Ai 'Th A nain hmin fd9 uy,20 IMM 46,0GOkm! NES P mro ofNES P reatNES CE chanurNES V6 aut/i PPdlll/chiie.YESaarneofChryser w aret 210 5k EO m O dAffodbie4cyauoai s Am/CoCBalance of 530352. rrysier Waramty 5599803 cO60MT __b______6_______ 81 ONTARIO ST. N., MILTON lI-88247 l&001IAL rrterest rate 8 99%, SAC nrreresr rare rray erre with amount frnanced and model ear9 Cash price and/or paymenspu plcbet.s admin and icense ee .Duo riding with hope in their è- ýrw4 frw eu* à à 'o By Chris NeweII SPECIAL TO THE CHAMPION When you travel around Milton over the next year, keep an eye open for two men rding their recumbent tricycles on tbe reads. The riders were recently spotted on Dcrry ' Road heading oward Kilbride. During a rest break, Charlie Cetinski explained that botb he and Hlarvey Uppal are paraplegics4 Wb(r are training Eu ride across Canada to raise awareness and funds for self-donated stem cel treatment. There bas becn a lot of progress in the researcb in tbe arera of using stem ceilîs Ire frerî a fetus, but from tbe recîpients own beart, îbereby eliminat- ing a cuple of issues. The first issue eliminated is tbe dilemma orf using stem celîs front a [dcus, based on ethîcal conîcerns; tbe second issue clim inated is tbe rejection factor as tbere is erly one DNA involved - ibat orf the drnor/recipient. Li stering t) o b t etinski, wlre bas been para- plcgic for 10 y'ears, anrd Uppal, a paraplegic for I16 years, tIhe anticipationirand exciteetr is palpable as tbey talk about the latesi devefepments and tbe brigbî future îraraplcgics everywlre can look for- ward to. When asked herw io fels Ior kîrew tîreres a real cure for parajrlegiajust on tre bhorizorn, I 'fpal enrutionally' replied tbat even I10)y'ears age.' îbey wcrouldni't bave even drearnid of tItis brigbî future, frut now, wi conrmuters andI scieniîic ads ances, ser mucb is possible. CHRIS NEWELLI SPECIAL TO THE CHAMPION In September, tIre Golden tiorseshere Harvey Uppal <eft) and Charlie Cetinski are trainhng for Marathon, where teams crf wfreelcbair atbletes the Golden Horseshoe Marathon, race througîr a full rmaratbrn every'day' for five IFor more information about ibte Golden straigbî days, will kick off front Niagara l'aIls and Hcrsesboe Marathon or tbe researcb it supports, end at Queens Park. gor 90 bttp://GoldenHorsesoeMarationorg. .1 The teamnat 1-Total Skin &Body Spa 8>U y invites you ta corne and relax. Let us pomrper you in our friendfy atmosphere. Bring your spouse or plan a e vice Spa- group Party- $àaweed. Cellulite Wrap &lgin Ehis very effective reament by erioying an arornatherapy steam roomn session te relax the skin and open thre pores, Urus enabli g deeper penetration of tire products. Seaweed Mud Guam stimulates, tones and strengtirens the elasticity oA he skin.Tir seaweed and cday Imisture, containing idne, s'y etracts, essentiai o ls of lemon and oregano, works deep wiEhin tire skin to leave it smootirer and iess dimpied. 6 .0( uld 8.0 'Hom e }tmenlt w9 tebidseflp cf ciinEroe ~ Gerard's OP E O- -. Uý WD..97 HR R -- A-- 25 anS. E.,Do iw i 0 -7881 W W . I e ta 1it k1 na n b d ys II a c w 9-;