AS-The Canadian Champion, Tuesday, June 19, 2007 www F 487 laurier Ave-. 878-2881 Students get early jump on career exploration Infonmation fair held at WlI. Dick < By Stephanie Hounseli CANADIAN CHAMPION STAFF ays spent eugaged in shoot-outs, J)car chases and undercover sting operations. Thats the normal fe of a police officer, rtghit? Wroug. But to a grade 8 student who may have littie access to police ofhicers and lots of access to the remote control, perceptions cau he warped. A career fair held \Vedncsday' at Wl1. Dick Public Scliool was designed to help combat those misconceptions and give students clear infomation about vanious careers. Halton Regional Police Const. Drew Scott, who participated, said events like this - are definitely worth bis time. "Its important to try to, (give) an accurate portrayal of pohicing," Scott told tbe Champion, adding mucb of wbat students learn i tram shows like CSI. With Scott already a tamiliar sight around , . the school - as a regular visitor with tbe education services unit - he was the natu- y,<. raI pick for tbe task. "ItIs neyer too, early to start thinking about a career," he said. Parents were invîted tel take part in the fair, witb students splitting into small groups and asking questions. Wide array of options The list uf professions represeuted was varied. Besides Scott, there were a nurse, artist, accountaut, real estate agent, engifleer and more. One of the topics toucbed on during the aftemoon was the importance of volunteer- ing and the edge it can give joh or universi- ty/college applicants. lis sometbing the grade 8 students will GAA AN AAINCAPO soon be thinking about, since when tbey hit EXPLORING CAREERS -UP CLOSE AND PERSONAL Above, WlI. Dick Sehool's Madi Brew takes the blood high seboal tbey'll be required to, amass pressure of fellow eighth grader Amnandla MacFarlane as registered nurse Deborah Skalinder offers some assistance during community service bours. Wednesday's career fair At right, social worker Sandy Ma spoke ta the students about volunteering. Volunteering and careers are two tapies that go band in hand, explained vice-princi- deal of," Danielli told her yuung audience, Ma started by telling the students a bit hours, Halle didu't bave to tbiuk barc pal Kevin Waldhillig. explaining one ot ber recent volunteer jobs about ber job, and then explained how vol- shes going to continue to work "Parents wtll be talking (at this event) was to co-ordinate the entertainment liueup unteering eau actually belp studeuts get au youuger kids in sebools. about their careers sud tbe types ut educa- at tbe recent Downtown Street Party idea ut wbicb career to pursue. 1I like kida. Tbeyre cute," she said. tional experienees (students) migbt need. Volunteening time, energy and talent is 'Volunteering ofters an opportunity to, Wadden said career taira are impot Volunteering might be part ut that," be extremely rewarding, sbe said, and sbe sample jobs you migbt not tbink you're because they get students tbinking abou noted. encouraged tbe studeuts to start tbiuking interested in," sbe explained. future. Two speakers diseussed the many aspects about wbere tbey'd like to volunteer in bigh Among those attendiug tbe career tair As for ber desired career, Wadden n ot volunteering at tbe opening assembly - sebool. was i 3-year-old Halle Wadden, whos end up tollowing Danielli's example, t Halton sebool board trustee Donna Danielli 'You'l bave the opportunity to make a already gotten ber teet wet volunteering hy she bopes to organize events tor a livini and volunteer and social worker Sandy Ma. difference in your sebools and your commu- belping out witb a kindergarten elasa. Wben Stephanie Hounsell can be reache "Volunteering is something 1 du a great nity" she said. it cornes to ber required eommunity service witb rtaut t the uigbt ,ine d at L4 Programmmng Scecauie - Tuesday, June 19 - Monday June 25,21I Thusda Jue 2 FrdayJun 2 Saurdy, une23 undy ar R 24S~ Plna iA A'n 25 I ?Y}COGECO Cogeco Cable Channel fluly Local Television 0a - 1 SopA Plue In' EXTRA 8:Sam E 1:1Imn RgW In' EXTRA i SOPA SposSEIRE LACe T 0pA RatiES Hl;CEAAX 5111M . - as~ 8:84R TIIIIIII11I( 8 ltio ASto ERpoRs (ESLu 4 0m-70p t P ge d IE EXTRA NORTHI HALTON STUDIO (ctapA HIft u iXSRAl T S0pA SRPlu HafiSTR Laurier Plaza 500 Laurier Avenue tSARpm MiAlAgA Raîged EXl EXTRA Mifton, ON L9T 4R3 905-878-9306 PESER8 m-6A Innss PItEm PMgg. EXTRAtR Ta -A1 A Plged IXI EXTRA Ttipm - i1 CogecXSpoSe In! ~ EXTA 8 pi 1 a PlgAi InX EXTRA ma 0 P eAi ng HamiltonRR (Xi~~RTe TttpA eit5AS 8lgA Otto EXR MdnnghA Mdisgii inle EXTXRAHARA R 1i41711pt LRRRAISR 1 SAs AIE5A 1 RAm- 0m geS InX EXTRA il0p -aR 8 iERIR Pgil 5I EXTRA 1 om-Mt lge R XR ti Iph lg XR ii - 1 XEPA PIAggeX In EXTRA 9,0pmA MidnAght PIU9eX sn EXTRA i -