A10 - The Canadian Champion, Friday, JuIy 6, 2007 Wç~'vp ~ r~, e-v~-~r~ t Ses I i aiIý A4ARIW.Screen Trranums Pirates Goldflsh 997~ 4 ies Reg. $9975 9l Kit MSRP $4.99 .........g...2 200FF \Public input sought on rural hiah-çnppI arrpçç Aibino riger Barb 51$500 Sunset Platy Head & Ton Mie Tft pw 21$288 Aslrtsd_ samom mono wba Nows it 20loctios ars and e .*Býsc> B a mCt ente Sqe e ie rin** ve te Saro o e te Fora omee lsof- r tons itwwi spes.cos s t h the' Iowîi Soio Stckîng Prvin- cial fonds lu gct 11gh-spt'cd Internet into the- rural art-a, the' Nassagaweya Broadband ( onîrnînc is calling on the' public l'or input into the' glant applica- tion. The group wants local residents and husinesses to help envision an outreach and education program that will bc required if ihe grant s approved. The' program will aim, îo encourage the uptake of the' high-speed'technology and max imize ils impact, "We want the public and businesses to share their ideas for the scope of this outreach and education program and offer ideas on how education would best be offered so that its relevant, con- venient and actionable," said Grant Lecterc of the Nassagaweya Broadband Committee. "We need your input now." Ideas can be e-mailed to toni@aritchiebridges.ca. Deadline for submissions is Monday The committee s also hoping to hear from any local technology gunas who use, selI or know about advanced NOTICE 0F A PUBLIC MEETING WARD 2 Concemning Applications to Amend the Town of Halton His Zoning By-law For lands Iegally known as Part of Lot 15, Concession 5 South aide of Steeles Avenue; East of James Snow Parkway Town of Hallon Hiluis (4011407 Industrial Corridor) Town of Halton His Files D14ZBAO7.004 - North Amierlcan Property Group General Commitee for mhe Tows 0f Hafton Hifflit il condaci a Public Meeting ta esamine and diacusa mhe proposai ameodmeni application tomte Town of Hafion Hilîs Zoning By-taw 57-91 as amended by By-lam 00-138. The proposai amendment appt iea totahe Propertylegally known as Part of Lot 15 Concession 5, on the Southt ide af Steeles Avenue; eassi0f James Snow Parkway, Toms 0f Halton Hitîs (401/407 Induatrial Corridor). The sablect proparty is ioanded on the nortfr by Steeles Avenue, on the South by Highmay 401 and f0 mhe meat by James Snow Parkway/Hydro Corridor. Beiom is a map shoming the location of the aubîect property ta which the proposed Zoning By-lam amendmeni moaid apply. The parpose and effeci af the proposed amendment application is a proposed Site-apecitic amendment to Zoning By-law 57-91 as amended by By-law 00- 138, ta permit *Individual retail commercial uses of individual stores over 2,75Gm2 *Total retail space oner 10,000m2 *To raiuce the front, rear and ide yard setbacka abutting Steeles Avenue, from mhe reqaired 1lOm to 7m. The property is carrently designated Gateways by te Town of Haion Hilla Officiai Plan (OPA 94). This desîgnation permita a range Of commercial and prestige indastrial usesJly,00@:GP The ubid lndsarecurrntl zoed 01 orrdoLOAT/IOE: ondi ambes,2007 Centre GTewa (G)e Zondse, creloe 401 Corridor GtwySeil(1)FLE OCAIO:ConDl ChbeA , Cvi Cetr Zone and 401 Corridor Gateway Special (G-2) Zone.- Northi American Property Gmoup connt'ctlvity applications for personal, prolcssional, industrial, agricultural or other uses. I hose Who lit thîs descrition tan e- mail the' aloremt'ntioned address if they want tb ht'lp hy either providing con- tent suggestions or advice for tht' high- speed Internet campaign (should tht' Town receive funding), sponsoring education sessions or communications or by heing a session educator or guest speaker. Letters of community support for rural high-speed Internet access can also be submitted until Monday They should include tht' residents name, phone number and e-mail address, why they want high-speed access and what t will help tbem do that tbey cant do now It should be e-mailed to jan@jan- mowbrayca, addressed to the Town of Milton and marked as 'te: OMAFRA Rural Connections application'. The Town will be submitting uts application to tht' Province by the July 13 deadline. iTne mptant is proposing to change te zoning for lte subject properiy t10 a Site-specîfic 401 Corridor Gateway Speciat (G-1) Zone, 10 facititate the deeetoPmeni 0f an individual reiait commercial use in excesa cif 2,750m2, f you wmsh ta be notified of the decision of the Town of Haffon Huis in respect of tiis proposeci Zoning By-law Amendmeni, you muai make a wrifien requesi 10 the Town of Haton Huis - PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMVENT ait1 Hatton Hitîs Drnve, Hation Hitis ON L7G 5G2. fa person or public body ihai fiea a notice of appeal of a decision 0f te Towno0f Hation Hisn respect of the proposed Zonîng By-Iaw Ameodmeni does not make orat sutimisuions ai a public meeting or make wrtien subînissions b mte Town of Haton Hitts before the proposai Zoning By-taw Amendment is adoptai, the Oniario Municipal Board may dismiss att or part of the appeal. NOTE: Any wrllien commenta/objeeilna eubmlitted la te Town afNaition Nis regardlng thia Appllcatlan<al whtch le belng proceaaed under lte Planning Act 1990, may ba made public as part ai lte application proceaa. Furtiter information is anailable on me Planning& Devefopment Oepartment, Tows of Halton Hilîs, i Haton Hilto Drioe, Hahon Hitîs, ON L7G 5G2, or contact the Planner asoigned to the file, Mark H. Kluge at 905-873-2601, est. 2289. A copy of the relatai Staff Report wilI be available on Frîday July 6, 2007 on tite Tomo's mebsite. ALL INTERESTED CITIZENS ARE WELCOME. OWY4UI -