Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 29 Jun 2007, p. 8

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* Thé Conatiiàn CiténipidV frday, 'Jiiri'e 29, 2007 I Going through Life iii the Fast Lane A young und succesîful executive was traveling down a neighborhood street, going a bit too fuat in his new Jaguar. He was watchîng for kids darting out from between parked cars and siowed down when he thought he suw something. As bis car passed, no children appeared. Insteud, a brick smushed mb his drivers side door! He slammed on the brakes and his car skidded to a hait! The angry driver jumped out of bis vebicie and grabbed a young, trembling child nearby und pusbed him up againsî his new car and shouted, "What did you do that for? Thaîs a new car and that brick you threw s goîng 10 cosî you a great deai of rnoney. Wbat were you thinking'?" The young boy apoiogiied, "l'm sorry, mister, please try 10 undersîand. i didn'î know wbaî cisc 10 do!" He coîîtinued bis pieu. "I tbrew she brick because no one else would st(np..." Wiîh tears dripping down bis face and off bis chin. the youîh pointcd 10 a spot jusî s-round a purked car. "ils my brother," he S~inciûary Mîltori Sunday, July i 10:00 arn Sai&J..ManofAidonts (ag~d~hek~M~ 'Missing Zlis Signs" www.thesanctuarymifton.com ~ 905.257.3987 M.ating at Milton Fairarounds said. "He rolled off the curb and feu ouI of his wheelchair and I cunt lift him Up." Now sobbing, the boy asked the stunned executive, "Would you pieuse help nie get him back into his wheelchair? Heu hurt und he's too heavy for me." Moved beyond words, the stunned driver tried 10 swaliow the rapidly swelling lump in bis throat. He hurriedly lifted the disubied boy back into the wheelchuir, then took ouI bis funcy handkerchief and tried to dean diii out of the fresh ucrapes und culs. A quick iook bld bim everything was going 10 be okay. "Thank you. sir! Muy God biens you!" Ihe grateful chiid bld thc stranger. "Sorry about your car. How nstich can I puy you? I cul peopies lawns. Maybe I could puy you a utile cach weck unît! ils ail paîd off?" "Dont worry about il! JusI he a utile more careful nexî lime." Too shook up 10 ulter any more words, Ihe young business man simpiy walched the boy push bis wheelchair bound brother dowts the GRACE ANGLICAN CHURCH Clergy: 317 Main St E Rev. Dr. Mark the Church on the Hi/I McDermott 905-875-2411 Rev. Dr. Renee Deajardins Father Mark Curtis Services: Sunday 8:00 arn - Satd Eneharist 10:00 arn- Sang Eucharisî inclading "Kola' Spirit" Program fotlowed by cofice hour Listen ta our Sunday sermons onhine aI www.gracechurchmilton.com Wheelchair Access thruugh Parking Lut tasinas arararhiien-hrnitOon sidewalk towurds their home. He turned and made Ihe long, slow walk buck 10 bis Jaguar. The dumage wus very noticeable, but be ulreudy decided not 10 boîher 10 repuir his dented side door. Raîber, be lefI the dent there to remind him of Ibis message: "Dont go througb life 50 fusi that someone bus 10 tbrow a brick ut you 10 get your attention!" God whispers in oUr souls und speuko to our heurts. Sometimes, when we don't bave House o f David Invites you to our Sunday Service 'In His Presence Sunday IOAm i-hnlidav Inn Express 2750 Hîuh Poîsi Dr Mutes. ON t OT 5G5 Prayer& Cuusselisg. 647 999 3562 Lire A Menningfui L'fe. MakeA Difference St. George's Our Minus-s han n îenvîng Anglican Church Su cdnnmsnny lut 150+ Vears loin us i/un year ni a cetebranton of... flic preochingof CoUs nord a thit diardi on the cacacprneat dace 1858. Corne onU tacet ta, ne nul lie very pteased ta tacet yoo. RECTOR: Rev. Canon Charles Masters Suinuner Services JuIy lst. 2007 to September 2nd. 2007 8:00 arn - Said Service of Holy Communion 9:30 arn - Morning Prayer Nursery and Junior Sunday Sehool 7051 Gucipli Une aI Dcrry Road tTc» 905-878-1363 Tata aur wco aise 0uegeoserw.e.erg (~, MILTON CHURCH 0F MILTON GOSPEL HALL 1D1TEI.~I'IS1' CHRIST 306 Ontaria St. N. * 818-3873 CHURCH 10:00 arn. The Lords Supper 1412 Britannia Rd. Woot, Milton, On L9T 2X8 11:45 arn. - Sunday Sohool Invites yoo ta oas- weekly Satilsaili services ai 905-8752939 H.gh Futur Hall, 4a Braga St. Mmnaa 6:30 p.m. - Gospel Service Sot 930a ai SabtnaihSchool Sunday School Classes Wednesday 7:30p.m. - Prayer and Bible Study Sai 1100 nia Divine Service 10:00 arn Us FREE BIBLE SCHOOL Corne and Crusse w~h Osicover lIte ataazag Bible answeis in lîfes pcvplcxtag quenoota. Worship & Communion Diacover Boots of the Bible nid 111e secret in allappy lite For FREE BIBLE LESSONS, icilie: F0. Bon 23012, 11:00 arn Children Ages 5-12 * Coot: Free 55 Oniain Si., Milita, Ont., LOT 504 Thursday Bible Study Inly 23 - 27îh, 9:00 - 11:30 aura On Uic INTERNET, http:llwww.vnp.con onU ~e7Please pre-register by July 7tb wre.azingtoco.orgUitbîenUiontsetiontaiaiiasp 7:00 pm rafo & regintration formo a~ PASTOR: At Dnl2osta 519-835-830t /tiguI For stase intorntaiion aunai asic service ont pengmninpteasecau Minintor Stovo Corbett www.niiltongoopelboll.com oeAD'rw4' 905-878-5664 KNOX PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH GRACEWAYuiirii~i UJAVA~LAJ , ,,*5~4~J L~tedooDerryRd WELCOMES t&JUUIlii~1U e betweentheSports Centre 170 Main St. E., Milton 905-878-6066 lO3Martin Street aod t/se Hoapitat Minister - Rev. Howard T. Suttivan 878-1 629 PursuîngJesuspassîonatelyand Director of Munie Ministnes Soixta van de Hoef j Pastor Walter H. Isaak connecting with aur God-given family ay Worship 9:50 a.m. - Sunday School Meet new friends n the café at 10:00 arn Sund 10:30 a.m. 0:30 o.m. - Children's Summer Worship (ages 3 8) 11:00 a.m. Morning Worship 10:30 a.rn. Service & Nursery 6:00 p.m. - Evening Service SteppingUp to the Plate Vocotion Bible Sehool - Children ages 4-il Weekl-Hopeeeyond Failure ~ l6~h - 201h, 2<107 Thursday Lead Pastor Jack Ninaber To register coli Amy Smith (905) 878-9873 7:00 p.m. Bible Study & Prayer Youth Pastor Eric HeIIiweII "You'll always find a triend ut Graceway" wwwsouthSidemilton.org "UNIFIEDBYCHRISTWESHAREHIMWITHTIIEWORIW' A church ut the Chrslian andMîssonaryAJ/sanoe Wheetchair occens onU wastsrootns prnvtded so diat www.gracewaybaptlt.org Located on Derry Road, be/sinon t/se Sports Centra & t/te Hospital oIt may corne and worship. Accens off Mary Street. time to listen, He has to throw a brick at us. What does it take for God to get our attention? Make Ihe right choice b choose to visit one of Milton's fine local churches this week. Service times and locations are published in the Relîgious Directory below to help yotli. Submiited by Rev. Dan Rogge, Pastor of Milion's New Life Church. !~J [( lù[~~ub LOZisq Goil. Loviss1 peuple. Sundays at 200 Main Street 10:00 arn Worship & Teaching Childrens Programs Running Concurrently 11:00 arn Coftee & Conversations (We serve Tm Hortons Coffeef) 905-876-3586 www.MiltonBibleChurch.ca____ NEw LIFE CHURCH FOR GENERATIONS TO COME SUNDAYS Service limes First Service 9:00 AM (Sunday Sehool 9:30 AM) Second Service 10:45 AM Evening Service 6:30 PM Chiidrens' Minisiries availabie in ail Services taptioned for the Deaf/Hard of Hearing WEDNESOAYS Famiiy Night - 7:00 PM Extreme Lite Youth kindergarten - Grade O JuIy24 to JuIy2l Plan now ta attend! Caîl for fomis 824 Thompoon Rood South, Milton ON L9T 2X5 Visit Us Online www.NewLifeMilton.com Or Coîl Postor Dan Rogge at 905-878-3358 .1 .1 O -'.9 Sun. JuIy lst ai 9:30 arn STARI 0F SUMMER WORSHIP Supported by music tram aur sommer choir Nursery Facilities available Refreshments & Conversation atter the service Congregational Meeting Juiy 8 at 10:30 arn Corne Worship With Us!

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