Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 3 Jul 2007, p. 1

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Qaibiau (bjjarnptoîî rotn'ý -mm! nitv N-Ai;ner 1 i 2G0 Ask Wh#: LON AUBLICLB ioy.. See what's on ~ AIWUEWthe market inside CAS$"E 90541-100 905493-MS6 S POR T S Fit-ing into new athletic endeavour www.nitoncanadianchamnpien cern C O M M O N 1 T Y Region tackles rising obesity GRAHAM PAINE / CANADIAN CHAMPION ~'TAKING A STAND: HaIley Whit[-eli' ee, 7, (centre) prepares te take a big bite eut of a checelate brownie, one of many treats she and her frends Samantha DaCosta (eft), 14, and hpr sister Sarah, 9, sold along with lemenade as a fundraîser for Halten Wemen's Place. The three are chîldren cf employ- ees at Pennington's at the Cressroadls Centre wvhere the lenionade stand wvas set up. -Area health care among the best: report -Watering ban in effect The Region has upgraded its eut- door water use restriction from velue- tary to a mandatory Halton-wide ban. Residenis are te refrain from waîer- ing their lawns and washing their cars and driveways. Flower and vegetable gardens are te be watered by hand and only as needed. Recently-laid sod is exempt [rom the restrictions. The îemporary ban was deemed necessary te ensure an adequate supply of water remains in the Region's reser- voirs for fire protection and essential household needs. "its important that residents comply wuîh these temporary measures te ensure that we have enough water for essential services," said Regional Chair Gary Carr. T he ban is expected to remain in place untii the weather changes. Hialton's planning and public works staff will advise residents tbrough the media and ils website, www.halton.ca, once the restriction bas been lifîed. Inside Todlay's Champion OPINION A6 BUSINESS A7 CHAPwIO)N couNTRY A9 By Melanie Hennessey CANADIAN CHAMPION STAFF The local beahth-care sysîemn is wsorking betier than many other areas in Ontario and even Canada, according te a recent study The document, enîiîied Iieaiîb Indicaters 2007, was prepared by the Canadian lnstitute for Health infonmation (CIHI) and Staîisîics Canada te take a dloser look at the perform- ance of the bealth-care system and the weil- beîng of those who use it. At the local level, it zeros ti on the area encompassed by the Mississauga Halton Local i leaitb letegratton Network -Milion, 1Ilalton His, Oakviiic, Missîssauga and souîb LEtbîcoke. le ibis Mîssissauga-Hialion region, the report says thai fewer people under the age ef 75 with conditions like diabetes andt asthma ended up beieg bospiîaiized in 2005-06 - oniy 267 oui of every 100,000 people. This is mucb lewer than the national aver- age of 389 per 100,000 people. "There are maey [aciers thai work togeiber te bave ibis substantial ouîcome," said Eugene Wen, manager of healîh indicaiers for CHEi. "its a success cf ihe whole community" Ile expiained ihai a syeergy beîwee fami- ly physicians, public healîh, the patient, his or ber family members and ihe local bealtb-care sysîem can provide apprepriate ambuiatory - or eutpaiieni - care, tbus reducing the need for hospitalization. Mîssîssauga-Haiton aise fared weli whee it comes te waittlimes fer bip fracture surgery. According te the sîudy, 80.5 per cent of res- idenis 65 and eider wbe were admiîîed te the hospîtalint 2005-06 with a bîp fracture under- went surgery eiîher on tbe day îhey arrived or tbe day afier. The figure is 15 per cent higher -sec OUR on page AS DATELINE A15 CLASSIFIED A18 rnil.mtencanadianchampien cern wvww.miltontoyota.com www.gorrulsautogroupcorn nom d i 3. U2. enc DENTURE MILTON CLINIC 905476-200 i 1 mmamw Ai»Metroland Media GroupPublication-'- Vol. 148 No. 33 Tuesday, Jtdy 3,2007 Pages a $1.00 (incl« G.SýT,)

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