance. Venerus was discovered shot to death near bis Dublin t me bouse, souîh of No. 5 Sîderoad, [ebruary 21 hy a passerhy. Venerus. a local businessman, owned a building on Regional Road 25, usi south of No. 5 Sideroad, thai con- îained an Olco gas stationi and Mîltowne Automîîotive Services and rau Ray 'Venerus 1-ierprises I id., a used auto dealersbip, oui of that building. [rost said there are five investigators currently working on the case. "We're pursuing interviews and investîgaîing (a number on avenues." Since the investigation is ongoing, [rosi said be canit reveal mucb infor- mation about the murder - sncb as bow many tîmes Venerus was shot or wbetber îî was a drive-by shooting - or the police investigation, including wbetber ibey have suspects in mind. Wbat be could say is police contin- ue to believe it wasn'î a randomn killîng. The public, bc said, can be confident in the resources police have commiîîed to the case. "We're doîng aIl we can in terms of continuing to pursue ibis," he said. This is one of about a dozen unsolved cases in Halton. [rosi said he remaîns optimistie the kîller will be caugbî. Someone some- wbere lîkely bas important information ibai could lead to a break in the case, he said. The number to caîl wiib informa- tion is (905) 825-4747, ext. 5082. Stephaniîc Hounsell cati be îeacfied ai st i i essen@ýPni iltoicanadiati champi in com. Weapon crimes increasing - from MAN on page Ai have wiînessed the assauli, and ibey're asking anyone wiîbh information to corne lorward to assisi iii the investiga- tion. "Of course we're concerned over the incident - a Milton citizen was injured by a knîfe,' said I)eî. Sgt. Murray Drinkwalter of Halton Regional Police, adding, "We're concemed wben any sort of weapons are involved in an altercation." Drinkwalter saîd police are seeing more of ibis type of incident. "ttc unforînnate ibai because of a lack of respect youîbs in different com- munîties bave for each other, ibis type of incident is becoming more preva- lent," he said. Anyone wiih information is asked to caîl the Milton Criminal Investigation Bureau ai (905) 825-4747, ext. 2215, or Crime Stoppers ai 1-800-222-TIPS (8477). 90587-752TT : 587-65 :180-1-59 Employment Opportunity Food Concession Supervisor Community Service Department Position summary The Town of Milton, Community Services Department requires a Food Concession Supervisor to manage the food concessions at Milton Sports Centre, Memorial Arena, John Tonelli Sports Centre and the Milton Leisure Centre. This individual wiII supervise and train part time staff, set schedules, maintain sanitation/hygiene levels with Halton Region standards, and prepare and seil food items. This individual wilI track and order inventory and be responsible for purchasing product. Check our website for more information Wages: $14.50/hour up to 35 hours/per week Interested applicants should submit a resume by JuIy 13, 2007 ta: Town of Milton, Department of Corporate Services, 43 Brown St., Milton, Ontario L9T 5H2 Attention: Coordinator, Human Resources Fax: (905) 875-5414 E-mail: humanresou rces@e mitonca n accordance with the Freedom of Information and Privacy legisiation, applicant information is collected under the authority of the Municipal Act and will be used strictly for candidate selection. nue