A20, - The Canadian Champion, Friday, July 6, 2007 - ~OTOf~u? iç~rvc 14 A/-v </.a//<uv, .4 !4,.x /JL-.,, 9j-~, Il P -~ t91 Tim Horions (Tealý) vs Peter Hodge Transort (Maroon) 11m Horions prsved to have the esige ths eveniog by iavsg Evîn Haskan andi Emily Tbeben scorîng theis frst carees goals eading their team ta vctory. Peter Hosige Transport itefionely hasi their chances ansi James P woulsi ot be stoppesi uho lnockeii ose in. Tim Horions White ns. Tins Horions Sky Blue Grîf in Bal yod Ben Buter playesi uellin goal for White. Alec Fisher n goal for Siry Bise dut hus besitos stop tise shts on goal. Intise ensi. g uas White, leau by lise ose scores, itopoos Price, wilh tour soccensful attempto, wiso won the gane. Tins Horons Fores Green s. Royal LePago Etisan Andresemofn Royal LePage scoresi mself thehaitt rick, wile Tum Horion's efforts wese evenly uhtrisutesi umoungot Michael Ferlisi, Owen Kelly andi Davri Garcia. Kyle Hckey andi Mempiss Coshetnf Timos protectesi thie net moul, uhile eguai effrtO uas put forth hy Soha Khan n goal for Royal LePage. A Desn crs Touch s. Bite1aiFrsDon MacRas The Sableson tuies mere a fonce to he reckones i mth. Wi5is a goal eacis, both Ncolas ansi Kyle scores in tiseOsi hait. Goalkeepers Bref Matheson ansi Kurtis Rota dud a great job, Bref murs a sisut-out n the tt ansi Kuriso oniy ettung one by rn the 2nd. Tim Horions Navy s. Boson Pizza A- Orange n he trst. Boston Pizza s Katue Ksiowles ansi Noais Sposato eacis scosesi ans i Tm Horions sharp shsooter Borus Tesla scosesi twuce. I the seconsi, Boton pizzas Kyle Mchialott scoresi ut Tîm'o Tyler Corn came iack ithur 2 goals gioîig ius team tise in, wth a tînul score of05-3.Urier 6- Group A Tim Horions NayBlue on. Tlm Horions Royal Biue Boris Tesla scored a couple ot goals us thee trst hait mici gave tise Navy Blues a guick veaut Riey Bergin nenesi an awesome goal us the trst hait ansi Samuel Brush ansi Neil Hurrus also asisesi 1 tise taliy makusig the final score of011-O for Naoy Blue. KPMG s. Monts Weiding KPMG'o Scot Ramsay came out strosig scorung 3 goals n the frst hait but Ouessa Camarata, goalie for Maous Welstîog, rai many amesome saoes. Devys Chappino sisswesi ier moues scorns early for Mavus. In the 2nsi hait Alyson Lckflurst coresi a gscar goal agaînt KPMG's goulue Brasna Plates, KPMG 14 Tim Hortons 4 Net mîndero for KPMG ere Jessuca Poncuelso, Ryan Brown ansi Dheerai Bataris ansi for Tum hororis more Jua ansi Stephanue Roses. Rley Bergun hasi 3 goals for Tîm's ansi Tyler Cors scoresi the fourth goal. Scott Ramsay assi Chisîtuna Cote each scoresitwo goals tying op the game ton KPMG. Purs Horions vs. I lest Transier Tim Horions playens Riey Bergus, Bonis Testa, ansi Tyler Corns al scoresi goals gîvng thoîr teaus tis ebau. Amy Boonstra ieisitise opposîng team scorelens for tise firss hait. Bet Transfer came on strong aBter iaf-time inis 2 goals ansi eoiesitise game minis a han tricis trous Boris Tesla. Tins Horions Forent Green ns. Scooters caiering Sernice A synamite gamo rous Forest 0Greenmisose top scores Georsiue Sykes managesi tv net ail 4 of tise games goals. Mia Coic ansi Sopia Duarte moue an unlieutaisie gouikoopîng sios reorsiisg tise sisut out. Super goaltonuisso rous Yllous Samuel Mclsesnoy void Tent Joness 0004 teamusosi trous al Tins Horions Yellow ns. Koslni Glass Tum Horions ylliom came oui troog thins eek ansi put ut ail rogers- er for thier trst octosy. oalocorens tus yelom mre Justin McKinnosn tes mtis 2 goals ansi Allson Beaumont mit1 Kosku Glass prosîiesitougis sefonsuon compottîoansi stroot goalteosi- îng ieeping Lucas Lausior ansi Losuin Assiersons off the scoroisoarsi Tins Horons Red ns. Sinroge Spot Nany Blue Tum Horons scorosi earinstise game by Tyler Amurai, tolinsesi up isy a uate ison hait gval isy teammare Alena Speisas Tiso bonis scorosi aRun n tise secondt hat. Stosago Spot came back inis a goal isy Davi Tisopsos, but mas sot essugis os ovorcome Tims n tiseend. Tins Hrlons Lime Green ns. Tins Horons Red Rosi came out oui top mtis Tyler Amurai ans iNcisolas Ailey ocoruso 2 goals apece uespte the excellent goaltensiîng of Lime Greness James Emery ansiSiaugisoessy Grahsam. Rosis greut goulues meus Lealu Bermosiez minis a sisutout ansi Munheu Young ols alamîng 2 goals scosed hiy Ncola uceroouc ansi Jordian Siermasi Roiins s. Tins Horons Rnd Congratulationss 1 RuPfin s goal scorero Mue Riciarsis Mates uecuma, Ryun 0 Leary ansi Chrstopiser Mcelson Goulues for RuPiin s Racisel Fermo ansi Ryas 0 Learyu monkesi iarsiOs keop ot tise al Congratolations to Katue Aidier of Tum s inis an excellent goal. ansi thse ntre Tum's leaus torieopuso up tise strorog competu- lion. Filh Wheei Truck Stop ns Plate Maker Tise Puis liheel Tuck Stop teaus playesi a ery strong game minis a icnory sf7-0O led isy Cameron isyffe ansi coke Harrison oucis scor- usig 2 goals. TiseChisr goal ocorers more NcDolas BRgis, Riloy eria. assi arman Kaision. Soli goal teosiiot as dsiplayesi iy Lnssay and Mcienna. Milton Cinaners ns Hitherfieid Prep. Schooi. Mlton Ciaoer's goals more coresi iy er Guthin(2), ansi Jacobs Green.Bthielsis goals more scored by Anthony Navarro, Benjamusin ulelio2), aniJostine DOvoot. Great goalendung oy botis teauso ustis Cssunsira Krisusosi ansi Alec Wlusstoy for Mito Cleaners anS Joshua Grenier andi Madison Harioy for Htiertuetd, Final score 4-3 for Btiserfuolsi. Hllhertild Prnpalory Sehosi 2 KVD 1 Spencer Paisolon openesi thee conung ton Huftherfueisi KVD goalie, Mosorrut Vloso mode some greut sasos anS Aire Prentuce kept tise game cose. Zoo Wultfoso vtended tis e ar itni a shot o to0 tise corner. Htiertueisi goulues loabolia Maruzutto anS Jacois Eirmurds usonked sarsi ltomungonosy one goal trous Juysos Davis, Milton Chrysier Dodge ns. Tins Horions Cissysivr's goal ieopors, Syloia Delon ani Etisun Butter mouiseSisard ut net but coolsint ieep Tum Horions pluose Alec Bruown, Caiiuu Monks, Tono Oocvnoouc ansi Sabrina Buoskiouto, oucisgenuing a goal. Trus Bosons goulues Aliy Ullenaoe ansi Atex Brown oniy allomed a goal trous Jacois Wilson ansi Kyle Droge. Chodiet s ns Milto n Ceannrs Came scorors ton Miton Ceusns more Ae Josmis (t) and Bon Gothie 12). Mio CisuStugis Mutisew us oa uas tise gauese tan miss senvut al 3ofcntiss Oams goals. Honouroibe montions gotOn goales for hots tmaris, Mlton Clanors' Juck Burton anS Chuteighs' Anfisony Ctoeft. G*LSUDs Teans liter ns. Nadaitn Eiectric Teaus Tiges s gouliseopors Emily Nemoli ansi bossu Hans more kent bosy un hor rot but hisi tise gamo Os a sistout. Nasialun Electsuc's goulue Barie Thinng made somne amazinog saoes buI Team Tgor s Rocisuol Dobsonl2î. Miayia Boylevj2) Sofia MaruruccuiJi2 ansi Alyssa iao nunuges Io neovai ssonne goals. Teans Tiger ns. S Boston Pizza Nooy Blion2 Boston Pizza gouluvo, Sisliy unS Breansa, Sud great isoldng Teum Tger to fr00 goals scoreS by Alysso iao, Sofia Marunuccu, Taylor Pvckisam, Rucisuel Dobson ansi Pesuua Hans Teaus Tger s goulues Taylor Peckisum anSd Abboy Pantusa mee s 0 as iusy, alloivuri only tOsgoals ocoresi 5v Boston Pizza s Talana anorsijlaa Teons Tige 7 Boston Pzza B A valant effort put torts isy Boston Pizza ansi goaliseepen bmuuy Morrson Tise action mas fast ansi tisegoals plontiuitolmuisTam Tgen scornnoseven goals us tonal Twos rous Brooko Couis oaa goal vucis trous Sofia Marunuccu, Racisoul Dobsos, Aisisy Puntusa. Taiyor Pecisiaus and Ensisa Hnis. KVD ns. Teresa Gamsbie Rensas Il mas a grout ion bots Oaussi Goalues Madison ansi Gloria for KVD ansi Curais andiTony ton Teresa Oumble Remax ail id a semankuble lob Tise final score mus 2-O ton Rema Goal scosers induiteS Lndsay and Roxanne. Congratulatiorsns tise girls for tise touus- mork ansi passungý Boston Pizza Bise Vsl Boston Pizza Yelions Bots eams piayeut SanS ansi cisaiengesi for tise bail ait garne. Blue hat tise muîsrity of scorung cisances bai gueut goal tonSung isy Felismis Sydney Gosoaldu andi Blues Breanna Vynyciserio & Lauren Eruery kept thn game close. Boston Pizza Blov goal uas ocosesi iy Tatuanu Seigrosi assistesi iy Shelisy Ganly. A Designers Touch os. The Toy Shoppe of Nalres Fire Nîcisolas Solaru hasi an outstaosiing 3 goals, mitue Bake Ducharme ansi Luke Tuheuchi eacis scored t goal.Tuso goals mere scosesi iy Tise Toy Sisoppe of Natures Fuse, resoling un a score of 5-2 for A Designers Toucis Credil Valley Shrine Club vs. A Designers mach Solid gsalkeeping hy isotisShisner keepers, Trstan Rcisarsison ansi Mitcisell Guetus guarunneesi tise 6-t musDesigners Toucis goal- keepers, Tyler ansi Etisan. also Sddoi amazung joh. Shuîuueu Siueus oure Benloît Busard, Dumos Louizos ansi Marcos Mlnareoîc, uith 3, 2 assi t goals sespectîooly. Designers Toocis goal scores mas Nicolas Solarnu A Designers Touch vs. Planet Kids Tyler ansi Kyle masie sonnis amesome savouin ret for A Designers Touchý The goal scorero tor a Deigneros Toocis mere an încresiuhle 4 goals isy Ncholas Solaru, 2 goals hy Luise Takeucisi ansi t goal by Biakse Ducisarme. Planer Kis goal scorers mere Oscar F. ansi Kylo M. Mavis Weiding ns. West Windows Maous goalues Josua Scisapp ansi Ryan Mcl3ouer masie somne fani- tastîc stops! West Wnsiows goulues Kyle Olsis ansi Benjamin Mora- Ouviron piaoesi etremelo meil maknrg somne great savs Maous goal scosers mere Cossior Cou, Smon Ramîisosl2l ansi Dylan Skoryk. West Wndiows goal scorersomore Mttiseus Evans, Daovi Blacisuroîý2î, anS Ncisolas Meglîo Boston Pizza ns. Peler Hodgo Transport Touo goalosusere scoreS isy Allas Saisater, Jaso FleetOam, Asutsem Boyle ansi MattiseusMliuareuuc tus Boston Pizza, A Dat tricks mas recorsiesi iy Jonatisan Voca mhite other players or tise scorn siseet more Jay Brooks, COsnLuogarsi ansi Jonanthan Moikooki. Nuck Spesicor Peter Hosiges' Kaanoeer Uppal morseut hars inu net. Milton Dodge Chrysier ns. Dr Bracchos Mlton Chrysies goulkeepers Josisua Casale and Tisomas Davoison isopt Dr Braccisus t ay mile teammate Zahi Neemocismala ocouesi 2 Osais Dr Braccisus gouikeepers Colin Moffat ansi Joluan Jasuosiousiu ius a groat lobin net. Lotous tise game Josis Robinson ocoresi a goal.In tise end, Chrysier socuresi tisemus. CJs Auto Soins andt Sernice ns. Pizza HUI CJs' SueurSalaisi ansi Hassan Moisammasi guuckiy scosesi ansi con- tusluesi ns takeo vor in the 2nsi mitis a goal trous Kiessan Smîllue ansi more trous Saesi ansi Hasson. Pizza Buts AJ Refera-Robînson ansi Assireu Aiesamîs bons scouesi a goal. CJ's goaltensiers Asiam Evans ansi Jorsian Zero fougist iarsi ns maintaîn tise min, The Milton Youth Soccer Club Would Like To Wish Our Representative, Select and Ail Star Teams The Best 0f Luck Io The 2001 Season! Sponsnr: lny Arnss Jason BONIN, Niisola BOSNJAK, Justin BROWNE. Jacobs CAMERON, Daniel GIBBS, Mattiseu LENAI-IAN. Benjamin PREISNER, Jacobs PYRAH, Samuel ROBSON, Rcardon SANOOVAL, Tranus SOUTH, Alexansire VUKSINIC, Micheai WARNER, Oapsion WESSINGER,Asiam WILSON, Dempsey WOOD Coach: Martin WARNER Asistant Coach: Dan BONIN Manager Mandy WARNER Assistant Managr Nasirne CAMERON Mitchell ADAMSON, Bonamin BIANCO, Adaus BLAY, Jacob CARRILLO-HAYLEY, Jacob EVANS, Aoirem FREER, Sean KAVANAGH, Connor LEDREW, Craustord MOALPINE, Bnnets PAGUAGA, Connor PRINCE, Connor RAMSDEN, Brayan ROMERO, Andre ROWE, Eric SCHRODER, Cameron STOCKALL, Ryan TANASON Coach: Tosis COLLET Assisant Coach: DarrylAOAMSON Manager: Michael RAMSDEN Gabrueila BOUCHARO, Teresa ECCLESTONE. Cassansisa FRATER, Marina FORIK, Robyn GAETAN, Hather Laugiton, Racisel LINGARD. Amy LINTACK, Corinne LINTACK, Aduna Moodue, Hayiey SCHRODER, Sara Shama, Yasmun Sisama, Danielle VIS. Elyssa WEICKERT, Aeeis Westmater Coach: Franki MONTELPARE Assistant Coach: Bran SCHRODER Assistant Coach: Chrus FRATER Manager: John LINTACK ilrfrl RlqfiU Sponsor: McPhatl Chiropractic Cenre Banna Bludos, Cianefle RODANtS - PHULE, Sarahs BONIS, Rachel OEMARSH, Carly FULLERTON, brin JENNISON, Rhiunnonn AY, Lauren KELLY, Bitina LUCE, Katty n MCPHAIL, Denun O'CONNOR, Eeanor PINEAO-LEVMAN, Aexandra SCBRODER, Sarais STOCKALL, Ern VAILLANCOURT, Jelaina WHITNEY Coach: Brion SCBRODER Assistant Coach: Sandue KAY Manager: Murray MCPHAIL *uuilgIuJLMuur~loliVU.sIjLNet.~g~5 ~ Sponsor: Ar genlia Esso Marin ARTUKOVIC, Byle BROOKS, Andreus DEMARCO, Aaron FRANCIS, Stemard GEBO, William HART, Bradley HEFFERNAN, Dyan INNES, Mausisou KEWIN, Justin MANNtNG, Hansol PAICO-AVILEZ, Jordan RICBARDS, Christian ROBERTS, Brondon PORKE, Krscisan SUSMAN Coach: Heatiser BROOKS Assistant Coach: Gregory BROOKS Manager. Esi MCLAUGHLIN Assistant Manager ScotWOOD Sponsor: Bhondari Denttstry Arcisan BHANDARI, Zaavy BROWN, Geoffrey CORDERA, Alvaro FONG, Chrstopiser FRATER, Michael BARINGA, Daniel HUSAREWYCB, Ryan LAPORTE, Bradon LAVTHER, Kyto LYNCH, Bovin MONK, Richard MONK, SunJay MOODIE. Oitun PARADIS, ylo PEREIRA, Beena SARKARRAH, Yoma TSUBOI, Robert WATSON Coach: Looro DIPALMA Assistant Coach: Pochette DIPALMA là 11 I VLm kÀ rc1lnui .1 i là 1 1Iîî Lundsvy ATKINSON, Amandu CAMERON, Anna GARCIA-AMBLER, Alicia HAMMOND, Trunu HUSAREViYCH, Breunne KLUGE, Atuson KOPAS, Garais LALONDE, Erisa MINKHORST, Caittîn O'Connor, Jilluanne POSAVAD, Miciselle SERAFINI, Caroline SHAW, Sumuntisa STOCKALL, Laura WILSON Coach: Racisebo DIPALMA Assistant Coach: Loore DIPALMA Sponsor: J & D Tire Sales & Service Tyer GANLY, Daniel HADDAD, Brion HIMECB, Brendan BEWIN, Adtam LAUDER, Dreus LENDVAY, Tsusslav LONCAR, Canins LOOR, Robent MANNING, Ayta BLACKBURN, Sara BLAY, Keira BRODIE, Cassudy CHAITEN, Megan GORDON, Madeleine JOLIVET, Devon LOWES, Chotsey LOCKETT, Emiiy MARRA, Guna MCNEILL. Mkavia MEGLIO. Oivia PENN, Jessica SZABO, Emma Weotmater, Samantisa WISSON Coach: Toni GORDON Assistant Coach: Colin BRODIE Manager: Metanue BLAY Sponsor: LaFarge Sara Boccinfsuno Julia BROUT, Emity CHURCHILL, Victoria COLLINS. Cumla CORREIA, Madison HAOLOW, Louis HALLIDAY Kathleen HEALY, Michselle HEFFORD, Beanedra KAY, Serena KERN, Colleen MAJOR, Alyssa MCGRAW, Reenu SANOHU, Muggue TAYLOR, Surah WELLS, Darby WOOD Coach: Gary Conins Assistant Coach: Brian KAY Manager: Krstun Colins Sponsor Lyons Cnstnns Ehaust Wotcz & Aotonstive Repaira Cassandra Broadisent, Ncole BURGESS, Sydney CAREY, Vanessa CONSIGLIO, Jennîter DAVID, Pauge OUGAY, Katyn GORDON, Cnurtney JOHNSTON, Vanessa MACHADO, Robecca MITCHELL-HINTON, Branne MOLNAR, Josan PINEAU- LEVMAN, Mrisa PENN. Jessie SALIBA, Emma SMITH, Danielle VELLA, Chrstine WEST, Riiey WILSON Coach: David SALIRA Assistant Coach: Tosis CAREY Manager: Doi BAIN-SALIRA Sponsor: Paintech Jennifer ARMSTRONG, Jadranisa BERAM, Anne CLARKE-RUBINO, Jocetyn DIETRICH, Jessica GONCALVES, Megisan GREAVES, Oluvua HAOOAD, Victoria HAOOAD, Kuyia HIRST, Madison HUNTER, Vanna KAZAZIAN, Mykhsla PENNEY, Cailey ROBERTSON, Ntashu SAMUDA, Rossieni SCHULTZ Jolie GAGNON Catherine BAYWARO Stacen JAMES, Nicole KOPERA, Erun LECKY Kola MALLAIS, Nukki MANDARIN Amandu lIEL ZIELSKI, Justice PARADIS, Caîttîn PINDER, iantya SCHOUTEN, Mossa SHABAGA, MakaýIa ToSH, Ketsoeu1lMER, Brittany WISEMAN, Asistant Cooch: aurLou LAELLE Manager: Jennifer CLARKE Sponsor: Milton Magie Mattiseu AMBROSONI, Andreus BOYLE, Nathane ELKINS, Juoas BROWN, Jorsian EVES, Conor BENDERSHOT, Tyler GAETAN, Micisael BUNTER, Omen LINGARD. Trstas MENDES, Muttiseu MLINAREVIC, Saiveus ORESHI, Lucas SHARPE, Kranveer Oppai Coach: EMIL MLINAREVIC V'i l ' ,I i1:4[L Sponsor: Miltan Magie Devon BROWN, Connor DOTSON, Daniel GAETAN, Spencer JONES, Thomas LOPINACCI, Graisaus MACDONALD, Cari MARSZALEK, Danny MEDEIROS, Raymond MITCBELL-HINTON, Alexansier PEIXE. Justin SANDLOCK, Nciolas SCBIRM, Levi WHITEHEAD, Koorasi Zygmont Coach: Daniel DOTSON Manager: Lori DOTSON l ,ii l 1: .t- :lp l1q1 I Sponsor: Milton Magic Donner BRODIE, Miciseat STORLARSKI, Barteis LOPAT, A.J RETERA-ROBINSON, Greg LAPORT, Thsomas MCKINNEY, Christian SCHOMBERG, Loon TANDON, Mattiseu FERREIRA, Calvin DESOOZA, Zuis WADHAM, Androus FLEMMING,DOurson YOUNG, Saed SHALABI, Mîciseat FALLICO, Hassan MOHAMMAO Coach: Joanne ROWE Assistant Coach: Novile ROWE Manager: Rose ROBINSON aoa AAOIH ordauiunurDEroS, Coachi: -Liane ëR0BàE RTS 3N ""Sponsor Milton Magtc Cisistopiser MIKULIC, Faut MUNOAY, Nathsan SCBAPER Assistant Coch: Simon HIRST Bon CAMERON, Taylor CROSS. Eric CUNNINGHAM, Lorenzo SCREMIN, Josis SEARL Assistant Coach: Peter SCHULTZ Scott FORD, Gregory FOX, Edmarsi GERBER, Coach: Louis BONNICIMaae.AnblHRTToa ISNGMCEDailADDru LLY AssitantCoac: Bo LENVAYJeromy LAVOIE, Duniel MARRA, Date MORDYCH, Manager: John MIKULIC ,- Liaus ROBINSON, AdamUs LRICK, Zucisary WHITEHEAD, ; penser Atm LOCk à Sale DCeaeh:SOLMAR Surah ASDRUBOLINIDaniefle CLARKE Cah u AR Sponsor: Vile Foaon Reanea DESROCBES, Bittney ELLIS-CALLOW, Assistant Coach: Craig CAMERON ('0,1 87- 'O 07-2 - www.m io ma icci i