HOMEAN The Canadian Champion, Tuesday, June 19, 2007 - A21 ~~ prodacts, we can keep Miftoirand' nar'planet a healthy, beaatfl place ta live j Fr** A"nIsml Five steps to a healthy Iawn (NC)-Just follow these five easy steps to keep your lawn at its best: 1. Start with a good soil preparation. If you're starting a new lawn, youll neyer regret the invest- ment you make now in improving the soil. Grass grows best in a well-drained blend of topsoil, sand and organic matter several inches deep. Remove any hard packed patches and rake out old thatch to allow the grass to "breathe". Top up with a special- ly formulated soil for lawns such as C-l-L Triple Mix Plus. It contains composted manure, peat, as well as fertilizer for improved root development. 2. Overseed your lawn every year. Mark Cullen, one of Canada's leading gardening experts, recom- mends over-seeding your lawn each spring with a quality grass seed. 1I do this every spring to heIp fill in bare spots in my lawn. Overseeding helps reduce weeds too." 3. Fertilize four times a year. Recent research has shown that fertilizing four times a year will actually reduce the amount of weeds in a lawn. A well-fed lawn can actually out-compete many of those annoying lawn weeds. Some people only fer- tilize their lawn in the spring. However, lawns need a steady supply of nutrients throughout the season to stay green and healthy. In particular, don't forget the fali fertilizer application. It's one of the most imortant feedings. Cullen recom- mends applying faîl fertilizer in September or October to strengthen your lawn over winter aend give it a jumpstart in the spring. 4. Control broadicaf weeds. Weeds will com- pete with grass for soil nutrients. If your lawn only has a few weeds, you can pull then by hand. Be sure to fill in bare spots with grass seed before more weeds sprout. If your lawn is over-run with weeds, then an application of Lawn WeedOut in May, June or September will quickly bring weeds under control. 5. Control insects. White grubs, chinch bugs, leather-jackets, ants and many common insects could destroy your Iawn if conditions favour them. A well-fertilized lawn is your best defence against insect damage. Healthy roots will recover faster after an infestation. For serious infestations, you may need to apply a lawn insect control product such as GrubOut. Timing is very important; be sure to read the label directions carefully. Once the infestation is under control, repair the damage with grass seed and fertilizer. &gftoyubythe aat~ rs A0ton C&"ad Day Cmmhlte .. whsuppoifom.. ma, V flmu V "" 10M=100 -tagUe 1 . www.cilproducts.ca. 0.84 sponuor: am Utif MOHAWK »wý §-ýÇ. t 'nnStO ip up your garaens Witi iiiiJiLii1! Right at th .e east end --of -Main St. Hours: Mon-Fri:7-7 *Sat: 9-7 *Sun.10-5 La W on "on apng Ld . 'I