The Canadian Champion, Friday, JuIy 6, 2007 - A3 Court upholds 0MB decision on Campbellville gravel pit By Melanie Hennessey filic Province and Region will have to, foot a local gravel pit's $600,000-plus legal bill [rom an Ontario Municipal Board (0MB) hearing now that a court has upheld the board's earlier ruling to do su. The municipality and Ministry of Natural Rcsources (MNR) recently sougbî a leavc - or pcrmnission - to appeal two 0MB decisions regarding C amphellville Sand and Gravel Supply to the Ontario Supcrior Court of-justcc..-[hec0MB ruling heavily criticized thec evîdence and arguments put for- ward by the two goverrnmcnit bodies during thc bearing antd sati they caused unniecessaî'v, costs to bc incurrcd by the pit in defending iusef. White the appeal rccluest was dcîîicd, the pair was award- ed the right to pursue a scparatc appcal on a $60000 portion of the costs that go abtîve and hcyonid shat tbe pit actually spent on lawyers and consultants- Region solicitor Stan lloras satd staf N d(isappoiiited" witb the verdict. "But, appeal courts gcncrally do dcler to the cxpcrtise of the 0MB on developmcnt nmaîters," lic acktîowledged. MNR spokesperson Barry Radlord simply satd the min- tstry actcpts th e courts decctson. Thc lengtlw 0MB hcaitiig stemii ld rontan MNR pio posai to amend the puts site plartns o stop ans, lii Hier extrac- tion and probîbit the putIroint heing litleti wiih oit-site miate- rial. The goal was tut proicci ilit, towisssatispî' Angeiti Gucrint, ou net iof ti c\lt.t.ttptlocatt'd ont Camphcllvillc Road, appeatledil.(,' piopoisai to tie GM B but ctniforîitai.tcl\' passcd aisai beb t c tîte matici ws îsolvcdL. One of thcnmati coin ut ns t liai wsu ',aisedi tgarit g titi pit was the clfec t pi'î icottiaiitate il l Iiiing brouigbî into the site could liasc o ttn xxai ci i it*s tic aied wîtlîîn a senistivec ground ixaterrichlargc area tlîat proi des water to the Kclsîîmnitcipal ix cils. Guerrien pîeviously toldthuicC hamion oni iscvcra toctca- sions that an\, notiotn iof giîitid xxiîr cîiititiîýioiî u t truc. Wh'ite the Regioti and \NAR argucd thebe lîsî way tut proi- tect the grîtundw.Nater aqioîlr s li'prtbitiîig ans inpoirta- titonof flii.Caniphbellý,ill uic 'suc1 and Graxel ptîsbliii lî avc 'Bicycist injures head A rnan was xcini iii lospital itilisenrins bcad injuries alter lie [cltoff bis bike ai Kclsuî CotîtscrioaîîîArca Junc 24. Police said tlhe 60-y car-oid Noîrtb Yrk man was btcycling about twuî kilomectres offtei c îad ai abouti 10:30 amn wlîiî lîe but conîrol and hell Tbe vicîîm - wbio was wearing a belmect - was taken out of tbe park by Haiton [MS tn an ff road vibicle. AUTO BODY thie pil iled xxiib cleaisoul Io itbt i uc aquîttI t also îîuclctel icftNiZ Ioul l motntst $500,000 and tbe Region, $ 166,239, to cuver the gravel puts legal fees, consulting costs and a $60000 premium. The pair ien sougbt a leave to appeal the decisions, witb tbe argument that they contained fundamental errors of law. "We îlîought ibere were important issues for the court to cunsider," Fluras said, sucb as the mandates of the Minisir>' of the Environment and MNR wben it comes teu the proper rebabilitation of the site. But, the court didnt agree errors were nmade and dis- misscd tbe imatter. l'lie issue was briefly discussed ai the Regions planning and public works committec meeting Wednesday by lilton HIis Mayor Rick Bonnette. OMBu dccîsîoîs. "We're trying to protect our well water and not only do we get criticized by the board, we get slappeti with a $60,000 premium in cosis," be saiti. "That really ticks me off." Its not known aitbis point wben tbe court will hear the new appeal. bn addition to paying the aforementioneti amounts, the Regitîn and MNR will also bave to cuver Campbellville Sand and Gravels legal costs for the recent leave tu appeal pro- ceedings. The total bas yet to be determined. At press time calîs made tu the pits lawyer hadn't been retumed. Melanie Hennessey can be reached ai mhennessey@-milton- e e e( Specials Each and Evor, NouM! 9am-5pm with purchase or lease of 8fly flw vehicle S HOUES ONLY!! 9- 12 3- 4- 7 ~UIIL~.5 j.s' 0*'> b ILCLE'SIaVCLý& *Camry Hybrid and anis are exciuded from ihia sale. See dealer for detais 400 Steeles Avenue 1L-800-61l7-4025 www. lOam: FREE Warranty Upgrade' 11am. SIENNA Hour - 12 noon: CAMRY Hour* -1pm; COROLLA/MATRIX Ilour 2pm. FREE Toyota Accessories 3pm. FREE Wîndow Tinting 4 pm: TRUCK Hour Spm: +$500 for your trade [MIL 1 1 r ore&