The Canadian Çliampion, Friday, Junre'2S 2007 - Àl3 H~iU r~ut ~tdydraws, high Ievel of interest By Dianne Cornish SPECIAL TO THE CHAMPON Proponents and opponienis to tbe proposed St. Marys Flamborough Quarry agree that baul rouies are a bot topic drawing lots of attention. The number of area resîdents ai lasi wcek's public information meeting ai the Royal Botanical Gardens (RBG) elearly demonsîraied widcspread public înîerest about which arca roads will be used îo truck the aggregate. About 125 residents scruîînized several placards ai tbe fîrsi of four public meetings undertaken to select potential baul rouies from the proposed quarry at the comner of 11 th Concession Road East and Milburougb Line. Many stopped to discuss îndivîdtîal coneernis wîth consultants or Si. Marys CBM staff whîle otbers fhlled out comment cards, about 55 of wbich were collected by the study team including members of the transportation consulting firm, BA Croup of Toronto. "Tbe meeting was very wel4 attended; we bad a steady streamn of people througbout the night," Paul Sarjeant, BAs senior transportation engineer, said of the tbree-bour ses- sion. Graham Flint, chair of Friends of Rural Communities and the Environmeni (FORCE), a grassroots group opposed 10 the quarry, made a similar observation. "There was a gond turnot, hie agreed, "despite the short notice and inconven- ieni location." Many residenis questioned the location of the meeting, noîing that tbe RBG is more than 20 km from the proposed quarry area, wbere the majority of affected resîdents lîve . But John Moroz, vice-president and general manager of St. Marys CBM Aggregates, suggested that future haul route meetings wîill be held nearer the site, especially sînce the coînpany is proposîng a smaller study area for the haul routes. One of the placards drawing a lot of inierest ai last week's meeting was a map of a proposed new sîudy area bounded by Campbellville Road, tbe 10ib Concession, Hwy 6 and Guelph Line. The study area proposed hy the City of Haiiilton's îermns of reference for the haul route study is much more encompassing, including an area from H"y 401 in the norîh îo QEW and Hwy 403 in the south, and from Hwy 6 in the west 10 Guelph Line in the easî. l'lhe transportation consultants justified the proposed reducton in tbe area by refemrng to the potential growtb plan for the Greater Golden Horseshoc which indicates the majority of construction projects over thc next 15 years will be in I-lton and Peel regions. That means the aggregaîe market wîll be primarily east of the proposed quarry with Hwy. 401 being the logical route for about 80 per cent of the project. Under ibis scenanio, the Campbellville area of Milton would bear the largest percentage of quarry truck traffic. Draît haul routes baven't yeî been identified but wvill be featured ai the second public meeting, likely in laie July or August, Sar]eant said. He predîcted ibat the study will con- clude in October. Quarry company criticized Flint criticized the companys move to reduce the study area, saying that the termis of reterence for the first public meeting clearly state uts purpose as being "to engage tbe pub- lic" and give residents an opportunity to identify concerns and issues about truck traffie. "Its not to bave ruled oui a large section of the sîudy area." He accused St. Marys Cernent of "blatantly disregarding the process" ouîlined in the termis of reference and said bie and many otbers were disappointed thai no presentations were made ai the meeting, contrary to guidelines in the termis of reference. "1 would bave liked to see a presentation and open discussion from the floor." Restricting questions from tbe public to a one-on-one witb consultants doesn'ît allow "for a public airing of the issues," hie cbarged. He also said that public notice in local newspapers dîd not ineet time deadlînes ouîlined in the ternis. In a letter to the Combined Aggregate Review Team (CARI) - a group with representation from the affecîed munîcipalities of Hamilton, Milton, Burlington and Halton Region - Flint detailed the aggregate companrys failure to abide by the termis of reference. "We bave a copy of bis let- ter," Sarjeani said. "AlI of bis comments will be taken 10 heart. We understand the level of frustration oui there and we will make every effort 10 accommodate concerns." Hamilton senior planiner Stan Holiday, who is working on Milton~~M itonpe i Ma sa eraputic massage CtUnîc Lindsey Jukes RMT, CST Lindsey bas been practicing massage tberapy for 6years and specializes in relaxation, treatment and pregnancy massage. Lindsey also practices r ~craniosacral tberapy Now booking appointments with daytime and evening hours. Check your extended health plan for massage therapy coverage for you and your family. Student & senior discounts available. 75~... Main St,.te.1. Mlto edial uilig :lni :ops Mon III - at 02 CosdSn the quarry application, said hie has askccl inhers ol C AR I and vartous groups, such as the Niagara Escarpment Commission, area conservation authorities and school boards, for thcir reaction bo "how the proponent has or bas not addressed requirements of the termis of reference" in the running of the first public meeting. lie expects responses by next week and will post them on the Citys wehsite. After reviewing the responses. the City wvill have a meet- ing wtth St. Marys officiais to discuss the baul route study The proposed reduction of the study area wilI also be a topîc at the upcoming meeting, Holiday satd. The secret is out! 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