Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 19 Jun 2007, p. 28

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28 - The Canadian Champion. Tuesday Junoe 1g, 2007 e e : *Index: Real Estate 100-135 a Business 14i 6 lRentais 170-196 e Leisuoe 200-239 a Community 240-299 N Fax: 905-876-2364 Email: classitied@mitoncaladiachamlpiolcomf ci Merchandise 300-385 e Auto 400-470 e HeIp Wanted 500-57bt Mon. to Fri. 9am-5pm BONUS! Ail classified ads also appear on www.hatonsearch.com * Services 700-795 For CIRCULATION cati: 905-878-5947 Ad suhmission by mail or in person: The Canadian Champion, 555 iidustrial Drive. Sale Doar nd Fluor, Milton, ON 1.91 5E1 Deadlies:lMus il a.m. for Tues, publication, Thurs, 1ilTarnfor For. publication, Special Featiire &Hliday deadlines may vary Paymeet: Wo accept cash, choque, lnterac. Visa, MasterCard. Anrerîcani Express. Ail ails placad are nan-relandable and no credit wilI be jssued. Business accounits cani ho openod wifh an approved credif applicatiori availahie lrom yoiir Sales Consultant, CHECK VOUR AD THE FIRST DAY IT RUNS f0iito tire oinration isicorrect, Coitînt yoîîr Sales Consultant wîthîn 24-Hnurs if an orrur appoars. An otrur in a Foi, publication must ho reporfed vo late than Mon. 11 arn. Fuan Fo etý Fo or CoioEvants Events 5-DAM country hon- MILTON Studio roum g lowî, 2-car garage fur ment, f5 Lino ho- 24o40' wsrkshop. twoon hfh and t hth o l g an Sleelesl6fh lino. MILTON townhousO 3 Sîdeovad. Furnîshed. St 600/mth + afîlîities. hedruom, 4-appliances. 3-pioco bath, uwo en U niversity No dogs. avaîlable Aug. garage. $1 ,32Slmfh, franco. $hhOimt h .a ua 1ts. 905-875-7004. Fiont/Laut, plus utiîties. 905-876-3018. r d a e BIRTHDAY BIRTHDAY __ _ _ _ Avaîlablo îmmodiatoly. __________ CaLTO Davooo ý -' 905-878- MILTON. Largo ratim, Our special MItONy190s. de-bo 54'4. cloan, quiet bouse. tached. Stainloun steel OAKVILLE- 2,3&4b- Sharo kîtch-G c 1ub s ' a ppliancos, 2nid floor ronm townho0o enlbathllaondrypaOk- ; * u ff 4 laandry, foncods yard. anaîlablo îmmodiaty îng. Suifs mature n Acrosu from sptashi pad thogh July lt. 4 pl-smoking male. $450. sees PIX P Yand park, close f0 onces, Hopedale Mil 905-875-f1518. Ou f e.sohoots, bus/Go. area. Lakeshoro Manage- -wîil run Sf ,65Olmfh + utilîtios. mont 905-876-3336 Ioorl eAnaîlable îmmodely1 àelr Tuesday, June 26th, 2006 * m Rub 416-949-5794.W' PelNaICe L u u ry H o m e M o n d a y f 0 F r d a y ( i t r c . foiw arei i 06 ZOO tlaeji RENTERS Refit tftis 9 arn f05 pm 87 .2 4 sw Véra Riley i, n opgrades, mie lîke a U f Camperaie Caroedïe sFia jkinaclbainof he s.Fomiflont t rilr ie June 22nd at 4pm. alasmblStrajn 3deof#3202. Won't tout 1991 PALM AIRENo ortias4 rdpeae z it8 O tri Sret R ma ea st Cenre i - 3 bedrooms, lining room, dînîng rom, 4 piece Phone: 905-8718-234" _______m____a_________yrýarerfbiUg a - ah it oreli toit et, 20 galion electrîn bot Fax. 905-876-2364 MITN dtce aertnfl iefrîdgo, 4 borner propane Emrait. Betwisies only le W6se og 4bdm -ah sf000 wîfh oven, propane furnace, microwaoocasied room, 1900sq.ft. onon. Ene1Hu FrSae Aaraents & wziApartmrents & Aarments à 6appi., besîde park - Contractor constraotod addition, csntractor in- milttiicanadiacanpirv.cni 611111HmFrSler-n lt o en o et sopn mai stalled lamînato tloorîng dono in Aprl of 2007 in n8 -U~ Rai-FasFrfn $f6hOlmth nogotiablO + living room & dînîng room, patio doors ouf fo Fii8or.*[~d~ MILTON 4-bedrosmn, ail MILTON largo t -bdrm ACTON 2-beoor ufîlîtios. Cali 4f10-931- o 8' front dock, 2 storogo sheds, satelite dinh, brick detached home avaitabie Joly tsft 1&2- apartmrrenf j050 let MILTON 8704. new 25 yoar rouf insfalle l ast fait, 2 oir condi- c0 with double-car garage bedroom avoulable Au- $88Olmonf h ufîlîfies or- Downfown ___________ fners lune in living orea. one iv master bod- on a premniom lot, guf t. Prom $sooymfh ciuded. Quiet Building, large 2-bedronm ACO ugao Icue alisdoodotdo unîhnu F580. $445.000. 905- + parking. Cati 416- No-pets. 192 Churchill aparfimonf, prinofo bodroamlbungaow with boddîng, dishiles, pots & pans, gos bboq, rakes, 878-4467 or nisif 723-4801. Road South. Cati 519- onfranico, parking, garage. Fînîshod roc. shovels, iodder, wheel barrel and more. Ail pou http://www.propertysotd 0 53-1281. appliances & rom. need f0 brîng is pour clothen and grocetiOsi .col 283 -blinals inctudeal. $1 ,282lmonth Plus Sîtuated an a beoutiful treed, oner-sized sea- ~jj jj j~ -e ATCOURTdoo $1 .O50ymth + ufltinPrtislrdt sonal lot at Gullinot's Lake & Park, 792 Safari Tounhsousas apartmont Match tn1 t. hydro. Anaîtoblo check. Col 519-853- Road, Mîlgrove, Ontario. (Only 3 miles from Fa2 Salat Street $B70lmonfh utîlitios ti- moaiet. 0336. Afrîcan Lion Safari). Lut bocks onto grossp field. SuhMit n o-potsd. Qu92 Curildig imI&iIat A MILTON Close f0 No-tud. Quie Bhurildng 416-708-7633. Great swîmming, beautiful beach wîth lite schoolshoppitg, We are nom, Roa Sot.Ct1 ACTON. 4-bedronm gurds on daty, snack bar, picnic aroas. A tami- cloen CIA, Contrat accephing 853-oth 281. 519 GEORGETON ol houno. dlean spocious, y orientoal park wît h lots of actînîtron for chiidren 41 Vac 5apiroce, p- applicafions for. 5-21 TeO WN 3beow l ppiiy and talens; alîko, along with dances, bingo and grades. 581 Chids Orive. Apartianta ONTW upe leve and loft $1,200/month plu 2/3 othot family activities throiîghout the soason. $195,000. Pur appoint- Pot more information twlre-bdom front baicony. Wash- utilit ion (damug o hspasltte adi ut ment 905-076-0428. andior f0i mak an tobnth g 1-b ridrye hok p. o spuit). No pets. Roter- -$24.000 fîrm Business aponbnn, includes appîr- sn m o k i n g y p e r s ' onces. Avoulable Au- Seri 9-5as onurue 905ypl299-1a228 Oppartunîlies appoinfmentng No $1,200lmonth includos gant ltf Colt 4f6-409- 956952 r992912 Mm ppranceess pkingt. cei utilîtios. Avoulable July 4370. Ilec - 073r1174asfirete JOB ut hom 847.68 Woekiy. Assemle Pro- ucbs, Mail on Computer Work. Froe Defaîls www.TopJobReview.om wnf o CHRJobs: 372 Ri- dou Sf, #916, Ottawa ON, KlN 1G7 Rfe# At5 t 800-351-5120 $$ S$CON SOL iDAT E $6$$ bad credif, tai mort- gage armoais, seit-em- pioyed 100%/ Murfgages, don't puy 150 Programi' Ontario-Wide Pinanciat Corporation 1-888-307- 7799 ACTON APART- MENTS nery diean, quiet building with tous- drylfaciifli on site. 1 & 2 bedruum units nerp spa- cius. Open 7 dayu & enenittos. Same day appruval. Cati 1-519-853- 4374 wwvareal-uiar.06 DOWNTOWN MILTON Mitlside Towers 82 Milteide Drive. Attractine quiet bud- ing. Spacîous brîght clous 1&2 bedroom- unîts wîth lauodry facilitp and suerai ruam on site. Rglrersîdont eventv Open 7 dupe & eventifos CaIt 906-876-1249 www.reêlstar.O5 1-BEDROOM George- town $750lmonth plus utilities. New paint, windows, courtier, stone and flooting. Anailabte Now! Aduits oniy. No pets/smoking. Cati 905-450-0517. ACTON t bedroom apartment Anaitabte Jane lut. 200 Churchill Road, Southt. No pots. Cai 519-853-0087. onces, Avaîlabie imme, diafeiy. Cali 905-077- 4427. GEORGETOWN t- bedrsom aporfniont AiC, parking. $BOOimonbh inclusine, 102 Main Street, Saufth. Avoulable Juiy tsft. Firsf/bantefer- oances. Cati 905-507- 4982. GEORGETOWN 1 bedroom banomont aparfment. Vory spa- cioon, brîghf, wîfh swn andry, parking, -epar- afe enfrance. No smok- ingidogs. Anaîlable wm- mediafely. $85Oimont b inctudes ufilifies. Cati Gong 416-625-3668. GEORGETOWN 1 - bedroom, main 1filr Prieaf e, wiib yard. Weil mainiainied. JutO lt. No smoking. Cati 416- 571 -4228190 5-873- 4981. alter 8:00 Pm CHARMING 4-bdom Maftamy homo Lrg cornet lut, acrova trom park & pondlwooded lot, Many upgrades (înci. fitoplace, ensuite bath). Avoulable 7- 18. $1teOimth. Cati 510- 301-4854. A South Milton 3-bdom country bungalow, $1300/mth + ufilitieS. Sandp Dalton 416-562- 7626. MILTON 3-bedroori bouse seat school, t- cor garage. Available Jane. $1 .400imfhv otilifies. 905-875-3750. MILTON New 3-bed- roemn bosse. Avoulable Juty it. $1 .Ss0ymfh + utiites. 418-938-2124. lown. i plus bedrooni on main tîvur oi house dockiyard parking co f00 cars. Suif profes sional nîngieicoupl $gSOimonbh plu utîlîfios. Avoulable JanE Cati 905-877-6362. RURAL propeot 8-minutes north i Georgowon. Largo bodroorn Century hon on t-acre. Bocks on park, 20-foot atone fit. place. 8 minutes Georgetown. $t1,45 monfh. No pets, no smoking. Referenor ploane. Pirsfdast. C. 416-888-5721 or 51 833-2573. MILTON, Jane lut. bdrm towshu s-appt., $l2SO/th otilities. 1tfltdi. 9f 878-3701. Y. Tovey, Scotf and Leanne (nee1 of Coombe are ploosod fo announco the 3e bief h of thoîr son Aiden Michael Darry lu woighîng 8 pounds S ounces af Milfon e- District Hospital on Tuosday, Juno 12f h. f0 2007 ut 7:11 p.m. Aides is molcomoal by o/ excifoal têruf tino grandpuronts Miko anal n- Kathy Tovoy and noteran grandiparents an Barry andl Judy Cooabo. Af so cotobrat- ail ing are Great Granalmoibors Doris Tonoy 9- andl Madetine Wright andl Great Grand- tather Sieno Nickiing. Aidon witi bo f onea - by aunts andl uncf es; Jenniter/Simon, Heafher/Chris. Jordan/Anif a andl by cousins; Atesandria, Mitcholf, Bronwyn -.. anlHarrison. titll wouid flike to thank tfhe 3- Milton Centre for WomenIs Heath, Dr. s0. Ralasingharu and the tanfastic nurses ai + MDH. Speciai thanks tu Emma, Jossee, 05 Jacitie. Donna and Befh. 1

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