The Canadian Champion, Friday, June 22, 2007 - Al1 lmpaired driving charges laid -\Teen couple robbed by duo A Milton mai bas hecto charged with drunk driving after police responded to a ciii- zens complaint Saturday night. The vehicle was pulled over hy an officer at about 8:30 p.m. in the area of Hwy 7 and Sîxtb Line in Nassagaweya, police said. The driver was arrested and taken to the Milton police sta- tion. A 39-year-oid Childs Drive man bas heen cbarged witb impaired driving and having over tbe legal limit of alcobol in bis blood. Halton Regional Police are investigating a break-in at a fruit stand in Milton. Overufight, on March 2, sus- pects forced open the door to a fruit and vegetable statnd located at 80 Peru Rd. They proceeded ta rummage througb each of the tbree roms in the market before stealing a PoliceBlotter Expensîve equîpment swîped GPS equipment valued ai about $ 160,000 was siolen from a vehicle parked on McDowell Crescent last week. Unknown suspects broke into the locked 2007 Toyota SIJV ovemnigbt june 13. The stolen equipment bad heen used for surveying pur-poses. Two vehicles stolen overnight Police are investigating after two vehlicles were stolen on the samne night last week. In the first incident overnight. *1 ale- scale fromn the rear of the prop- erty Stolen was a 1950 Fairbanks Morse scale. The total Ios between the scale and damage is estimated at $550. Jone 1,3 atl uokilownl ..uspcci stole a 2008 Lexus worth $56,000 from a Laurier Avenue driveway The second vebîcle stolen that evening was a 1999 Honda (.ivic, which was swiped from a driveway on Roharts Dnive. Its valued ai $8,000. Shed broken into Thieves recently broke int a storage shed on a Regional Road 25 property. Unknown suspects entered the unlocked structure sometime hetween june 7 and 12 and made off witb more than $3,000 in assorted garden and home decor items. If you have anv' information that leads to an arrest in this or any other matter~ you may be cli- gible for a cash rev'ard. You will neser have to give your nome or testijy in court. Crime Stappers of Halton does not subscribe ta eaU display. Call 1-800-222-TIPS (8477) or visit wwiw.halton- crimestoppers-com. CANADIAN CHAMPION STAFF A robery attempt by a pair of thugs climing to, have a gun has ieft two teens shaken and police asking for the publics heip. Wednesday night at about 7:30 p.m., an 18-year-oid maie and his 15- year-oid girifriend were walking on the railroad tracks west of Bronte Street when they were approached by two maies. One of themn indicated he had a gun, ahthough it wasn't seen hy the victirus, said Det. Sgt. Murray Drinkwalter of Haiton Regional Police. "He threatened to shoot thbe individuals and demanded money," Dninkwaiter said. The two victims didWt comply and began walimg away The suspects left. more common, Dnnikwalter said- flot necessanily in Milton, but in gen- erai. ýWe've noticed a sharp increase in street-style robberies in the past few years and it concerrus us," lie satd. The fîrst suspect is described as a white maie about 16 or 17 years oid with a medium buiid, weigbing 12010o 160 pounds, and blonde hair. The second is a white maie, also 16 or 17 with a medium build. Hes about five-foot-six and weighs between 120 and 160 pounids. Both suspects were wearing black clotbin.g. Police are asking anyone with information to eall (905) 825-4777 or Crime Stoppers at 1-800-222-TIPS (8477). Stephanie Hounsell can be reached ai sthiessenCamiltoncanadialehampiol.coff B.a neighb@urho@d Po~r star with p.aka WIN yeu b s powv atmi' st'w .s'y .l oi th peaksavr progroU and allow jour local .ttIett utfltY t. efflO 40wn y.uv air Mei .Ispfflety sy14um. 'Vos II«Iy wat ua notice e eh» Iknl totnffatpo Mr ai.mfort #ovoI in your hasw MW y..'8 net a go"d '"ne baose y..',. holplms the environuIB*t. plus, you'll got $28 just fer elgalas up-bow cool la thati Viait *.ytW tO SP' te silps up. And thank for balngl a power star. MILT0O4 HYDRO 0RFý' Efflmmt«r MdN Ca'S nde 0Pom»MwSAdGlY m ob crmai of#i* OnoM PmwAtiMiiy 'Scale stolen from vegetable stand Swvitch TO Save! Itfs time to corne over to Fuels RESIDENTIAL 11êjFARM &~COMMERCIAL DIESEL *GASOLINE *FURNACE OIL Convenient Payment e Delivery Options Cali "11FUELS"I Today and SAVE! 905-528-0241 e 1-888-528-0241 "Fuels" is locally owned and operated pro viding dependable delivery since 1995.w Some conditions may apply