Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 26 Jun 2007, p. 10

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A10 The Canadian Champion, Tuesday, June 26, 2007 ,Visionscapes brings ai types of gardens into bloom No project too big or too ~ k small: rural landscaper '«, 1 Là By Robin Downton-Poirier SPECIAL TO THE CHAMPION E vcryone bias a diflerent vision of what they would like their garden to bc. Some people like to bave lowers in every shape, size andl colour; some like to have a water feature; and somne wuuld like tu have a quiet place tu ait and relax. lt is Virginia Burîs job tu take those ideas and dreams [rom bier clients and turn them into a îecality. Burt, owner ut Caînpbell),ille arcbîîcîural landscape t inn Visionscapes, was în searclb ut a fle wvith more spiritual mrnng more bhau a decade ago wbeni she liad the idea lu mneld bier persolial quest witb bier career as a landscape archi- tect to create becaling gardens and spaces with rneaning. l was on a personal journcy looking tor surnething more. Eleven years ago 1 had an epiphiany tîtat rny peî sonal journey and rny professton nceded to corne together,' saîcl Burt. -Traditional landscape architecture didn't lultili ail rny wanîs and needs su I crcated a business thai builcîs and designs becaltng gardens and sacred spaces. Burt bas designcd gardens, both residential and commnr- cial, across Canada and tbe United States and is hoping lu travel beyund North America in the future to do mure. Tu date, she bas designed and buiît mure than 200 spaees rang- ing in size [romn 400 square feet tu 140 acres. She bas also designed labyrinths for therapeutir facilities as labyrintbs represent a journey and are used in therapy prugrams. Each design is a reflection ut the custumers vision incurporaîed with the uses, presenit and future, and the loca- tion ut the space. About 60 per cent of Burt's clients are residential uwners whu want to enjoy their pruperties to the tullest. First, Burt gels acquainted with the client and learns what is rnust important tu tbemn and what tbey would like tu have in their garden. She then designs the space taking intu consideration the way the bouse fluws [rom the inside to the oniside, the different views uf the space, and how the design clemenLs wtll cumplemfent eacb other. Each space is as unique as its uwner, saad Burt. "Every garden bas joys and gifla that it gives their uwner because it ta designed specifically wtth tbem in mind. 1 love brtnging their vision toto fruition and seeîng the juy it pro- vides tbem," she said. Businesses and urganizationa that need a design for a space that will he used by the public need to bc appruacbed differently, satd Burt. She added that anme need tu bc compleîed in phases as part ut a master plan, such as the grounds ufthIe Royal Military College ut Canada. HOW DOES VOUR GARDEN GROW?: Visionscapes bas created a myriad of gardens - some tradilional and ochers quite unusual - acroas Canada and the United States. Having gruwn up un an apple farmn in Brooklin, Ont. and receiving bier degree i landscape architecture frum the University of Guelph, Burt has always recugnized the impur- tance ut being ouîdoors and close lu nature. She strives tu bring the spirit uf hier client and the spinit ut nature tugether in eacb design, she said. Any garden can bc a healing garden or spirit garden because cach ta wuven with person and space," said Burt. l1 leel like a custudian helping peuple bning their dreains inb a reality 1 arn very lucky and 1 love rny job. How înany peuple get lu sec dreama corne truc un a daily hasts?" For more information un Visionscapes, visit ils wcbsîte ai www.spinithealinggardens.com or contact Virginia Burt at (905) 331-8375. 'ýHistoricaI impressionist to visit Campbellville Sun. Canada's fîrsi pnime minister, Sir John A. MacDonald, wîll be making an appearance in Campbellvîlle un July 1. Well, sort of. Sîartîng ai 2 p.m., aclur/imprcssionist David Mornis will present bais historncally accurate une man show as the beluved prime mînister ai the Village Green tin Camrpbellvillc (]usî norîh ut' the C(PR îracks, ai Guelph fine). Thiis trc event, which is open lu everyone. is being sponsored by Global Genealugy, and receive Cali us ana have $10 Off with your air conditioner this ad. ~Offer expires July 15th, 2007. SûrVicd by aOne coupon per customner. Quaifid Tchnciw Can flot be combined with any QualtiedTecnicin W other offers. IIEATING & COOLINGLTD. 103 Steeles Ave E # 6î i ~~~~Serving Milton & area MloO 9 K ..ý*. - r-» . ,,8 8"4 2 -. 4441

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