he Canadian Champion, Tuesday, June 26, 2007 -A29 AI HOlA. OFER ON OF T E OS FEEFIEN N-PSOFVH GERETW I I e 31 GULP STRET GE\ORGETOWN e0@7@ý8 RS 905-874-302 rtpergelUI1U tULYuu 1-lga4LUn tu une You Win* PURCHASE FINANCING PURCHASE FINANCING ftf-ý ý.THý1FOR 36 MONT Startflg from 1690-,Starting from $14,980-R Tu the HondarpttioR o the Forula One track; rac-itopIred Hond. Soes raciRg Rorn Oreaon onty: to ternF how to bultd saler, bettet peotrtttin. moreO pRdO6O.~~~~~~~~~~~~fe ,.ttndhoioi ltIoptdotto td Ro-ffklRttt vehRtes. Wlth track-tetod too-to-drlve VTEC' powert pus Independeot sus- Ri-VTEOOperformance. rI6OttO ttntdiRR.ylus ink6td eter andRORIR FRlRilRdtoIttî~ ttîtîtPtt~Ot B N FT GREEN SAFE FUN pefrmne .0 0 ______________________ PURCHASE FINANCING PURCHASE i-INANCING i~ FOR36 ONTS 9 FOR, 36 MONTS SOarRing fmom $24.800 ot. StarRing ftttom $33,300 oo ACCORD ODYSSEY TheAccrds avanedI-VEC eninewih VrialeTimngonto à hightOy tOlth Frac-iRRpitrd VTEC' or lVE0performanceo. CRoRRiIs a primeR OtRmple of therFO6*-pFroRe eeit u Wlth IRRRvativR tRRRty features such as Vehicto Stabitlty Assit IRto RvRV HRRda. (VSA0) oolth TFrcion Cootrot. Odyssey keeps yR0 on the stralght t FASE APITi<cH% LEASt APR 2%CHECKERED FLAG EVENT nom, PURCHASE FINANCING j1091 36 O -S g î tI ~ Starting from $36.400 MSto- PILOT pRRO 0~00t~. ASL Mil Pllttsdvanced I-VTIEC0 and VTEC angine technology. and lis tional V6 fuet offtlRfltsy. both flowo dlreetty froRt tloRda'sRoprieRO oR the FI and IRI race circuits. Choose firoot a 2W0 or VTM-4ý 4WD sytRto the Pitt RORIR eve 00in Vouad sevRR frtlods ned In aR SUV s u0o OT. On ail Accords, Odysseys and Pilots T