The Canadian Champion, Friday, July 6, 2007 - A15 Children's mental health agency gets a big boost UIESA KORTMANN / SPECIAL TO THff CHAMPION UGHTING THE WAY: Chartie Coffey, chair of the Council for Early Child Development, was the keynote speaker at the Reach Out Centre for Kids' first annual Lighting the Way event in Oakville where the RBC donated $20000 to the children's mental health agency. By Krissie Rutherford l'be regions largesi provider of children's mental health serv- ices just received a major boost. The Reacb Out Centre For Kids (ROCK), formerly known as Halton Child and Youtb Services, was recently the bene- iciary of a $20000 donation [rom the RBC [mnandiai Group and another $7,500 [rom CHML radio. On hand at the [îrst annual Lighting the Way event were representatives of many of ROCK'S supporters, including RBC, CHML, CIBC and IKEA. ls was also announced that ROCK is the cause the Social Community Charittes of Oakville (SCCO) - a coalition of live major local charities - has decided to pool its resources together to support. "We decided that by working together, we could make a real difference,- Bert Poirier of the S( CO told supporters gatbered at the Oakville (onference and Banquet Centre. Porier said the group of char- ities, which is made up of the Kiwanis, Kinsmen, Lions, Cîvitan and Optimist Clubs of Oakville, decided tu support ROCK alter looking at a variety o[ causes to [ocus on. We dare you to compare your insurance rates. You may be paying 4 times higher, over 300% more for the same thing. Instantly compare what youre pay:ng to over 30 other iiisurance company rates. arranges them by puice, and gises you the 3 lowest. Rates between insurance companies can vary by 100's, even 1,000s of dotlars. Jump ondLine and compare. PLus your quote MILl be emailed ta you, inslantty. Youtt be shocked how much savngs you'[l ind in tess than a-few minutes. f'oî cr ciwid ,tau, shows iiiicc j of cildi-cia s ncistal health services," yet only une third of those kids and their families are gettung it in Halton. "The putential demand gues far beyond current capacity," Porier said. Althougli io' n.nic s n'x,ý, pv to nnsantiosd ci l3urlington and Milton loirnmore than 30 years under Halton Child and Youth Services. Through more than 30 pro- grams and services, ROCK ban- dles everything [rom early assessment, treatment and ther- menital licalth prublcms or men- tal illness. More than 7,000 Halton youth receive some form of mental health services. Many of these young peuple are vie- tims of sexual, physical or emo- tional abuse. La-Z-Boy Furniture Galleries® REDUCTION SALE, $ 1 1OOO9OOO PRICED TO MOVE!* UNBE LIEVABLE MARKDOWNS on ail m-stock merchandise duringth"s incredlîble SAVINGS EVENT! *Dlscontlnued Items _-q9 - Floor Samples rD - closeouts NtPyl a Overstock ItemsFo 1 *Special Purchose Items *Quontities Are Umitedi. e d*À a Hurry In For Best Selectioni L A 0 0Y FURNI[TU RE GALLE RIES" Monday - Frdar. 10 arn - 9 pm, MISSISSAUGA NORTH DAMS LL E 1MSSISSAUGA BRAPTO Satuda930 am -6pm, HatsdTow Cntr D daa(Wn<trChBRllPiiPT omon Sud:11a 5pn Ma, tRodwD lIl7 (NE m, ) Hy 1 lB RidDr[L IF Suda:lam 5p Hme De lI,) 2 905)569 0046(Ljomiept 00 $4,513-ly»,