B4 - The Canadian Champion, Friday, June 29, 2007 s. >5 Issue 2 - JUNE 29 Tim Horions - Lime Green vs. Tim Horions - Forest Green Mini soccer got off te a great start as Tim Hortons lime green Cain Richarde and Evan Rocks alosg wîth goal keep- ers Aryan Rastogi and Carsn Watson had a great gamne. Forest Greens' Owen Kelly and Michael Ferlîsi bath scnrisg their first goal whiln Arion Garcha and David Garcia played goal. Tim Horion's (Sky Bine) vs. Peter Hodge (Mars00) Ethan Knott led team Maroon wîth two 2nd hait goals on their way to a 4 goal ohut sut agaînot team Sley Bise. While sot scorîng a goal, team Sky Bise heid the deticitto 4 goals wîth oststandîng gnaltendîng trnm Mitchell Galbraith and great detensîne play trom Emma Chrîstotoros, Team 5 5 vs. Team 2 1 Another bat day but the teamo played greatl Ryan Hasselteldt had an nutstandîng game with numerous end- to-end rushes. Team B had their chances bat tailed to canalise. Ail and ail a gnnd game as the teamo and play- ers connue to develsp their skîlis. Parkview vs. Tim Horion At the end of the tiratitl wao 2-l0 tnr Parksîew thanks to goals by Curtis Droge and Matthew Denneny. The second hait started wîth Mitchell Galbraith ncsring tor Tîm Hnrton. Curtis Droge scored agaîn but Martin Ford came ntrong scorîng 2 tor Tim Hnrtn tying the game ut 3-3. Pareview Auto vs. Tim Horion's Teal Gim Hortan's Madison Tait and Emily Thieher bath scored alter 6 straight dining sauts by Michel Ursn. Late sn the hait, Times Emaho Hans broke threagh the detense and scnred. Hans mas aise credited wîth asnther geai as Parksîew accidentaly scnred an their on set. La Rose Bakery vs. Designers Tooch Os June lBth a tant paced game mas played by La Rnse Bakery and Designers Toucb. Beth teame played amazisg wîth La Rase wissisg 3-0. Andrija Lescar scared 2 et La Rose gals with Jack Kineil ncerisg the 3rd. Amasiet ehb te Katie Esair for ber ehb as geaikeeper. Hunt Chrysier vs. KCK Teamwear This was as eeciting match to watchl Ail playere put terth a great effort! Hast Chrysier's Noah Badaci scered tbe lene gsoai te deteat KCK Teamwear. Gealies for Hast Chrysler wer Etas Di Sciaile and Vicoria Pastaiee - bth did fastastic! Vas ail deserne a big cheer! Great ehb!!!! A Designers Toucb vs. Hunt Chrysier A Designer's Taucb tnak a cemmasdieg iead agaist Hast Chrytier deepite a great effert f rom gaalies Matfhew Nauit, Meaghan Baryes, and Ethan Bldi. K. Meta fer A Desigser Tsuch% had as amazing 6 geais and teammate Eeae amut had 1 geai. Cerwin Bietic scered 2 geais for Hast Chryster. La Rose Baker vs. Austen & Noble Insurance Bath teame put fart h a great effort with tht final score heisg 6-B fer La Rase. Austen & Noble's Tristan Haghes and Madelise Bawere bath piayed with grait ekili and Keiras Damier ptayed a great game en geai. La Roes Jack Kineli scnred hie f est 2 geais of tht seasen. KCI< Teamwear 1 Ttm Horion YeIIow 5 le their tiret game, tim Hortes' Jeeh Strathers and Devon Scott had 3 and 2 geais reepectiety. Tim Hertes geai- keepers Marina Lemare and Devn Scott dîd amazisg ut defeeding their set. KCK geaikeepere las Mear and Maya Cesiker feaght bard whiie Kyle Geagh ecered KCK'n f iret geai of the seanen. Austen & Noble lonsorance 10 State Farm Don MacRae 0 Geaiteeders Brigitte Rinard and Taylor Chautes ni Austen & Noble made masy big canes. Multiple geai game fer Liam Farrel, Zachary Tarr, and singles frem Noah Farrugia, Broeklyn Ryder, and Luke Ewe. State Farm's geaiteedieg tandem ef Jacob, Kylie, Jeassa, and Taylor were kept husy and made maey great sanes. IMM î Teins (Main Street) vs. Timi Horions Telan apesed tht tiret hait whes Jeehua Deffamiltes scered wîth a etreng kick se geai and Tim Horts ended tht firsi with a geai b y Dayton Price. Danile Baba et Telus hreke thetfie and then capped sff an insurance goal later esdisg tht game as 3-1 Teius Teins (Maie Street)1 vs. Loblaws 2 Leblan opened the scerisg sn the tîrsi haif when Csby Bensma scered. Tyler Cunningham aswered for Teis tying tht score, As tht last second Lehlawn tonh the iead for gond whes Nîcholan Padilia scered. Great deterse by Lnblamws Katie Chartrand and gnaitendîng by Telus' Danîls Buha and Trissas Culvert. 7I/V4e dýill' q~ m~e MdtO#« î/a"~ tsSce & Terry Rowley Mechanicai Inc. vs. Boston Pizza B Terry Rowiey Mechasicai charged bard sn tht first hait but Bon ton Pizza gealie Geergis ar slye anststandîsg game steppine i tafts made by Terry Remiey Mechanicai' 'Ferry Remiey Mechanicai'n nuait Trener barris dîd a great ehb holding Boston Pissa's Harry Wurd 50 sniy 2 geais. Mavis Wetdiog ns. Tim Horion ,s Fsrest Green Goalien fer tht sîght mere Munis' Aehley McLetchie and Alysos Lsckhsrst and Tim Herts' Aleeia Roberts and Leonon Harrison. Ail played as excellent game! Gea scorers fer Munis were Musthem Frascisce(4), Alysen Lnckhurnt and Carsn Woodl2). Goal scerers for Tim Herten's mere Geerdie Syken(3) and Sophia Duarte. KPMG vs.Ostord Learning Right amuý Lake Addarie scsred fer Oeford Learsisg. Thes KPM~ retiated when Scott Ramsay ncored. Oxford thensncsred back te back goals b y Aex Anuetasînu and asether tor Addurîn. KPMG came hack streng in the sec- ond hait, tying tht game aber Scott Ramsay scored taice, gettîsg a bat trîck. BySerransfrer 7 Bfransfer's Julian VanderVoet iead tht team aîth three goals, ahîle Patrick Gondon, Sara Jagot, Brooklyn Guo and James Dske ail ncered their fîrst et the neasen. Great g nuai tendîîg hy Branîdonr Gorîîy arnd Taylor Beudreaumbuo kept Scooters' ameseme Mîcah Jehbîsen te three geais. Tim Horions Forest Green vs. Osford Learning An uweseme first hait bat trick b y Geerdie Sykes waso't eseagh te secure a nictory seer Oxford Learnisg mhose gea scerers isciuded Keeiy, Aies and Manuel. Great defen- sîe ly frsm Claire Rinand for Foeet Green and geaikeep- isg dtes wene nhured hy super keepere Sophia Duarte and Geordie Sykee, I. f _ _ Tlm Horion's Navy vs. Chndleigh's Tims presesied their stresgth eariy mith tme geais eacb frem C!aiam Monk and Aiea Brewn. Chaditigh's termards Kyle Testis and Matthem Duita each scered sice hreak- amay goals. limes gealie Durits Hartman made a tem dus- eue9q suces, whiie Jacob Breugh added asether geai fer Tim s, making tht tisai 5-2. Sobeys vs. Milton Dribodontista A iight scareiess tiret huit due te eeceptieeiai atendlieq frem Sabtys' Nick Gharubaghi and Miton Orthdasticn Nicheias De Pede. Miltes Orthednics' Jessiter bilier breke tht scsreiess game mith a briltiant geai. Sebeye rebeusded with 2 geais by Nick Gharabughi and Aidas Campbell en tht last minute, secarisg tht mis. Sobeys vs. Little Hands Daycare Sabtys secured a 4-t eiciery oner Litt le Hande. Sabtys scerers were Bruedes Wesseliîg, Tyt Wison, and twe c eaie by Victer Draper. Lit band sîsngle geai scerer was 9armaretUp a ssiied byPeace Marara-Maku. Asngrt' gaiedisg hy Biradi MCey and William Hagen et Lîttiehande, and Luke Wells and Kyle Raymond et Soeys. Dixie Ford Sales vs. Flrst Prolessional Collision Firsi Prefessiesules Cesser Cnsgrene receined as eut- standing bai trick asd Cueden Barbe had 2! geoais Dieie scerers mere ime by Aides Serse, oeh y Thomae Masiastuese and oe by Aarn Nash. Thene mas great Saitendisg fer beth teame by Cameras Clark, Robert grot, and Aryan Sharma. First Proiesslonal Collision vs. M & M Meat Sbops As early gal by Cesser Ceegroe put Firsi Protessiena isnth teiead. Oaistandisg gealiendise by Firnt Pretessiesai's Angus Themos ud Kurtis Melannen fer M & M kept tht game close. M & M's Mitchell Hemiteos scered a geai eariy the second haifto tie tht game fer M & M. Mavis Weldlng and Fabricating vs. Pianet Kids A greai game by ai Go ais scered by Munis were Tyler Sharpe <2> Peter Chiappîse (2), Dylan Skeryk (2), Miîles Jacksn (4), Simon Rumishes (2), Ryas McGevern (3), us d Cessenr Con (4). Gealies were Dylan Skoryk and Auntin Bond. Tht goal scnrer fer Piaset Kids mas Kyle Mac Donald.. scerers ment Gabriel loson, Jonhua Richards, Owen Lîngard and Nathan Eikinn. West Windows aod Door vs. Nature's Fire West Wisdem and Dser beat Nature's Fire 6-2 sn an enter- taisen affair at Brian Besi Park. Leading tht waï, fer West mas Benimn Mera-Davîson mîth 3 goa s, David Biackburnwith 2 gcais and Nichelas Meglii-Cherry mith 1 goal. Scnrim fer Nature's Fine mere Matthew Struthers and J remy Reutsseas. Gino's Pizza vs. Mavis Weldîng and Fabricating Pacîse the Manis team mîth 2 geais each mas Dylan Sknryk, Ryas McGnnen, and Censor Cee. Goalien for Manîn mere Tyler Sharpe and Brandon Fniia. Felîn-Aston Grasel led tht may mîth 3 eoals and Anthony Cis chippîne le 1 for Giss Great gealtsndisg trnm Eric Praticante and Andrew Fletcher. Gino's Pizza 5 vs. Milton Wasbworbs 1 Gises nstarted mith 2 goals trnm Felie-Astois Gravel. Stefan Pa(anic scored for Milten Washwerks eariy n the 2nd hait. Gise's qsîcky repied mith 2 goals frem Michael Cunha. Antheng Cîlia rousded eut tht scorîsg wîth bis first geai. Jordon Latchman and Pabis Villa 605h had some eutstandîng sanes. i 'BOY UN E Milton Toyota vs. 241 Pizza Great gsaitesdîog fer 241 Pissa by Luca Tesla and Sîddarth Srikarf mhîie Fric Wîebe. Tyler Brome and Jake Valsamîs each scerisg a gea. Milton Tnysta's Daniel Benssas and Thomas Hartes made some amasisg saves. Miltes Toyeta's Liam Sykes scered 1ins tht f irst and Daniel Bessusan scnred 1lis second.. Boston Pizza 7 vs. NGF Golf 1 Jonathan Moikosk's agii in nset earsed hîm a shateut in the tîrot haif. Bsth Mitchell Wîzsiuk and Matthew vs. Haiton Region Pest Control <VO Eocuvatîsg geaitenders Oriasu barris and Fuith barris msrked bard keepise Haltes Rtgise Pest Costrei's Alyssu Mathenon, Emma Saberrus, Victoria Ciemuter, Emma Suberrus, and Rhyee Oldacre to 1 gea euch. Haltes Regiens gealie Laura Palombe playedu asantsic game uiieming osiy 1 gea te KVD's Megas Davis. NAPA Auto Paris vs. Boston Pizza Geaiheepers fer NAPA Asie Parts mere Olinia and Lees, ahîle Emîiy Ca ginn and Riant Ibrahim teamed sp beimees the pipes for Bosen Pissa. Four oI NAPA's goals were scored hy Sabrina and oe more b y Jackiys. Boston Pissa's tas goals were scnred by Jessifer Muiteli and Sumantha Blair. Chedleigbs vs. Broneilo itistorante Under R stases begun with a great gume tor Chsdieighs and Bruseile Rîstoruste. Falîsha Sheriff , Sufîyu Penaissu, and Furys Smith ail scnred geais for Bruneile wiie Mudalyns Mediey, Anna Serafisi, and Alyssu Ferlisi scnred for Chudieighn. 5reai jeh girls. Boston Pizza vs. Moiiy Maid Beston Pissa's Jessîter Muttel and Amrîtu Laîly bsth dîda fasianiîcîeob sn gea. Meiiy Muid's Sabrina Scîscente and Sephia Tor mere pectaculur sn set. Boston Pissa's Amrita Laii!y used ber pemerbeune kick te score bnih ? oals JuaSumadSehnecmie speed and Kinette Club of Milton vs. Jnde Stewar Cnstom Finish Carpentry Kisette geais were scored b y Sauina Jackson, Chise Jeppeses, Jessifer Leckhurni, Katrinu Campbiei and 2 by Bryussu South. Jade Stemart goals mere ncered by Andrea Tyler and Fris Rogers. Goulues for tht night mere Jensifer Lsckhurst, Katinu Camphei, Kaillyn Berges and Leah Mcguilînvary. Wuy in go girls. came trem Tyler Guetas and Michael Hunier breakîsg tht Millweid Entereises 0 shateat. Tht remaisisg scorers for Beetes Pissa mere vs. Wabeiiei d Wiidcats 4 Shudmas Khan, Asdrem Boyle and Jonathan Vucu. Wakeied Wiidcats piuyeduaetrog game mth gosib 241 Pizza 4 DiispeadRbcaDvdo-oa Siresg geai- vs. Tamray Contracting 6 tesdisg by Rachel Davis and vonne Marris kept Milimtid Tamray'n geal-scerers mere Nathan Carter, Alec Eves,' and off the scereheard. Ceusna Morgan asu Zot Eikies did iSeir Musa Almahcsh Thomas Sadgrsue and Gavns McLeas beet sn geai fer Miilmeid. mere texcellent g alies. Speciai menties te Mustafa basas, Miiiweid Enterprises 1 Liam Mu, Mehammed Kirmani, Muithem Bryant, and vs Home Hardware 2 Asdrem Jones. Thask yen ta Aies Campbell fer playing a beeHrmegaiedrhprmgaisrrsTyr g su gae evs mth aprased rmDrem and Mary Abdeisear, mîth support trem Alises Backing and Bnittany Lite. Miltmeld respesded mith a :î igoal by Victoria Rogers, strangiy sapparted by Amanda A Y ND R10o adM ai aoso defesse. In gea fer Milimeid mere Bine Cbip Bniling Restoraion Justisa Erceline and Caittis bampton. vs Boston Pizza Blue Cbip daminated tht tiret hait miih g ais trem Graham Miiiweld Enterprises 4 MacDonald, Justin Sasdluck, Justin MCtchees, Tyler Cbadwlck's Travel 2 Riiey, and Cener Detn. Tht second hait mas clese and Wiih se sabe Chadmick's shemed a eot ai determîsaties bard isughi. Bise Chip masaged ime mere geais trem and kept the game close helped by tht gealteeding et Shame Maurray and Jacob Reedeau. Outstasdusg effort te CaarteyVimick, and geals by Taylor Wedd asd Jackîe Di Bston Pissa gealies Masse bite and Luksz Zamada.. Palma. G ale mere scered fer Milmeid by Victoria Rogers, Justisa Ercelise, and tas by Aiiy Reddes. RylLePage Lana Hervey vs Itam one Construction RylLePae gealies Adrias Cedre and Hayden Merrises bohpiaye d briiiiantiy, mhiie Greg Legue and Brandes Redrigees mere amusisg, keepers fer Mitam. Ryas Melansn set-tp Dylan Sabater fer tht loe Royal LePage gea et tht su ghi. Mitam's Andrea Ambresesui asmered mith a geai et hie eme te tue ut ap. Kevin's Towing ns. Pizza Hot Deepîte a great effort trem Keeis's Temisg and as ame- soet goaliy AieKasiars, Pissa but gai an entra gealins thîs eecîtîsg game. Pissa bat's geai scerers mere A.J. Retera-Rehueses and David Laing. Great goal keepîsg hy Kevns Teming's Kiye Brea and Bilai Ahmed. Kenin's Towing 2 vs. Henter Medicai 3 Firsi tan geais et tht game mesi te Hanter Medicul play- ers Paul Bai and Aria. le tht second hait Alto Kesiars et Kevns Teming scored, feilsmed b y a geai tram Cedy et bunier Medicai and minutes betere turme rus est Greg Schicht et Kevin's Temise biasted sn a geai. Hnnter Medicai vs. Royal LePage Lana Harvey Haydes Merrises piayed geai for ,Roya LePuge mukîng muniy thrilieg sanes. Hunier Medica[eeaiktepern Dylan Bishepuand Spencer Ceajagby bath psl lis a sieliar per- fermusce. Tht loe Reyat LePage geai mus scerd f y Nunjeot Pasesur. Fer Hunier Medicu , Cedy Hahhurd-Nebuiil use Aria Gbaive hets scoe oe gea a puece. Team Tiger ns. t Goalues fer Stene Peter Hodge Transpori 4 ariauuiice unuguu ru vs. Sears 2 Tgr's Rachae 10 etfo PeerHeoemer OenLugard, Kuranveer Mkyand Mudin 1pa, and Gabriel lonion They payed nery meil and kept Copt sY~ Peter Hndge on the wîssîsg side. Sears gealues aise ut a greai gume gurus! fnrth a great gume and the players mere aweseme. PHTs KVD Escavating tenens Reseurce Groep ses Reseurce Grnup Alexandra and ard and esiy alewed 3 geais hy Tesm 2) and Tayler; Team Tiger's goalues on muruged tn hoid Steven's Reseurce ais scered hy Emiiy and Jessica, Whst Protech Secnrty vs. Mitam Sione Construction Lsd. Pretech Security. and Mitam Stase Costruction fougfit bard fer a scerelese Cet hait. Mackenzie Sham put 1%by Amuedla Rogers gnaiie fer Preiecb sn tht 2sd hait. Final score 1-0 fer Mitum Stase Centructues. Specia menioen te Kristey, Lemis, Charloete Tistra and Melisea Cherry ftrom Pretech tor ibeir bard merk. Protecb Secnrity vs. Arihur Eiectric Charlotte Tiietru and Victeria Gazseiu, goulues fer Pretech Stcuriy, piayed umeseme but Emma Asdrsboisî mas bot scerise tmo geais fer Arthur Eiectrîc Inc. Pretech Sec urilvs Tasha Brasser snack ose pasi Arthur Eiectrîc's Fris Aý1bar, fer a tisa score of 2-i. Maddy Scbapp aise piayed great sn set fer Arthur Eiectrc. i.L NDR1 Primary Electricai Suppiy 4 Tamray Contracting 4 Witb tae geais hy Meagar Greanes and one by Kute Mo hnadAmr basas, Tumray Cestractini, quicky totela.Hemever Primary Elecirica Suppiy siemiy came hack te evn tht score mîth ime geais hy Aieundra Sellers and ose hy Brîttasy DeiNî and Joua Hunier. Pa w A~ V - egaM 1 "Il