\Man charged with assaulting police A Milton man has heen chargecl witb Police said ollicers pulled over a vebicle on Thompson Road, north of Main Street, that was being driven in a dangerous manner. When thre two officers attempted to arrest the driver, he became violert, kicking and punching tbem. They sus- tained minor injuries. The suspect also threatened to kili thre officers, police said. Afte[ the incident, the accused was taken to the hospital wbere a nurse was also physically assaulted. A 21-vear-old Victoria Street man bas been charged with dangcrous oper- ation of a veiecle, assauli andi two coutls calir of aaltrtrg an off icer and SiOPPERS "O o Hiallon : Police seeking threatening death. Tractor-trailers stolen Two tractor-trailers valued at a total of $385000 were stolen overnigbî last Fniday. Police said tbe vehicles were stolen by unknown suspects [rom Slingsbot Transportation on Ontario Street Southr. The first, a transport truck carrying $40,000 wortb of grapes, was recovered in Mississauga. Tbe second vebicle, a Kenworîb tractor-trailer valued ai $ 160,000 and carrying $30,000 c)> clementines, lbasnt been located. flcîrne broken into A (ani hoi il cme s'as brculen lîlilo cOlis Olwile ils îaiî \r mî diî î k c PIclîcc 'iarc irl unkîiîo il ssc Cliîcl tiirs Iiîîî loier i ii lc lIli c. r cii dr Iloinîrî 1îlr sîcgili cr'c111 î hc duoîr \t sisi rît Ire -,îîileîî n ipcriy imi Iciclig ;1 - \Ni&c Vili cîîlsrc\r onri leî cl rîe,îrh\s\ hulci Ir,îri>b,î containing a Parc'iiczrî lood icl î'uosc Iciice aie rernrndiirg residents to lock their doors wbrle they relax out- side. Gas station broken into More than 300 cartons of cigarettes were stolen during a gas station break- in overnight Sunday Police said unknown suspects forced open thre door to the Esso station on Regional Road 25, just nortir of Hwy 401, and stole rip tcr 320 cigarette car- tons worth $21,000. Police are investigating. Alcohol swiped Alcobol was targeted by thieves in a break-in lasi week. Prîlice said an unknîwn suspect hrce mb a garag crn Mc Dcnald ( Curt andc stoie a boi of i> s an d t12 heei s. Antique taken Anr anticque band l pox [rom thbe t80 HOIsvsas sirlet (i iverglil lasi t riclaN Irrîrian t îghitlr mc Ihonie. t bce antique mwas stîrlen uv an crnknu',insuspect Irîin tiee nd ocila cîtivensasý, v bit î ac>been [cli more tIraîr 30) ears violent robber r60ARAMTSD L.ows1' rocs Halton Regional Pcolce arc investi- gating a violent robbery At 3:30 p.m. May 28, a teenager was attending a barbecue at a fniends borne on Luxton Drive wben ire was con- fronted by an unknown maie. The suspect demanded that tbe vie- tim irand over bis personal items. Tbe victim refused and was puncired in the face. He tiren offered to irand over cash instead of giving up bis celi pirone. The suspect took tbe money but struck tire vicîim a second time irefore fleeing tbe area on foot. Tbe suspect is wbite, 20 years old and 160 pounds, wiîir red/orange irair eut very short. He goes by tbe nick- name Cbucky if vcîu have arry infoîrmauioîn tirai leads Iocailair estiniithis cr aliy cîfier malter, vîîir'novbc ligiblejoîr cicash reward. You will neyer have 1co give- vour trame or tes- ij'y in curut Crime Sicîpper s of Haicnrr doiis nul Siibsc îibc iicdii!()ci r av.Cci>>1- 800 222 I IPS (8477) ci isîsi ViVsl llone r imestpper sCOMî. A LITTLE SCIAI THAr7S 0000 I FOI YOUR J CCKOR MAIL OR COME M IN FOR VOUR f CHANCE TO g1 UNE Of HUNOREUS Of GREAT PRIZES! iPed Nanas Gas Cards Free Car Washss GPS SVstsms... and more! VITAL RUIN * WARMNIY APPRUV!D *NUOPREIMTENT 925 Main Street East, Unit 1, Milton 905-878-8595 a www.prooil.ca f , .) . ' C. I rt tsi , 1 i 1>)I The Canadian Champion, Friday, July 6, 2007 -Al Color ICut Style -$ LIËàý Ful tie /part-time esthetician wanted YWWrtH=ftMM Monct dTuoe9i Wd "9Nal", fii 97 St"aSM Iéd w....- i ARr, -WLA-YO-A-OP1.-CET Ilô op Raymond FABULOUS LOT Josephian & This Beautitul Renovated Bungalow Is Situated On Hamid A Fabulous Lot (.96 Acres> Backing Onto The nezm Greenbelt Of Halton His. Minutes Drive To 401 & Inteza 407,This Property Is Filled With Fruit Trees Boasts Salu Reps. An Amazing View. Marbie And Hardwoort Fluors us-270-2000 Compliment This Renovated Gem. *- Inclusion Are Cvc, Stove, Fridge, Distrwasher, Washer, Dryer, Hot Water Tank, Water Soter, Al Pgju E lfis, Fixtures And Window Coverings. On The Wing "The gentle grace of the burrerfly flitting through the garder bas ofteii captured the hearts of young and old. Gardening to attract these gentle creatures has become a popular trend. eutterfles often appear to be just passing through, occasionally stopping for a drink of nectar but pou cat prolorrg the sray of thcse colourful visîtors and draw rn others by providing the food and shelter they teed. Food for an adult butterfly usually consisrs of sweei liquids, such as nectar from ftowers that provîde erergy. When planning a butrerfly garder, create a large patch of each flower species pou choose ro artract and retaîn the butterflies. Choose i some plants wîth larger flat-top fiowers to creare landîng areas. Some great varreties ru look for are Coreopsîs, Yarrow, Delphinium, Butterfly Bush, and eurterfly Wer'd. fenrenrber to use insecticides sparingly in pour butterfly gardens as most are rot compatible with the guents pou are working su bard ru nuire. Create a litle sommer maglc of pour owr and inuire our winged frierds to nîsît your backpard thîs pear. CHML SL~ 5 for more 1 1 --j