AIS - The Canadian Champion, Tuesday, June 19, 2007 Inspiring night T he hate continues, Showing ihey have ahsoluiely net intention ot np1 in the liglie agaiis cancer. Miltiian'.-ý descend-l cd en the faiigîîînnds iii tilt lti-e li-ii t' pasi t elcc' Relay for litle. T he third animal ev.ciii ence agaîn drew ronghtyý 1,300 participants anti - wîth pledges stitl coming in ai press time - hias raîsed a record $260.000 se lar. These are rnighty inspîî - ing figures, hcut ne mere se than the one associted wNith the events grovi ng paper chan te represent the collc- tive tutmher ef vears lcocal snrvtvots have tîved tancer frec - sshich is now cip te 500. Jest tink ahout that- 50 \eaars of' hitlitt.iss, tiis \ci saries. C.hristmascs and untelti ethet spec i.l nieniti ts. Il ihai dcest encoucrage peeple te l'cep sippertiig Ilic cauîse tiir te stit iliti se sv.e dtIe Isitis'v. sltiai si 0il cetit s a laiii gi ouds trticî cii stlliclliew tiIe lest lii'I et ee' ieiiiiitlIctL cis tihait iîcs stitl ail axviulty lonig way te goi in the fight against cancer.. But its tiet exactty the one-stded contesti h once was.\' tntiv are inaking a tient tn this horrihle disease, and with enongh teainwerk atid cieternîtnationtî here rnav acîtttvl cor-ne aî day whien WC'. put canteri tieown ftir Ilhe cîsent. litt iheti .iris prîigreis WCe etipis n iiitîatiet lîew stîli - ilakes e' e i îe Relay lor tif îlmoire i han 'sec so îîct îl exi vear. Readers Write- E- mail yotu letters te rnultonixl@haltonsqeaich crn. GreenCart plan great for Halton DEAR EDITOR: Everyone whe t'. ltpiiîg fer a long-tcrm, suîstaiîsahle wste soltioen was ne doutîh glad te, hear that Hatton Region ha'. Ioliowed many other municipalities in choos- mng the GreenCari program. Whîie some in the rural area are stil1 not sure that it ts needed where thev have lots of ront te coîmpoîst, the nrhan and hamilet areas tertainty need it. We must keep tîrganit niatertal tont osf the taîîdfitt. Carhon is held in tue coint- pested niatertat fraîhet than released te the attsîîîsphere te attelerate clîmate change. Wsiiii the Tewni of' Markhani usîng kîtchen waste separatîtîn tcî reach 75 per cent waste diversion, surely Halten can de as welt, and wxith a lijule sweat even reach 85per cent. ,.\fter inuch tritîcîsîsi, frets ai certain Milton resident. of the current cornposttng facîti- ty liai ilton ha'. heen îîsîng in ise.rhy Arthutr lot the (,reenCart demonitiation protect, three memhers 01 Proteet Que Water and Envîrenmental Reseurces (PO.WE.R.) vssted the wetll rcîn operation. Compost si' arraniged i windows on a cotîcrete pad s entîlated thruîugh the hittîni hy air pumped in. The win- dews are covered with Gore- Tex, speeding up the cempost- îîîg protess aidscl tnrîllîîîg odeurs . enmpost t'. then hagged and sold. The GreenCart program is aise une step in avetding ait incineratuîr in the centre tif our regien at the Miltion land- [iii. The huge cost, the smatl amhit of energy produced atîd tie polltutioin frin deadty dioxîn and nano-particles that threaîeîî our lnngs atîd niti- ntateiy the hraîn, sheuld hie reasons enough for the Region te stop the plans thai have heen moving steadily toward an incinerator. Regarding the yuck [acter of separating ones garhage', irankty 1i musi say gel a grip. Ten minutes carier it was oit vonr dinner plate. Now însîead tif scraping the pîlate tie, tire garhage, yent scrapc it itîto the (lreeti3art. Thts shund hc laîrîs easy. lIl hut ihai a t 0-} ear-otd coctld tiandie nt BARBARA HALSALI. PAST PRESIDENT PROTECT OUR WATER AND ENVIRONMENTAL RESOURCES (P.O.W.E.R.) Careless driving in parking lot is much regretted DEAR EDITOR: This letter gees ont te the lady wiîh whom t nearly collided in the C.anadian Tire parking lot thîs past Wednesday. Eîrst, let me tîffer tiy sinceresi apologies. Yen were ahselutety correct that i was in the wrong. When 1 saw the terrified look of the chîld in yeur car just hefore our near-impaci, il hrought te, mind that 1 aise had my youîtg son in the car with me and that there could have heen serieus consequences for us beîh. Thankfully, ne one was injured, hut it was a seherîng remînder tof how quickly an accident can happen, espetiatiy wlsen one is net paying attention, as clearly 1 was net. There are ne excuses for my actions. When ytît are drîvîng ytîu mtust he ateri and in toit irol oif ytîur vehîicle ai ail limes. Yen had every rîght te be upset and if 1 were on your end 1 wouid have undouhtedly feut the samne. If anything yen have given me a wake-up call in drive more carefuliy in the future. PAUL BALDASSARI ANDERSON AVENUE Remnoval of ChiIds Drivelçn crossing major concern DEAR EDITOR: 1 have concernas with tise impending removai of the pedestrian crossing between the seniors'centre and maIl on Childs Drive. 1 was told a sîudy done lasi April found it didn't warrant a crossing being there. Since then we have had an increase in traffic from Thompson Road. i dontî fee tisai one study is enough as tisis crossing us used hy many seniors te gel te tise centre and Ailendale. Residents of Ailendale use it in wiseelchairs te gel ici the mail. Dnary Park seniors use it when walkîng te the mail. Residents of Haiton Wornis Place use il. With this crossing being used by four groups of mostly senior residents, 1 féed something else shouid be put in place hefore the old crossing is taken down. And to suggest, as il was to me, tisat everyone couid cross at tise ligis at childa and Ontario Street la not - in my opinion - a satisfactory anawer. il would be especiaiiy isard to do tisai if you're in a wiseelchair and have îo make lit 10 thse main entrance of the maIl, which is a far busier area. L.et2s keep the crossing for people who really need it because of siower movemnent. D. GOULO LEDWITH DRIVE Mt3jc aîabin cb5lapion 555 Industria Di. Mil1ton, Ont. L9T 5El 905-8978-2341 Editonial Fax: 905-878-4943 Advertising Fax: 905-876-2364 Classified:905 875-3300 Circulation- 905-878-5947 www.n-,ü Publisher Nesi Oliver Advertising Director Wenidy McN îb Managing Editor Kaiten Micehi Production Manager Circulation Manager Office Manager TIrC, The Canadian Champion, pubiished every Tuesday and Friday, is a division of Metroiand Media Gniup Ltd. Groîîp Publisher tan Oliver Adii, y,s, s a,,eiîii onth 1a n h Pviiiîiiit ft prpiiiîl orrii ihali itiiid'ui il h ipl,ii î,e iiiwn" t .tuufa"" iui uit 15, (haiîî îur in th, aîadu ettîîîW1iiuidiiii1, CCAB Audited OnNA ta rio cmuiiiiiy i(N eeîinuuî.i Assotiti *< SiiîîbanNspapen, UNITWAYW OF MILTON TV AiiCTION MILTON SANTA CAUS PARADE YYMCA Slsowcase Mitoiîs <Awardî JA/fý1 ( (mil WA( io N 1 Jingle Befl Fund